Thinking about it, after all, she was still her grandmother. Even if she died, she should be buried in peace instead of letting her body continue to hang on the wall and be insulted.

"Okay, it's just that Yu Luo is in trouble now. I heard from my eldest brother last time that Ye Jiamei's natal brothers built a city for them in this wild land, and even built a magnificent mansion. Compared to us, The Marquis Mansion in the capital was even more impressive. When I went there today, I discovered that the city wall was as high as the city wall in the capital, and the city gate was so thick that even thousands of troops might not be able to get through it. This made me even more confused. What is shocking is that Yu Luo actually sent people to patrol the city wall, and now their family of three is as majestic as the local emperors in this barbaric land."

"What? Ye Jiamei's mother-in-law has such ability? Why didn't you see it before?"

Listening to her youngest son's words, Chang Huilan was so shocked that her face was distorted.

She couldn't imagine how much manpower, material and financial resources it would take to build a city in a wild land.And Ye Jiamei's mother-in-law, who was once the outcast in the Hou Mansion, was actually able to do it!
But why is it that Ye Jiamei’s mother-in-law is so capable? Why didn’t any of Ye Jiamei’s mother-in-law come to support her when she was suffering in the Hou Mansion?

If Ye Jiamei's powerful natal family had appeared in the Hou Mansion earlier, let alone anything else, they could have beaten her mother-in-law with money, and they would have restrained themselves a lot from Yu Junjie's family of three.

"Yes, mother, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. Every time I went hunting with my eldest brother, he always took me to take a detour. When I went there early this morning, I realized that the city wall was really towering. It seems like Yu Luo and his family of three are really quite capable now, and I don’t know if we can get Yu Luo to return our grandmother’s body to us, after all, Yu Luo is not an easy person to talk to at all.”

From Yu Xiaoxuan's words, Chang Huilan slowly calmed down, and her firm eyes even showed a little more determination to go.

Regardless of whether she could get back Chen's body, she still had to go, and at least she had to give an explanation to her husband later.

If she couldn't get back Mrs. Chen's body, then she would just go and see the background of Ye Jiamei's mother's family, and also see how powerful Ye Jiamei was now, which could change her youngest son's face.

Just as he was about to go out, Yu Xiaoxuan suddenly remembered Yu Yingying who was still sleeping. He stopped and looked back at the figure carrying them, always feeling a little strange.

"Why is Yingying so quiet today? Why didn't she react at all when she heard the news of her grandmother's death? Something must have happened to Yingying. Mother, wait a minute, I'll go take a look."

With that said, Yu Xiaoxuan was about to go back, and Chang Huilan grabbed him.

"No, we'll talk about it on the way."

After finishing her words, Chang Huilan glanced at Yu Xiaoyun, who was like an invisible man. She wanted to give him a few words of advice, but she really had nothing to say to him, so she walked out of the cave.

Seeing the mother and son leaving, Yu Xiaoyun was so anxious that he chased them out.

He thought that the second brother would definitely tell him that he would get his aunt and sister back, but the second brother didn't say anything to him.

He had no choice but to beg his second brother to bring his aunt and sister back.

Unexpectedly, when Yu Xiaoyun ran out, Yu Xiaoxuan had already left with Chang Huilan using Qinggong. From a distance, he could only see the backs of the two people leaving quickly. The little Yu Xiaoyun looked at the two of them desperately. The figure immediately shed tears.

Sure enough, the aunt was right, they were just concubines, and he would no longer be the young master of the former Hou Mansion. No one would care about their life or death. In this barbaric land, they could only survive on their own.

Yes, on your own!
Since the second brother and the others didn't take his aunt and sister seriously at all, he went to beg Yu Luo himself and begged Yu Luo to let them go.Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoyun immediately wiped away the tears on his face and headed directly towards Yu Luo's Meishan Mountain.

He had heard those people say that that special road was used to transport the black coal to the city where Yu Luo was located. He just had to keep walking along that road and he would be able to find Yu Luo.

Here, Yu Luo couldn't help but laugh when he learned that the good-for-nothing Yu Xiaoxuan had already visited once early in the morning and was so frightened by his own archers that he ran away.

"I didn't expect that the direct descendants of the Yu family would not come forward. Now Yu Xiaoxuan still has some conscience. He is worried about the life and death of the Chen family, so he came alone?"

"Perhaps what happened last time when Chen cried wolf has made Yu Zhengqing no longer believe in them. Even if he disappeared for a day and a night, Yu Zhengqing, his biological son, didn't feel relieved. So, sometimes don't lie. People who have no credibility will have no one to save them when they are about to die.”

The mother and daughter looked at the account books prepared tomorrow night and chatted while Yu Junjie was busy outside, checking the finishing work of each store.

Just when Ye Jiamei finished speaking, unexpectedly, another subordinate came to report. Yu Xiaoxuan came back again without giving up, and this time he brought a woman with him.

"Women? The only legitimate woman who can go out now is Chang Huilan. Could it be that Yu Xiaoxuan brought Chang Huilan here?"

Ye Jiamei looked suspicious and couldn't believe it.

After all, Chang Huilan, the daughter-in-law, came to save that old witch Chen, so there was no reason why Yu Zhengqing didn't show up.

Even if Yu Zhengqing is still angry and gives up, then there is no way Yu Xiaoran, the filial grandson, will not come, right?
"When I reported back to my wife, she was a woman of about 40 to [-] years old, with a good face, and she seemed to come from a scholarly family, but her clothes were similar to those of other long-term workers, and she was relatively poor."

"That must be Chang Huilan. Even if Chang Huilan is down and out, her temperament can't be changed overnight. Mom, let's go and take a look. This is indeed a bit strange."

"Well, you put all these accounts away tomorrow night, and we will continue to look at them when we come back, be good!"

While saying that, Ye Jiamei kissed Mingye on the shoulder, as if coaxing her son.

Ming Ye nodded obediently, and after watching the mother and daughter leave, she began to slowly sort out the accounts they had seen.

He was so careful that he put bookmarks on the pages they happened to turn to, so that when the mother and daughter came back, they could continue reading.

By the time Yu Luo, mother and daughter, came to the city gate, Mrs. Chen had already passed out again. Under the city wall, there were indeed Chang Huilan and Yu Xiaoxuan, mother and son.

"Ouch, sister-in-law, what kind of wind has brought you here? Why, last time I and you, a good mother-in-law, framed our family Xiaoluo as a murderer, and you forgot so quickly? There is actually something else If you dare to show your face, aren't you afraid that there will be no return?" (End of Chapter)

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