"Okay, this subordinate obeys!"

Seeing that Baofeng didn't ask any questions or was curious, and just accepted everything as arranged, Yu Luo felt a little relieved.

Immediately afterwards, most of the day was spent in the process of transporting supplies, and Yu Luo took Baofeng and Zhang Hu directly to the gap in the city wall.

This gap is connected to the direction of Lanyue Dynasty, which is the direction of Jiuzhong Mountain, and the place where Baofeng brought his group is one of the gaps.

The gap is very long, because there are small hills that rise and fall together, covering the gap in the city wall in this wild land.

But there are still many miles to go, and restoring it won't be something that can be done overnight.

"Here, there is actually a city wall?!"

"This land is ours for a camp. My purpose is that simple. From now on, this land will be ours, and the stone mountain is also surrounded here. What you have to do is to block out the stone house where the Lanyue Dynasty is stationed here. Connect the two gaps to build a city gate that is not easily breached."

Looking at the large stones piled up at the gap in the city wall, Baofeng couldn't imagine how far these hewn stones had been transported from.
There may be this kind of stone in this wild land, but how much manpower and material resources would be needed to mine it and then cut it into stones of the right size?

But why was no one from several countries aware of such a big move?Do several countries really allow some people to privately occupy this wild land?
When he saw that the person who was making such nonsense about claiming territory was just a small and weak woman next to him, the impact on Feng Feng's heart became even greater!

"Young lady, building a city wall and building an indestructible city gate is a big project. Even if you have these stones, you still need bricks, lime and glutinous rice. We have enough manpower. If you have these things, I promise It can all be completed within a month.”

a month?

Listening to Baofeng's promise, Yu Luo murmured silently.

If everything goes smoothly this month and Fengcheng doesn't find out, everything will go smoothly. But what if Fengcheng or several other countries find out?
"How many people do you use for one month? I still need a large number of people to open up wasteland, plant this wild land with food and vegetables, and raise many cattle and sheep, so that the people who live in this city in the future can be self-sufficient. "

Hearing Yu Luo's words, Baofeng was shocked again!

"Miss, it turns out you have such great ambitions? Miss, do you know that this place is more than 200 miles away from Fengcheng. If everything is built and occupied by Fengcheng, miss, you will not only make wedding dresses for others, but also And it’s very possible to lose your life.”

Baofeng's analysis made Yu Luo look into his eyes again.

How could Yu Luo not know this?
In fact, she didn't know why the system kept pushing her to move forward in this direction, but now that the right time, place, and people were all in place, she had no choice but to give it a try.

If that day really comes and she is unable to defeat him, all her hard work will be in vain. It would be difficult to kill her. In the end, she and her family will retreat to her mother's hospital to hide for a while.

As for other people living on this land, they can surrender to Fengcheng. After all, such a large city and the land she has opened up must require many people to maintain it.

Yu Luo looked back at Feng Feng, with a slight smile on his lips. "I know, just go ahead and build the lime kiln tomorrow. I've found fuel to replace the wood. I can still burn bricks by then. It will start gradually in half a month. The remaining A group of people must open up wasteland as soon as possible. I hope to plant the first batch of seedlings before the end of May and complete the sowing of various vegetables and grains within a month."

Seeing that Yu Luo's eyes were full of determination and that he had found something burning, a flash of surprise flashed in Baofeng's eyes.

Sure enough, this woman is a mysterious woman.

The wilderness, which several countries call a deserted land, suddenly started pouring rain when she arrived, and it continued to rain for more than ten days at a time, completely changing the geology and landforms of the wilderness. In this wilderness, the most scarce fuel is , she was also found.

Back at the mansion, the group ate something simple, and Yu Luo and Yu Haojie, along with Zhang Hu, Luo Yi, and Baofeng, began to make plans for the future development of the wilderness.

Let's not talk about the more than 100 people who came with Yu Luo and others to be exiled. The storm brought a team of nearly 7000 people. Yu Junjie divided them into several groups, each responsible for their own areas.

A group of people continue to open up wasteland on the other side of Shishan. The landform on that side of Shishan can produce almost [-] acres of paddy fields and [-] acres of dry land.

To the north of the city, where the terrain is relatively flat, tens of thousands of acres of paddy fields and countless acres of dry land can be developed.

It is even easier to cultivate this land than the other side of Shishan.

In addition to the flat terrain here, the soil has been irrigated by more than ten days of heavy rain, and it is more inclined to a soft area with fewer stones.

There are even some places where you can grow corn, vegetables, and various fruits by just digging a hole. Only planting rice requires organizing ditches and solving drainage problems, which is a little more complicated.

So here, Yu Junjie directly mobilized 5000 people to start sowing.

Sweet potatoes and corn are all foods that can feed people in winter. 5000 of the 3000 people began to grow these grains and vegetables. The remaining 2000 people tidied up the wasteland. Yu Luo purchased a large amount of grass seeds to let Baofeng's men People who know Qinggong can spread grass seeds all over the city for hundreds of miles.

The soil on the other side of Shishan was more suitable for baking bricks. She organized another 3000 people to start digging the soil, preparing to open a kiln to bake bricks and burn lime after the first batch of coal was mined.

Xiao Yi led the group of people who went to dig the coal mine, digging and digging crazily in the ground every day. When Baofeng and others saw the scene of coal being dug out of the ground for the first time, they were all shocked!
"So the fuel the lady mentioned is the coal mine underground? No wonder, no wonder..."

Baofeng murmured to himself, but the surprise on his face never faded away.

"Brother Bao, it seems that we have not escaped the fate of mining. Looking at this land, there may be many more! But finding such a thing in this wild land is indeed a rare and precious thing. , when winter comes in this barbaric land, the life will not be difficult."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, Wang Xiao nodded repeatedly, "Yes, it seems that the young lady discovered the coal mines in this place, which gave her the confidence to build a city in this wild land." (End of Chapter)

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