"This is not a difficult task. Tao Ming, Zhang Xiaoliang, you and my father go to the backyard and assemble a few carriages first, then fold the tents, beds, pots, bowls, quilts, and grain. In the future, a house will definitely be built in this place. For now, they are the only ones living in tents, and we will wait for those people to settle down in Shishan first, and then we will assign them the work they need to do tomorrow."

Upon hearing Yu Luo's instructions, Tao Ming and others had strange expressions on their faces.

They personally inspected the warehouse and Ming Ye, but there were no tents at all. When did the tents appear in this home now?

But Zhang Hu is a smart man, and they naturally won't ask too much about their masters, including the origins of their masters' things.

Just like their master was an exiled criminal, why could their master still have a lot of money and such a powerful person behind him to help them build a house in this barbaric land?

Why do the masters want to open up so much wasteland and build a city, even if they are worried about being blocked by the forces that block the city?

These are not their concerns. After several years of exile, they are extremely lucky to have such a place to live and a job that pays monthly money.

They just need to listen to their master's instructions and do the things at hand well so that they will not continue to live in that stone house in the future. Maybe they can improve the lives of their family members in the future.

This is the goal of Zhang Hu and his team, and it is also their belief in trying to survive in the wilderness.

The appearance of Yu Luo made their goals clearer and their beliefs stronger.

"Okay, my subordinate will come over right now."

Yu Junjie took Zhang Hu and others to the large yard in the backyard.

Pushing open the courtyard door, the previously empty courtyard was already filled with countless debris.

To be honest, Yu Junjie felt somewhat guilty at this time, but he still tried hard to maintain a calm appearance and found the tent among the piles of debris.

These tents are all inflatable tents that Yu Luo bought. They are modern craftsmanship, but the air pump is manual. This is also to avoid using nonsense to explain, so Yu Luo has to buy outdated equipment.

There is even a generator on the system shelf, but forget about it, at least it can't show up for now.

"Take these things to the side door, and when the carriage is assembled, they will all be moved up."

Although he felt guilty, Yu Junjie didn't explain stupidly.

Seeing the shocked expressions on the faces of Zhang Hu and others, he had no choice but to pretend he didn't see anything.

After giving the order, everyone walked towards the tents, and Yu Junjie walked to where some folding beds were stacked.

These beds are 75 centimeters wide and two meters long. It is no problem to put fifty beds in an inflatable tent. Although it is crowded, the conditions are limited, so it can only be done like this for now.

In this way, it took the group half an hour for more than a dozen carriages to set off.

When the carriage arrived, the Yu Luo family of three who stayed at home, together with Ming Ye and the silly man, assembled another twenty carriages and had already loaded the next batch of supplies on the carriages.When Zhang Hu and the others came back this time, they unexpectedly brought back more than 300 men who knew kung fu, and among them was the middle-aged man who was the leader of the previous group.

Seeing a group of people landing with Qinggong, Yu Luo suddenly became vigilant.

"So many of you know kung fu, why are you being detained in the mines to mine?"

"Miss, to be honest, we were going to be exiled at the beginning. We thought that Jiuzhong Mountain would be at least better than this barbaric land, so we stayed here. In addition, since we know a little bit about kung fu, we would be treated well in the mines. It's better, and I have become the little leader of those miners. This life is better than being exiled to the wilderness, right?

If it weren't for the unexpected wind and rain, we don't know when we would be able to leave the mine. In fact, we escaped at the beginning, but when we were exiled, we all had relatives. We could escape, but what about our relatives who don't know kung fu?Therefore, I was heartbroken and stayed in the mine despite the struggle, continuing to be enslaved by them. "

Facing the man's explanation, Yu Luo couldn't really believe it.

But the city had been exposed, and she had made a choice, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

She longed to get a group or even thousands of subordinates who knew kung fu, but when it came to this moment, her heart was extremely heavy.

Yu Luo stared at the man who was talking calmly with her eyes, her face was calm, and she didn't even blink when the man talked about something exciting.

Seeing such a calm Yu Luo, the man panicked and hurriedly took off his shirt and turned around to expose his back!

Seeing the man's rude and disrespectful behavior towards Yu Luo, Zhang Xiaoliang and Tao Ming became anxious and were about to step forward, but Yu Luo raised his hand and stopped them.

She is not a real little girl of this era. She doesn't even dare to look at an uncle's back. She really doesn't have that pretentious scene.

"You want to use these injuries to prove it, but you don't have to. Since I have decided to keep you, you should do your best. I think these people will listen to you, and you are quite popular. From now on, you and I My subordinates will arrange the work for these more than 1 people. Tonight, I will give you a copy of the work content, and then you will discuss the arrangements with Zhang Hu and the others.

Of course, I'm going to say something ugly first. Regardless of whether your origins are true or false, since you have become my people, if you dare to do anything like cheating in the future, I will definitely kill you.It doesn't matter that more than 300 of you have the skills. If you can't figure it out one day, you can try it and see if I can do it. "

"Yes, yes, the young ones will definitely remember the young lady's words, and the young ones will also convey the young lady's words to them. We will definitely work hard. There is no need to try. The young ones also didn't expect that they just came here. We can meet a noble person like you, Miss. You, Miss, are our food, clothing and parents. We cannot do anything to betray Miss."

Yu Luo nodded expressionlessly, "What's your name?"

"Little Baofeng, 37 years old this year."

Seeing the man proactively telling his age, Yu Luo couldn't help but linger on his face for a few more seconds, but he had to sigh in his heart that Baofeng's face really looked old. It seemed that the days in the mines were... It's really not that easy.

Yu Zhengqing was several years older than him and looked much younger than him.

"There are still some horses in the backyard. You guys will go ahead and assemble some carriages to come out and try to transport all the thousands of tents before dark. You also need to collect firewood to cook dinner. There are a lot of things to do, so don't delay. "(End of chapter)

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