"Chen Yu, starting today, you will be responsible for infrastructure construction. I think such an important place as the city wall is not suitable for a man like you, who is obsessed with sperm."

Chen Yu didn't understand at all what it means to have sperm in the brain.

It was only when he saw his young lady's face suddenly darken and her voice somber that Chen Yu realized that there seemed to be something about him that dissatisfied his young lady.

Sure enough, before he could ask what this meant, he was replaced by Yu Luo.

No, to be precise, it was downgraded.

"Miss, subordinate, what did you do wrong?"

Feeling panicked, Chen Yu immediately stopped the brothers who were about to pull the mother and daughter up, and hurriedly asked Yu Luo.

"Oh, your lady and I are still here, and you are thinking about such dirty things. Chen Yu, a man like you who only knows how to think with his lower body, do you think my daughter still dares to entrust you with such an important position?"

Chen Yu!

Ye Jiamei's words made Chen Yu suddenly realize. He jumped in a hurry and jumped directly from the city wall to the tower dozens of meters high.

As soon as he landed on the ground, he hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted Yu Luo with cupped fists, his face full of fear.

"Miss, I know I'm wrong, so please give me a heavy punishment. I'm just talking without restraint. I'm used to joking with my brothers all the time. I don't dare to do it anymore!"

Looking at Chen Yu who hurriedly begged for mercy, Yu Luo's face showed no sign of relaxation and was still as cold as frost.

"It doesn't matter whether you are talking nonsense or joking, this time you should remember it carefully. I know that the people who work here are all grown men. It is understandable to want women, but if you want to be a big person, if you are influenced by women, it will be unreasonable." I don’t even know how you died at that time, but today I’m going to remind you that when you do a good job, you will be transferred back to your original position and your salary will also be reduced.”

After Yu Luo finished speaking, the fear on Chen Yu's face gradually calmed down, and there was no trace of reluctance.

It seems that he was treated lightly. He thought he was just doing some work under Yu Luo, but he completely forgot that despite the calm situation on the surface of the city, danger might soon come.

Their young lady's caution is understandable. As the manager of these people, he really shouldn't act in such a casual manner and joke around.

This may lead to the people below also imitating this.

It was such a simple truth that beauty caused trouble, but here he actually relaxed the restraint on himself. He really deserves to be punished!

"Yes, I understand! Thank you very much, Miss, for your teaching. I will definitely correct it."

Seeing that Chen Yu understood what he was thinking, Yu Luo nodded with relief, "That's very good. I hope all the managers will take the lead and not get carried away. Our city now belongs to the infrastructure construction, and we have not yet It is open to the outside world. If anyone has ulterior motives for this place in the future, any woman can bribe you men. Not to mention you as a big boss, even a random little brother can do big things. Not just you, but anyone under you. Everyone needs to be alert to me."

"Yes, I understand!" After saying this, Yu Luo's eyes returned to the mother and daughter who were still hanging on the city wall, "Take them down, put them in shackles, and work every day until dawn. Hei, they are not allowed to be lazy, and they are only allowed to be given three steamed buns and a bowl of water a day."

"Yes, my subordinates take orders."

Chen Yu returned to the city wall again, and the mother and daughter, who were each hit by an arrow in their calves, were brought up. The moment their bodies touched the ground, they seemed to have come to life, and they couldn't help but hugged them directly. Together, we burst into tears!
"Auntie, I, I thought we were dead! Wuwuwu, Wuwuwu, I hurt so much, my whole body hurts!"

Hanging on the city wall for a day and a night, being strangled with ropes to bruise her skin even if she didn't care about her life, being hungry, cold, desperate and helpless, Yu Meiyao was completely crushed.

Even though Lan was an adult, she had always been pampered before. Even on the way to exile, she had never suffered so much. At this moment, she couldn't help but hug her daughter and burst into tears.

"Fortunately, Xiaoluo didn't really kill us. If we work hard, we can atone for your sins. I believe Xiaoluo will let us go back soon."

After hearing her mother's words and thinking of Mrs. Chen who was still hanging on the city wall, Yu Meiyao couldn't help but tremble all over.

When she thought of Yu Luo's cold and cruel smile, she felt chills all over!

To be honest, Yu Meiyao really didn't dare to hate him at this moment.

She realized that no matter how much she hated Yu Luo, no matter how much she hated Yu Luo who was prettier than herself and was also a concubine, she would never be able to defeat her!
Since their exile, Yu Luo's family of three, as if they had an immortal's guidance behind their backs, their martial arts values ​​have soared one by one, and they have transformed into rich men in this wild land.

Forget it, she was lucky enough to recover nearly [-] strong laborers to work for her?

With Yu Luo's current strength, she no longer dares to hate him. She can't hate him anymore. If she continues to hate him, sooner or later she will be like her grandmother and be shot into chaff by Yu Luo's whole family!
When Yu Luo heard the people below reporting to her the conversation between mother and daughter Lan, she smiled disdainfully.

"Lan has always been a smart person, but it's a pity that she gave birth to a daughter who held her back. If it weren't for Lan's intelligence, she wouldn't be alive today in the Marquis Mansion, and it's not so easy for her to do what I do today. To work as a coolie."

"Yes, think about it. During the exile, the Lan family has always been pampered. Even as a concubine, she has been pampered by her parents since she was a child. Who would have thought that throughout the exile, she has done all the work for her direct descendants? She completely treated herself as a slave to serve her direct descendants, otherwise she might not have survived until now, and she might have been secretly sold by that old lady Chen."

Ye Jiamei knew Chen's evil heart very well, but she felt relieved when she thought that Chen had been shot several times by her and they were still hanging on the city wall.

It was really easy to let Chen die, but how could such a bad person die so easily?She didn't deserve to die if she wasn't tortured enough and endured the torture in this wild place.

Over at the cave, Yu Xiaoyun got up early in the morning.

At the age of eight, he knew nothing when he was first exiled. Then he followed his Aunt Lan to collect firewood, then cleared wasteland to grow vegetables, and then split wood and did laundry. He knew everything.

He got up early in the morning. After doing morning exercises for an hour, he heated up the leftovers from last night and waited for Chang Huilan to wake up and taste them.

In the past, even if he had to work, his aunt would get up and make breakfast. But he understood that his father and eldest brother were both gone, and his aunt and sister still needed his second brother to find them, so he had to work more , he must be more diligent, otherwise even he will be rejected by his mother, and the second brother may not go to find his aunt. (End of chapter)

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