I used to think that becoming Yu Luo's bodyguard would only be responsible for her chores in the wilderness, but later I didn't expect that Yu Luo was a woman who dared to go to seal the city, and she was still a person with such lofty ambitions.

To be honest, Zhang Hu was full of prospects for the future at this time. He felt that even if he would never be able to set foot in his hometown again in this life, he would definitely be able to see his wife, children, and family because of Yu Luo. .

That night, this group of men worked tirelessly, lit torches in the middle of the night, and walked forward along the official road again.

The sight was limited at night and the horses were a little tired, so it only took half a day to cover the two hundred miles on weekdays. It took them until the next day at Si hour to see the gate of Yueyang City from a distance.

They also experienced two robberies by bandits on the way. Fortunately, most of their group had good kung fu, and they also had the crossbows given by Yu Luo. When the bandits appeared, Zhang Hu and his brothers They took out the crossbows that the bandits had never seen before, and caught them off guard.

The two groups of bandits they encountered were dealt with, and they were not reluctant to fight and continued on their way non-stop.

"Finally we see the city. This Yueyang City is so big, there must be a lot of brothels. We brothers have been working in the mines for so many years. If we sell the fruit today, we must go and have fun."


As soon as Wu Er finished speaking, the brothers around him laughed with longing in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the roar of laughter rang out, Zhang Hu turned pale and slapped him hard on the back of the head!
"We are here to do business. Now you have the opportunity to stay in Yueyang City. If you don't want to go back, you can live here in the future. It's just that there will be some trouble when the officials from Dongfeng Kingdom investigate your household registration, but at least you can There’s no need to go back to that place in the wilderness where there are no women.”

This was something Yu Luo had expected to happen before. Before they left, Yu Luo had also given instructions to several important officials.

If they want to stay, they can stay, but apart from selling fruit, they are not allowed to cause trouble. Those who dare to cause trouble do not need to bring them back.

Listening to Zhang Hu's scolding, Wu Er immediately showed a flattering smile and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, go back, go back, we will definitely go back! Although it is good to stay here, if you don't have a household registration, you will be arrested by the officials of Dongfeng Kingdom. , then it must be dealt with carefully. Besides, the lady and the master trust us so much and let us come out, how can we not go back? We must go back!"

"Wu Er, you don't have to be like this. The lady said that you are free at any time and can leave whenever you want. It's just that after you leave, it is impossible for the lady to take you in again. In addition, the lady also explained that we If the business is good, you can buy fifty women back then. But whoever these fifty women are willing to become is their own decision. Don’t even think about going to Hualou. Okay, but it’s a mess, it’s full of mobs, and it’s easy to cause trouble when we go there, and because of our special status, we can’t cause any trouble, lest the fruit goes unsold and the lady gets into trouble.”

"Yes, Guard Zhang, we understand. If we don't go, we will go back after selling the fruit. But the lady really told me, can I sell fifty women back?"

Wu Er repeatedly promised, with a somewhat disappointed look on his face. When he heard Zhang Hu's words again, he couldn't help but feel longing for him again.


Zhang Hu finished speaking and waved to the convoy behind him to continue moving forward.

When Yue Yangcheng entered, he had to queue up to pay the city fee, which was one copper for each person and five coppers for a carriage.

There is simply no comparison between this entry fee and the entry fee for closing the city.

Before noon, there were many people entering the city, and there was a long queue to enter the city. Not only did you have to pay the entrance fee, but you also had to check the carriage. Sometimes you even saw sneaky people, and you also had to check the household registration or road signs.The group of people who were queuing up suddenly panicked when they saw the battle.

"What should we do? There are dozens of officers and soldiers at the gate of the city. If they see that we are not from the Dongfeng Kingdom and ask us for a road guide, where can we get it? Besides, it's broad daylight, even if We want to pay bribes, but we can’t.”

Hu Liu said anxiously, he didn't need to say this, Zhang Hu also knew the problems they had to face.

"Indeed, I was negligent. If it doesn't work, let's not go in. There are many vendors outside. We can just put the carriage next to the vendors' stalls, expose the fruits, and sell them directly here."

Hearing Zhang Hu's words, Hu Liu's eyes grew big!
"Ah?! Brother Zhang, are you sure you want to sell them here? Most of the people who come to the city here are local country people. Are they willing to spend money to buy these fruits? Besides, the lady asked us to set the price of these fruits so high , it is impossible for them to buy it. Also, even if a few outsiders come to the city, or there are a few people who look rich, that is not our goal. We are looking for long-term cooperation to buy. We are people of fruit.”

"I don't care about that anymore. This fruit has been picked for four days. If I don't sell it, I'm afraid it will spoil. I'll put it on the table first. If it doesn't work, I will go to the city from other places to find customers to buy it. "

In this season, the weather in Dongfeng Kingdom is still a bit hot.

Looking at the sun getting higher and higher, by noon, there will be fewer and fewer people entering the city. In addition, the weather in Dongfeng Kingdom is hotter than other places, so Zhang Hu does not dare to delay.

After hearing what Zhang Hu said, everyone had no choice but to drive the carriage out of the queue and go to set up stalls next to the vendors.

Setting up a stall is actually very convenient. Pulling away the oilcloth covering the carriage, the bright red tomatoes can be exposed.

As for the two carts of watermelons, Zhang Hu directly asked someone to cut one of them, put it under the shade of a tree, and started selling it.

The red tomatoes, coupled with the watermelon that only the wealthy could afford in this era, soon attracted many people to watch.

"How do you sell this cold melon?"

Seeing a well-dressed old man pointing at the split watermelon and asking the price, Hu Liu suddenly realized that the melon that his lady called watermelon was, in the eyes of these Dongfeng people, a cold melon?

Hu Liu stepped forward with a smile on his face, "Uncle, this cool melon costs twenty taels of silver per catty. Do you want to buy it?"

"Oh my God, how can it be so cheap? Last time, I brought one back from the capital and said it was a reward. It cost five taels of silver per catty in the capital."

Hu Liu...

I thought that their lady’s price for the watermelon was too high, but I didn’t know that their lady was too kind! (End of chapter)

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