"That's it. I grabbed five cold melons. Although they are a bit expensive, taking them back to entertain the guests at my birthday party tomorrow will definitely make our master look good."

"It's good to have more of you. If you can grab so many, why not give two to me? Our Zhao family and your Li family are old friends, so I only grabbed one. Our wife is worried about what gift to give back to her natal uncle." Well, with this cool melon, our wife will definitely have a bright face when she goes back."

"No, no, I'll give it to you two. We have thirty tables of guests at our house. There's not enough space to put them on the plates..."

There was a burst of depression and regret for not grabbing the melons. The faces of those who did grab the melons were all happy, but some of them were too few. Zhang Hu hurriedly called on the brothers to call the cashier, and in just a quarter of an hour, all the melons on the scene were collected. After the fruit was dealt with, a few people led the carriage directly to the small courtyard.

And here, Yu Luo brought melons and fruits to a grocery store. When she showed the fruits in the bag, the shopkeeper's eyes suddenly lit up!
"What kind of fruit is this? This is my first time seeing it."

"This is a cold melon, and this is a tomato. Let's talk about the cold melon first. In several countries, it can only be grown in Western countries. In recent years, our family has repeatedly planted it many times, and finally planted it this year. It can be said that, If this cold melon comes out in the market, it will definitely be the fruit of choice for wealthy people. In addition to its scarcity, only people from the royal family can eat it. In addition, this cold melon is also a good thing to clear away heat and relieve summer heat, and the taste is better. There’s nothing to say, if the shopkeeper dares to do such a big deal, I can cut some on the spot and give it to the shopkeeper to have a taste.”

"Ah, only members of the royal family can eat it? Then I don't dare to do this kind of business. If we, the common people, accidentally offend those nobles, we can't eat it."

The shopkeeper, who was already somewhat interested, suddenly felt panic and uneasiness on his face when he heard what Yu Luo said.

Thinking of his own identity, Yu Luo was unwilling to cooperate with such a timid person.

"If that's the case, then I'll bother you."

After saying that, Yu Luo put away his fruits and planned to leave and find another target.

"Girl, wait."

Just when Yu Luo was about to put the watermelon into her pocket, the man who had been watching outside the door for a long time suddenly walked in and called her.

When Yu Luo heard the sound, he looked over and saw a man in his thirties, wearing a silk gown and a silver crown, looking like a businessman.

"Girl, I belong to Wu's Trading Company in Yueyang City. I just passed by and saw that the girl was selling the fruit to the shopkeeper. I wonder if she can show it to me? It just so happens that my trading firm is just 50 meters ahead, and I'm here today. I saw some people buying these fruits on the street. I just asked about them, but I heard that all the fruits have been bought by one person. If possible, I would like to get a batch of goods from the girl."

Once he heard that such a good thing came to his door, how could Yu Luo refuse?

She immediately nodded cheerfully and agreed, "Okay, then why not go to your husband's business and we can discuss it in detail."

The two of them left the grocery store, and the shopkeeper suddenly regretted it.

"I seem to have missed an opportunity to make a fortune..."

"You're still talking about it! That's Wu Zhao. A big boss like him would be interested in such a fruit. He even specifically inquired about it and wanted to buy it. The girl personally delivered it to you, but you still refused. , are you stupid, why did you miss such a good opportunity?!"

Hearing the old man's lament, a woman in her fifties suddenly walked out of the grocery store and complained angrily to the old man.

Here, Yu Luo didn't expect that Wu Zhao said that when he went to the Dongshi market, unfortunately those fruits had already been bought by others, and he even ordered all the stocks in the city.

Just when Yu Luo was wondering who was so discerning, they had already arrived at Wu's Trading Company.

Wu Zhao took her to a small hall, where a waiter immediately served tea and cakes, but Yu Luo naturally wouldn't use them casually.

"I wonder if this gentleman has ever eaten this cold melon?" "My surname is Wu and my given name is Zhao. The girl can call me Boss Wu or Manager Wu."

"Then let's call him Boss Wu."

Wu Zhao nodded with a smile, picked up the teapot and filled some tea into the teacup in front of Yu Luo, and then said: "I have been lucky enough to eat this cold melon once, but it was only a small piece, but the taste was amazing. I will never forget it."

Yu Luo was a little surprised, and then she took out Budai Li's watermelon and placed it directly on the coffee table.

"So, Boss Wu can try it today. This is a melon that has been picked for four days. It is still very fresh. It tastes sweet and has enough water."

Wu Zhao was not polite and nodded in agreement with a smile. He reached out and picked up the melon and handed it to the boy next to him, "Take it to the kitchen and cut it."

The boy took the cold melon, but there was a look of embarrassment on his face, "My dear, I have never seen this kind of melon, and I don't know how to cut it."

"Bring a kitchen knife and a plate, and I'll cut it."

Yu Luo looked at the young man and hurriedly came to the rescue.

"Okay, just do what the girl said."

After a while, the kitchen knife and plate were ready. Yu Luo cut the ten-pound watermelon on the table in half, cut it into pieces of suitable size, and placed them neatly on the white porcelain plate.

The bright red flesh of the melon, against the backdrop of the white porcelain plate, looks even more appetizing.

"Take it for everyone to try."

Wu Zhao was not stingy, he directly picked up a plate and handed it to the boy beside him.

The waiter was a little surprised. When he realized what he was doing, his face was filled with ecstasy. He hurriedly took it and happily shared it with other people in the store.

"Young lady, you won't mind, right? I'm also thinking that if this cold melon is sold in the store in the future, my guys can better introduce the taste of this cold melon to customers."

"How is that possible? Since I took it out and cut it, it is for everyone to taste. But it seems that Boss Wu is really interested in this cold melon."

Wu Zhao nodded without hesitation, he was naturally interested.

This kind of melon is a rarity in Dongfeng, not to mention the common people, even the royal family.

If you want to make big money, you have to make money from rich people. That is the fastest way.

And such a good opportunity came to him, and he would not miss it no matter what.

"To be honest, my business covers most of Dongfeng. If the girl and I cooperate for a long time, both of us can make a lot of money." (End of Chapter)

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