When Yu Luo returned to Shishan, Ye Jiamei pulled Yu Luo to ask about the origins of those people. Yu Luo looked at Zhang Hu and others beside him before looking at his mother.

"Don't worry, everyone, these are the same people we met last time in the mine on Jiuchong Mountain.

They were captured by the bandits and went to mine. Now that the government has eradicated the bandits, they went to the wild land together. "

"What? Those miners?!"

As soon as Yu Luo finished speaking, the crowd immediately exploded. When they thought of the mine, everyone's expressions changed.

"Yes, they are also poor people. They were captured and worked as coolies for several years in vain. Now they have a home and cannot return. They will probably live with us in the future. I have made an agreement with them to help me in the future. I will pay them money every month to open up wasteland.”

As soon as Yu Luo said these words, everyone who was originally shocked by the origins of those people changed their expressions again!
Hu Xia, a relative of the Bai family, hesitated for a while, but still couldn't hold it back. She walked directly to Yu Luo and asked anxiously.

"Xiaoluo, according to what you said, there are so many people helping your family to open up wasteland. Then, from now on, you won't want us as people anymore?"

"Yes, Xiaoluo, you promised us before that as long as we open an acre of land, we would give you ten taels of silver. Now you suddenly hired so many people. Then, won't we have no work to do in the future?"

After Hu Xia finished speaking, her sister-in-law Liang Yue hurriedly asked.

Although Hu Xia's face was burning when she said these words at this time, but no one will be punished for his own sake. She knew that she was a bit of a moral kidnapper, but she still wanted to fight for some benefits for herself and her family, otherwise they would not be able to survive in this wilderness in the future. How to live?

"With more than 100 of you, how many acres can you farm in a day?"

"Five acres."

Yu Luo did not directly answer Liang Yue's words, but calmed down and asked a question.

As soon as she finished speaking, Liang Yue blurted out.

And Yu Luo knew that almost everyone present was in the same mood as Liang Yue.

"Five acres of land is based on the price I gave you before, which is 50 taels of silver, 50 taels of silver. Even if there are a hundred of you working on it, it will be almost more than 500 taels of silver per person per day, and they only need one tael of silver a month. After all, it’s only over [-] yuan, shouldn’t I use it?”

As soon as Yu Luo said this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. They knew that their chance to make money from Yu Luo would probably end today.

"Hey, Xiaoluo is right. Others ask for low wages, so why doesn't Xiaoluo use others? Don't worry, everyone. If it were you, would you still be stupid enough to pay dozens of taels for nothing every day?"

Seeing that everyone had different thoughts, their expressions became solemn. Although no one directly broke up with Yu Luo, Yu Qiang could see that most people were extremely unhappy.

From a fair point of view, he sighed, looked at everyone, and said this very simple truth.

Everyone knows this, but they are still confused. “Is this how the so-called promotion of rice and the struggle of rice and enmity come about?
Did our family treat you too well before? Do we still have to pay high wages to support you? "

Yu Luo saw that everyone didn't speak after Yu Qiang's words, and they were obviously unhappy. She immediately became rude and said the most straightforward words, regardless of whether they were unpleasant or not.

"Xiaoluo, I admit that we are a little unhappy. After all, you said early this morning that you would continue to use us. Now our jobs have been taken away by these people. How can we live in the future?"

After hearing this, Zhao Qiuyue was not afraid of offending Yu Luo. She immediately stood up regardless of her husband Liu Mingxia's stop. She looked at Yu Luo and expressed her dissatisfaction.

When Zhao Qiuyue spoke, the others who were too embarrassed to speak also nodded in agreement.

During this period, Yu Luo scanned the faces of these people one by one. She also wanted to see how many people were dissatisfied.

Fortunately, only a few women in Zhao Qiuyue's family were somewhat emotional, while the others only had sad looks on their faces, but they were not really dissatisfied.

Maybe they are really worried about how they will live without income in the future.

"Aunt Zhao, our family can't always be taken advantage of, right? So if you want to make money, you can also become a long-term employee of our family.

The monthly money I give them is one tael of silver per month. Since we are all going through a difficult time together, I can give you 14 taels of silver per month, but I will not accept it from those under [-] years old.

In fact, my family originally planned to stop you from continuing to open up wasteland after the sowing season. My parents and I also discussed it and wanted to give you a long-term income-earning job. After all, those crops will also need people in the future. Management, so your becoming our parent employees was originally planned.

Don't think it's unfair. The arrival of these people was unexpected. You probably don't know yet. Before we came here, my uncle actually helped us build a city around the land, right?

And those of you who share the same hardships as our family will definitely go to live in the city in the future. I will let people build houses for you, and even give you the opportunity to do business in the city.

The arrival of people like them can also speed up the construction of the city for us. In the future, we will have an extra layer of protection in this wild land, and there will be many opportunities for you to make money in the future. "


These people will know these things sooner or later. Now they are panicking and have lost the opportunity to make money. How will they survive in the future? If I reveal it to them appropriately, it can be regarded as adding some confidence to them at this time when they are lost and confused.

Without hope, who of them will still try to survive and work hard in the future?
Yu Luo didn't want to spend money to hire them as long-term workers, just to kill time. She had to give them hope, even if it was painting cakes, she had to start painting!

"What city? What does Xiaoluo mean? Why can't we understand?"

Everyone started to pull Yu Luo and ask questions, but Yu Luo didn't want to explain it too clearly to them. After all, she didn't know whether the city would be built in the end.

"You will know then. Think about it today. Anyway, there are adults in every household. My arrangement is also for long-term considerations. If you are not willing to become a long-term worker in my family, I will naturally not force you. In fact, You can still have a full stomach by clearing up wasteland on your own. If you don’t have grain seeds, I will sell them to you just the same, but I will only give you one day to think about it.” (End of Chapter)

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