None of Chen's injuries were life-threatening, but nearly a day and a night of torture, coupled with the pain of the wounds, had long since exhausted her old bones.

She hung on the city wall, motionless like a corpse, floating in the wind.

And how did Yu Xiaoxuan know? He only thought that Chen was dead. After all, even a young man like him couldn't bear it if he was shot with so many arrows, not to mention the elderly people who were shot with so many arrows. The pain of hanging in mid-air is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Yu Luo, come out!"

Seeing the people on duty walking around above, Yu Xiaoxuan did not dare to act rashly. While he was extremely angry at Chen's experience, he also learned a lot wiser after suffering countless losses at the hands of Yu Luo. He didn't dare to rush to the city wall immediately.

His roar was a bit abrupt. In fact, if he had quietly gone up and cut the hemp rope hanging on Ms. Chen before the people on duty noticed, he could have taken Ms. Chen away directly.

But at this time, Yu Xiaoxuan only thought that Chen was dead. Whether to save or not was not important at this time. What was important was that he wanted to find Yu Luo and ask clearly why she was so cruel!

Sure enough, his voice directly caused the people patrolling the city wall to immediately lean out half of their bodies and look under the city wall.

"Oh, you can call our young lady by her name at will? Are you looking for death?"

After Chen Yu was replaced, Wang Xiao took Chen Yu's place. Today it was his turn to lead his brothers on duty.

When he saw that the people below him dared to shout here alone, Wang Xiao did not let him get used to it and immediately sneered coldly.

"I am Yu Xiaoxuan, tell Yu Luo to get out!"

Speaking of Chen, Yu Xiaoxuan naturally has feelings for him, but his filial piety is too foolish. He used to be an arrogant young man, and many people in the Hou Mansion hated Yu Luo and the others because of his compatriot sister Yu Yingying. , and helped Yu Yingying bully Yu Luo and the others.

And he also discovered that every time he bullied Yu Junjie's family of three, his grandmother would be extra affectionate to him, which encouraged Yu Xiaoxuan's evil tendencies even more since he was a child.

Therefore, there is an unusual and irrational relationship between grandfather and grandson.

Even if he knew that Yu Luo was just seeking revenge and did this to his grandmother, in Yu Xiaoxuan's view, as concubines, the three members of Yu Luo's family were already humble and deserved to be bullied, and they deserved to be bullied. Where will it be their turn to take revenge?
"Heh, it seems like he's a mad dog like that old woman. Brothers, you're welcome, just shoot the arrow!"

Wang Xiao looked at the not very smart Yu Xiaoxuan below, smiled coldly, greeted his brothers, directly set up his bow and arrow, and all aimed at Yu Xiaoxuan, ready to draw the bow.

Seeing such a posture above, Yu Xiaoxuan, who was arrogant and lost his mind, could not care less about being angry. He immediately turned around and fled outside the city wall!

Seeing Yu Xiaoxuan being so embarrassed, Wang Xiao and the brothers on the city wall immediately burst into laughter. This loud sound also woke up the unconscious Chen.

In fact, when Yu Xiaoxuan was shouting at the city wall, she had a tendency to wake up, but the physical fatigue made her eyelids really heavy.

But when she thought of her situation, she opened her eyes eagerly and hard, wanting to find out if her grandson was coming to save her.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, his grandson was nowhere to be found. There was still no one under the empty tower, and she was still hanging in the air.

Turning around, Chen was shocked to find that Lan was no longer around her!
When she thought of a certain possibility, Chen became even more panicked. She hurriedly turned her head and looked at the other side.

The midair was still empty, and even Yu Meiyao's figure was missing. Now Chen was completely panicked.

"Help, help..." A faint cry for help came from Chen's dry lips. The brothers on duty on the tower were still talking and laughing, and no one noticed that she had woken up.

And even if they find out, they won't really let her go. After all, this is the person their lady wants to torture.

Yu Xiaoxuan returned to Shishan and immediately told Chang Huilan what he saw.

Upon hearing that Mrs. Chen was dead, Chang Huilan was shocked at first, and then she couldn't help but feel ecstatic!
But in front of the children, she was too smart not to show any signs of it.

At the thought of having to explain to her husband later, Chang Huilan suppressed the joy in her heart and worked hard to make her eyes red.

"What should we do? Your grandmother was such a strong person in her life, but she didn't expect to disappear like this. Alas..."

Looking at his mother's red eyes, Yu Xiaoxuan couldn't help but shed tears one by one!
"It's all my fault. If I found something wrong yesterday, I would have gone to Yu Luo. I might be able to find out, and my grandmother might be fine."

"Silly boy, how can I blame you? There is an sworn hatred between your grandmother and Yu Luo. Because your grandmother, Yu Luo, his family of three and all of us hate him, even if you just compensate It’s all for nothing if you take this life.”

Listening to his mother's words, Yu Xiaoxuan knew that they were indeed right.

The current Yu Luo family of three treat outsiders better than they do. Maybe even if his father was there yesterday, he might not be able to save his grandmother.

"Second, second brother, me, where are my aunt and sister? Are they... gone too?"

Yu Xiaoyun, who had been hiding at the entrance of the cave for a long time and had eavesdropped on the conversation between mother and son for a long time. When he thought of this possibility and asked this sentence eagerly, the young man couldn't hold back after all, and immediately " "Ang" and burst into tears.

Yu Yingying, who was still insisting on venting her breath, was lying on the bed, her chest pressed against her back from hunger, but she refused to get up.

But she didn't know when, her eyes were already wet.

She didn't believe that her grandmother really died like this...

Hearing Yu Xiaoyun's voice, the mother and son turned around suddenly, only to find that little Yu Xiaoyun's body was shaking uncontrollably and she was suffocating from crying.

Seeing Yu Xiaoyun like this, Yu Xiaoxuan also felt a little more moved.

He stood up hurriedly, walked to Yu Xiaoyun's side, stretched out his hands and took him into his arms, "Cry, we should be strong after crying. I never thought that someone like my grandmother would die like that in the end." It's tragic, but when I went there, only my grandmother's body was hanging on the city wall, and Aunt Lan and Third Sister were not seen at all."

Yu Xiaoxuan's words made Yu Xiaoyun, who was crying to the point of dying, suddenly stop crying!

"Really, really?"

"Well, only grandma is hanging on that city wall covered with arrows, and no one else."

"It is not the case that your grandmother has been hanging on the city wall like this. Even if it is just a corpse, it must be brought back and buried properly. How to avenge this revenge will wait until your eldest brother and father come back. Xiao Yun, please take your mother there." (End of Chapter)

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