Thinking of this, after lighting the stove fire, Yu Xiaoyun hurriedly ran out of the cave, carrying a lot of dirty clothes, and planned to go to the well to wash them.

Unexpectedly, the women who had just arrived at the well and were doing laundry early in the morning stopped him in their tracks by their conversation.

"It seems like we didn't see the Chen family, the Lan family, and the others back last night. Didn't they go looking for someone?"

"Oh, so what if I go looking for it? If it falls into Yu Luo's hands, those few people won't be able to reap the rewards!"

"Yes, yes, that old witch of the Chen family is too bad. Although she did not become a demon during her exile, wasn't it because of the unity of everyone? Who knows that these days have just stabilized, she He started to plot against Yu Luo's family of three. In the end, the plot failed and the whole family was injured. They were raised in the cave for several months. I think they deserved it. This time, I went to provoke Yu Luo again. If Yu Luo can let her go, I will I feel aggrieved for Yu Luo!"

"Hey, Young Master Yu, why are you up so early? What are you doing? Why are you doing the laundry today? Where are your aunt and your sister?"

Several women were chatting away, but when they turned around, they saw Yu Xiaoyun holding a lot of clothes and a wooden basin standing motionless, obviously listening to all their conversations. Go.

The women of the Bai family were not embarrassed that their words were overheard by Yu Xiaoyun. Anyway, they all told the truth. Besides, Yu Xiaoyun was just a child in their eyes, so they were not afraid anymore!

"Oh, your aunt hasn't come back? Didn't I tell your mother yesterday about their arrest? Why do you still need to wash clothes today?"

Liu Lan, who was stretching and coming out of his cave, happened to look at Yu Xiaoyun, who was biting her lip and standing there holding a pile of dirty clothes with angry eyes.

Especially when she saw Yu Xiaoyun's small body and washing clothes, she was even more surprised, and the fire of gossip immediately burned in her eyes!

After hearing Liu Lan's words, Yu Xiaoyun slowly let go of the anger in his eyes, regained his former clarity, and walked straight towards the well with a pile of clothes in his arms, not giving Liu Lan another look.

"Oh, you are a young kid and you are still a fool. I am talking to you, why are you ignoring me?"

Liu Lan didn't hear the gossip she wanted to hear, so she hurriedly chased after him and shouted at Yu Xiaoyun who was lowering the bucket into the well.

But Yu Xiaoyun ignored him at all, pulling hard on the hemp rope beside Xiao Xiao, trying to lift the bucket out of the water.

Unexpectedly, he overestimated his own strength after all. His palms were burning with the hemp rope, and even the veins on his forehead were bulging, but he did not lift the bucket from the bottom of the well.

Just when he was about to loosen the hemp rope in his hand and start filling half the bucket again, the front section of the hemp rope was suddenly held by a pair of rough hands. Yu Xiaoyun looked sideways in surprise, and the smile on his face suddenly froze. .

"Mother, mother!"

Obviously, when Yu Xiaoyun saw the sudden appearance of Chang Huilan, his eyes were full of unreasonable fear.

Seeing Yu Xiaoyun like this, Chang Huilan ignored him with cold eyes, pulled up the bucket with all her strength, and put it aside with difficulty.

"go back."

Those two words were as cold as frost, and Yu Xiaoyun's heart trembled. He knew that his mother's expression was clearly angry.

But what did he do wrong?He just hasn't grown up yet and isn't strong enough yet. Could this also make his mother angry?But he didn't dare to disobey Chang Huilan's order, so he said "Oh" obediently, turned around and left silently.

After a while, a group of women started talking again. Yu Xiaoyun did not dare to stop eavesdropping and hurriedly walked towards the cave.

"Second brother, are you back from morning exercise?"

Seeing Yu Xiaoxuan who was already sitting on the floor eating breakfast, Yu Xiaoran's depressed mood suddenly became happy and she hurriedly ran towards him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was a bit loud. He carefully turned around and glanced at the place where Yu Yingying slept. Seeing that the quilt had not been moved, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards her again. Yu Xiaoxuan stepped forward a few minutes.

"Second brother, are you going to find grandma and the others after dinner? I heard Aunt Liu Lan say that they fell into Yu Luo's hands. Second brother, you have to be careful, but you must not be angry if you are angry. Yu Luo, Yu Luo is very ruthless. Don't fail to rescue grandma and the others by then, and you will be hurt by the second brother again. After all, my father and eldest brother are not here now. If we deal with Yu Luo, the second brother will also suffer."

Yu Xiaoxuan, who was eating breakfast, listened to Yu Xiaoyun's endless chatter, and when he thought of his mother's instructions, he suddenly became impatient.

"You really talk a lot today, are you so idle?"

"No, no, no, second brother, don't be angry. I'm just worried that you will suffer at the hands of Yu Luo."

Seeing the little Yu Xiaoyun become so sensible, Yu Xiaoxuan couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You are a person who knows the current affairs. Do you know that now your father is not here, your aunt is not here, and no one can protect you?" Really? So you’re trying to please me like this?”

"Where? You are my second brother. I should be nice to my second brother."

"Come on, you are so glib and scheming at a young age. It seems that you learned it from your concubine. I know what you are worried about. Don't worry. Even if you are a concubine, our Yu family is very thin now. I will Protect you well."

Hearing Yu Xiaoxuan's words, the smile on Yu Xiaoyun's flattering face became a little thicker.

At eight years old, he had a flattering look on his face that was completely inconsistent with his age.

"Thank you, second brother. Let me thank you first on behalf of my aunt. When my aunt comes back, we will definitely help this family with more work."

"Come on, you should practice your kung fu with me every day first. Later, when your fists become stronger, you won't have to be a flatterer like you are now. Okay, wash the dishes. Second brother will go to Yu Luo's place. I don’t know if she is willing to let her go today, so you can stay home and help your mother with her work."

"it is good!"

Seeing Yu Xiaoxuan pick up his long sword and walk towards the entrance of the cave, Yu Xiaoyun hurriedly sent him out of the door, until Yu Xiaoxuan's figure disappeared completely, Yu Xiaoyun's little A look of sadness once again covered his face.

He couldn't believe what would happen to him if something happened to his aunt and sister, and his father and eldest brother were gone?

No, if the second brother still can't rescue them from Yu Luo today, then he will go alone!
When Yu Xiaoxuan came to this city that he had never been to before, he had no time to be shocked by the brand-new city in this barbaric land. He was frightened by the Chen family hanging on the city gate with short arrows stuck all over his body. Face!

"Yu Luo, how dare you!" (End of Chapter)

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