"Oh, we grew this ourselves. If uncle buys a cart, it will cost two taels of silver per catty, but if he buys one, it will cost four taels of silver per catty."

After Hu Liu reacted, he immediately sat down and raised the price. He picked up the watermelon knife with a smile, cut off a small piece of the split watermelon, and sent it directly to the old man.

The old man who was a little angry at Hu Liu sitting on the ground and raising the price couldn't help but swallow when he saw the cold melon handed to his mouth.

The red flesh of the fruit makes the already hot and dry body want to take a bite immediately.

Moreover, he had only seen his masters eat this cold melon, and saw them praising it profusely. How could he be so lucky to eat it with his status, so at this moment his heart was moved.

Although Hu Liu cut a small piece of watermelon, the old man only hesitated for a moment and took a bite.

Full of moisture and sweet to the core, the old man's eyes lit up as his throat started to smoke from the heat!
"It turns out that the taste of cold melon is like this. No wonder our old ladies, young masters and ladies all say it's delicious!"

"Since uncle is so satisfied, and this cool melon is not available all the time, why don't I buy one for myself, and then one for you, the old lady, and the others?"

"I'll just eat it myself. I'd better buy one for the old lady and the others. You can pick one that's big enough and sweet enough for me."

The old man was not stingy either. Hu Liu could tell by listening to his conversation that this man must be the housekeeper of a wealthy family or something like that.

Let’s not talk about whether we can find target customers for now, but it is good to be able to open the business.

After a while, Hu Liu chose a watermelon of about ten kilograms for the old man. When it was weighed, it weighed a full thirteen kilograms. The old man took out a fifty-tael silver ingot and stuffed it into Hu Liu's hand. Hu Liu hurriedly found change.

Looking at the big silver ingot, which was just replaced by a watermelon, the eyes of the dozens of other brothers hiding in the distance were all big!

"Shiwei Zhang, you asked Hu Liu and Wu Er to sell it. Sure enough, you are right. They are the two of them. They are the most eloquent. Hu Liu is too good. Miss, the price is two taels of silver per pound. He, He actually sold it for four taels of silver per catty."

Hearing the sighs of the people around him, Zhang Hu's brows gradually relaxed on his always anxious face.

The melons that he had been busy growing for several months and had gone through so many hardships were finally rewarded today. Could he not be happy?

"Hey, uncle, if you bought melons, do you want to try our tomatoes? We are brothers. I guarantee you have never seen this fruit before, and the taste is unparalleled!"

With that said, Wu Er picked a slightly smaller tomato, rubbed it on his body, and enthusiastically presented it to the old man.

At first, the old man looked at the bright red tomatoes, but he saw Wu Er's actions, and then looked at Wu Er's clothes that were dusty and had not been changed for several days. How could the old man still eat them?
"Master, don't dislike it. I have water here. I can wash it for you and try it. I guarantee you won't regret it."

Seeing the slight look of disgust in the old man's eyes, Hu Liu hurriedly stepped forward, took out the water bag, and rinsed the tomatoes in Wu's hands. At this time, more and more people were watching, and people asking about the price were also coming. There was an endless stream of people, but one by one they heard that the cold melon cost four taels of silver per catty. After a while, these people sighed and had no choice but to watch, not daring to ask any more questions.

The old man was surrounded by a large group of people. He took the tomato that Hu Liu had rinsed, put it to his mouth, took a bite, and instantly narrowed his eyes slightly.

The slight sourness only lasted a moment before the sweetness of the tomatoes filled his mouth. It was a completely new experience, and the old man couldn't help but take another big bite.

"Hmm, not bad. What kind of fruit is this? It tastes very good. I think our old ladies and ladies will definitely like it."

"Uncle, this fruit is called tomato. It is a species from overseas. If you buy it back, your old ladies and ladies will definitely praise you! And let me tell you, if you eat this fruit for a long time, you can still maintain your figure and remove spots. Madam, they look even better.”

"Really? Then weigh me ten pounds!"

When he heard that it was so good and tasted so good, the old man was moved.

If he can please the masters of the family, he will inevitably be rewarded.

"Okay, I'll put it on for you right away, uncle!" "Oh, by the way, this fruit is so delicious, what's the price?"

The old man handed over his basket, suddenly remembered this, straightened his expression, and asked.

"Three taels of silver per catty, ten catties is 30 taels. Uncle, let me tell you, these tomatoes can also be used to make many delicacies. I will give you a recipe for making delicacies with tomatoes later. Take it back and ask the cook to follow it. Don’t say that your wife likes to eat it, your masters and young men will also like it when the time comes.”

In order to promote his tomatoes, Yu Luo went to great lengths and even distributed photocopied recipes, asking several stewards to bring several hundred of them with them.

Tomato scrambled eggs, tomato egg soup, tomato egg drop soup, tomato and potato stewed beef, tomato boiled fish.

As soon as the recipe was given, the old man became more and more happy as he looked at it!

"I didn't expect to be able to cook. The ten kilograms are a bit short. You can send me a hundred kilograms to my house."

"Huh? Well, sir, why don't I pick out a hundred kilograms for you and put it here. I'll give you a deposit of 100 taels later, and I'll have someone pick it up when you get back home. We don't have enough manpower and can't deliver it to your door."

When Wu Er saw this, his mind was spinning very quickly and he immediately came up with such an excuse.

Seeing that there were only two brothers in front of the two carriages, the old man was not embarrassed and immediately took out 100 taels and handed it to Hu Liu.

"Then load ten pounds for me first. I'll carry it back first. I'll have someone pick it up later with the money. It just so happens that I've spent almost all the money I have on me. You won't leave, right?"

"No, no! Uncle, you are joking. If you come to buy a hundred jins, I can sell it for 300 taels of silver. It is not cost-effective to take 100 taels of silver and run away."

Seeing Hu Liu saying this jokingly, the old man also laughed and thought it made sense.

As soon as the old man left, their stall was surrounded again.

Some are in good condition and you can buy two or three tomatoes to try them out. Some are in bad condition and you can only watch helplessly. The price of the watermelon also scares away many people.

But after a while, I met several rich owners, and sold a few more watermelons, and dozens of kilograms of tomatoes.

But even so, Zhang Hu was still a little worried.

"No, how long will it take to sell a little bit like this? I have to go to the city to find someone to place an order. Otherwise, there are still tens of thousands of kilograms of watermelons and tomatoes in the fields. How long will it take to sell like this? ?”

Hearing what Zhang Hu said, more than a dozen brothers looked at him with worried eyes.

"Young Guard Zhang, you should be more careful."

"I know, you have to watch a little bit here. It's really too busy. You should also go to a few people to help them. As well as the eight trucks of goods, you have to watch over them and don't make any mistakes."


Zhang Hu picked up a watermelon, packed a bag of tomatoes, and left.

But he was too cautious to go through the main entrance. Instead, he followed the city wall and left using Qinggong.

Not long after Zhang Hu left here, something happened!

The news about Hu Liu and the others selling high-priced fruits slowly reached the ears of the soldiers guarding the gate. Seven or eight soldiers took the guys and surrounded their stall! (End of chapter)

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