After saying that, Yu Luo looked at Zhang Hu, "Let's go back first. The more than 1 people still need to be arranged. You can take care of it here while I go back to order the supplies. I have to contact my uncle and the others."

"Okay, please be safe, young lady, I will make arrangements."

Yu Luo asked the silly man to use Qinggong to bring his father and the strange beast, while she took Ye Jiamei and Yu Xiangxiang, and they headed towards the mansion.

Seeing the disappearing figures of a family of three, the faces of several family members became even more sad.

"What is this Xiaoluo selling for? What city is she talking about? Isn't this barbaric land only closed to the city? What do you mean!"

Zhao Qiuyue murmured in a low voice, and Liu Mingxia felt angry thinking about how rashly she had just acted, so he dragged her towards his cave.

Upon seeing this, the Liu family hurriedly followed, but all their faces were full of melancholy.

The people from the Bai family followed Bai You back to the cave. After a while, the only people from the second and third bedrooms of the Yu family were left outside Shibi Mountain.

"Dad, I have decided to do this long-term work. Xiaoluo and her family don't owe us anything. She is right. The land reclamation work will be completed sooner or later. Only the management of the crops will be completed year after year. Day after day, endless work, this is also a long-term income.

After all, in this wild land, we don’t know what year or month it will take before we can leave, so we must be fully prepared.Besides, idle time is idle. I can earn two taels of silver a month, and I can also help Xiaoluo and the others look at their crops. It is better for us people to put Xiaoluo at ease than those who come from the mines. "

As soon as everyone left, Yu Yongjun directly told Yu Qiang his plan in front of his family.

Yu Qiang nodded, "Indeed, Xiaoluo actually made this decision, so she is not helping everyone. She has done her best to be able to do this, but there are still people who are holding on to her."

"Hey, they probably didn't understand it for a while. Fortunately, everyone didn't make much fuss, otherwise it would really have chilled the hearts of Xiaoluo, Er Ge and their family."

Yu Yong just thought about everyone's expressions just now and couldn't help but sigh.

"In this case, I think our parents will stay in the cave and take care of the children from now on. We, the two brothers, will take Qiao'er to work together. There are five people in the family working together, and there will be ten taels a month. That’s 120 taels of silver in one year. Such an amount is unthinkable in our hometown.”

Listening to the eldest daughter-in-law Wang Ying's suggestion, everyone agreed, but Yu Qiang shook his head, "Dad at my age, I work the same way in my hometown, and I will go too. In this way, our family will have more than 20 people a year." With an income of 20 taels, these more than [-] taels of silver will be enough to buy daily necessities in the future. With the money you earn, we can save more. Regardless of whether we can go back in the future, if we save more money, we will always have one more way out. "

"Forget it, Dad, I think you shouldn't go. You are already in your fifties. Mom is at home alone, so we are not worried. Besides, there is no shortage of manpower in Xiaoluo now, and there is no shortage of manpower. Even Xiaoluo can't use it."

The third bedroom had already made a decision, while the second bedroom was filled with sorrow. Especially Liu Lan, who had been beaten severely by Yu Luo's subordinates, was even more furious. "This Yu Luo family is so evil. They set all the conditions. Why! If you want us, take us. If you want to exploit us, exploit us. Are you all stupid? Their whole family was here just now. What are you doing? No one farts to object? I just saw it at the entrance of the cave. Only a few women, Zhao Qiuyue, are objecting. Are you men just eating shit? It’s useless at all. "

"Mom, can you speak less? Isn't your mouth bleeding? Two of your teeth are missing, and your words are unclear. We can't hear what you are saying at all."

Yu Chunmu was already in a bad mood. His sister was betrayed by his mother like that, and he was still angry. Now that his mother has no memory at all, she has started acting up again. Yu Chunmu, who was already irritable, I couldn't bear it immediately.

"Oh, you stinky boy, what's your attitude towards me now? I don't know what's the use of being angry with you for being such a coward. You're just watching Yu Luo's people beat me. You're an unfilial son, and you're lucky to be here. In a wild land, if you were in a village, I don’t think you would ever raise your head and behave like a human again!”

At this time, Liu Lan was extremely disappointed with her only son. When she was beaten, she really wished she had never given birth to this son.

Yu Shanhai, who had been silent all this time, was sitting on a stone on the ground, with a frown on his face, and had no intention of intervening in the quarrel between mother and son.

Huang Xiaoju silently complained in her heart, Yuluo people have done their best to be kind and righteous, how can they be exploited?The wages they gave me would not be able to earn that much in a year in my hometown, and their mother-in-law could tell that.

But due to her identity, Huang Xiaoju didn't dare to say anything, so she had to remain silent and transparent.

Yu Shanhe said early in the morning that he wanted to separate the family, and he meant it. After hearing Yu Luo announce what had just happened, he took his wife and children to collect stones again, and did not return to the cave at all.

He wanted to build the stone house as soon as possible so that he could move out with his wife and children to live alone. Anyway, if he stayed in that house for a second longer, he would be wronging his wife and children.

"Just now we should ask Xiaoluo to use her armored beast to help us dig a cave. Even if it's just for our family of three, it doesn't have to be big."

Zhang Fen bent down to pick up suitable stones and put them into the basket while chatting with her husband Yu Shanhe.

Yu Shanhe was even more energetic, his hoe kept digging at the stones sunk into the soil, his arms were waving vigorously, and he had no intention of stopping.

"Xiaoluo is too busy today. I'll talk to Xiaoluo later. But we'd better build this stone house first. It's not winter anyway, and it won't be too cold if we live in a stone house. We'll talk about it later after Xiaoluo is finished. , you have also seen that there are so many people, Xiaoluo must be busy settling them."

"Well, I listen to you, but if we work as long-term workers in the future, we are the only ones who can go. We only have four taels of silver a month. I don't know if we can live here enough."

"It's okay. After we get off work, we will open up a few acres of wasteland. If we grow our own food, we will spend less money on buying it. When I have free time, I will hunt some prey. It will be enough for our family of five. Maybe the wages, We can still save it all. If we can go back in a few years, the money we save can be used to marry our son a wife in our hometown and save a little dowry for our daughter. Compared with working for nothing in our hometown, all year round, one person You can’t even save money to get strong.” (End of Chapter)

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