Hearing what Wu Zhao said, Yu Luo was overjoyed. He never expected that he would be so lucky to find such a big buyer as soon as he came out of the wilderness. If Wu Zhao hadn't bragged, those people in the wilderness would For melons and fruits, there is no need to worry about marketability.

"Doing business is also about fate. It seems that there is still a little bit of fate between me and Boss Wu."

"Miss, I finally found you!"

Just when Yu Luo finished speaking, after Wu Er had eaten two slices of watermelon, a voice of surprise sounded from the door of the small hall.

Yu Luo looked at Wu Er who suddenly appeared here with surprise in his eyes. After all, she had been here for almost a cup of tea. How did Wu Er know that he was inside?

Seeing the confusion in Yu Luo's eyes, Wu Er suddenly understood.

"Just now, my subordinates watched the young lady and this gentleman enter this business on the street, and hurriedly followed them in, but the boys outside stopped them from entering. My subordinates persuaded me, and they brought me here."

"I see, why are you so anxious to find me?"

"Miss, all the melons and tomatoes we brought have been sold by people from the capital. The person also said that if the sales are good, he will come back to Yueyang City to find us in ten days, and we can go back, miss. "

Upon hearing Wu Er's words, Wu Zhao's expression changed slightly.

He originally wanted to use Yu Luo's goods to occupy the market in the capital of Dongfeng Kingdom first. After all, the richest people in Dongfeng Kingdom must be the most in the capital.

But he didn't expect that the first person to buy this batch of goods would directly occupy the capital market first. If he went there again, it would be a little late. After all, these cold melons are rare and valuable, even if they are rare. No matter how delicious it is, if there are more, the price will be lower.

Yu Luo also learned from Wu Zhao's words that their batch of goods had been bought, but he didn't expect that Wu Er would deliberately come to look for him. After all, it wasn't impossible for him to talk to another buyer.

"I have heard what Boss Wu said. He originally went to the Dongshi Market to look for you to buy melons, but he went late. I heard from the people around him that you have all been sold to one person. Now this Boss Wu, I still want to continue ordering from us.”

He had known before that Wu Er and the others were raising prices. Seeing Wu Er's happy expression, Yu Luo guessed that the goods must not be sold cheaply, so he mentioned it deliberately to let Wu Er know the current situation.

As expected, Wu Er was a quick thinker. When he heard what Yu Luo said, he immediately raised a bright smile and saluted Wu Zhao.

"I see. I don't know how much Boss Wu wants to order. If it's more, we can personally deliver the goods to Boss Wu in the next few days."

"How many Lianggua do you have?"

As expected, he was indeed a businessman. After Wu finished speaking, Wu Zhao did not answer directly, but still opened his mouth like this, wanting to find out their confidence.

If they reduce their inventory, will they not dare to raise the price?But if he says less, he wants more. Doesn’t he want to sell a lot less?

Yu Luo curled her lips and lowered her eyelids slightly. She didn't intend to speak, waiting for Wu Er to deal with it on his own.

"Hey, it depends on how much Boss Wu can sell. Since it's a business, we still hope to have contacts and long-term cooperation. If Boss Wu wants more, he loses his money and won't do it next time. They will cooperate with us, but if Boss Wu wants less, then we can only wait for our other buyers to deliver the main goods to Boss Wu." Listening to Wu Er's words, Yu Luo smiled at the end of his eyes. It's getting thicker.

It seems that Zhang Hu has carefully understood the people under Baofeng. The Wu Er he selected did not disappoint her. It seems that Wu Er is a potential stock in business.

As expected, Wu Zhao was beaten by Wu Er's Tai Chi and was stunned on the spot.

Perhaps he also didn't expect that Wu Er, who looked young, was still a seasoned veteran like himself.

"Hahahaha, miss, this subordinate of yours is quite interesting. It seems that miss's business is also very big. Not only did miss find her own way, she is also a business veteran at this young age!"

"Boss Wu, thank you. Since we are sitting together today to discuss business, let me talk to Boss Wu about the tomato red fruit. By the way, Boss Wu will taste it first, and then we will talk."

With that said, Yu Luo took out a few more tomatoes from the bag. Wu Zhao glanced at him, and the boy on the side was very discerning and took out the remaining tomatoes after Wu Zhao took them out, and gave them to him again. The guys from the store tasted it.

After taking a sip, Wu Zhao's expression narrowed slightly at first, perhaps because he could not bear the sourness of the tomato.

But he didn't give up, and took another bite. The unique taste of tomatoes immediately filled his mouth, and his eyes lit up instantly!
"This fruit has a very unique taste."

"Indeed, eating this fruit like this or dipping it in sugar is a delicacy to relieve the heat in summer. It can be eaten in many ways and can be made into a variety of dishes, and the dishes are delicious. If Boss Wu If you want to sell it, this tomato still has many selling points.”

"Oh, yes, no wonder these tomatoes are sold for three taels of silver per catty in the market. Ha, for these three taels of silver per catty, ordinary people have to buy more than 100 catties of pork and more than 300 catties of rice. It seems that this fruit is also Only wealthy people can afford it."

"That's right. The seeds of this tomato are not available in several countries. They come from overseas. We cultivated them for several years before finally growing them."

Wu Er took over the conversation and praised the tomato.

These words are naturally what Yu Luo told them to declare to the outside world before. This can also increase the value of their fruits in a timely manner, so that those who wholesale their fruits, or the retail merchants who buy these fruits, when eating tomatoes, I can't help but feel how hard-won and precious it is.

"Oh, if that's the case, it's really precious. I just don't know how it tastes when cooked? I wonder if you can ask this little brother to demonstrate it for us."

"I'll do it. I think there's a small kitchen behind this business?"

Where can Wu Er know how to cook?Yu Luo said lightly with a smile, Wu Zhao was even flattered by her being like this!
"Isn't this... bad? It really damages the lady's status to let her do it herself."

"It's okay. I'm just a businessman. I cooked a dish for Boss Wu to try. I just want to close the business. Boss Wu doesn't need to feel any psychological pressure."

When Yu Luo brought out simple scrambled eggs with tomatoes and tomato egg drop soup from the kitchen, Wu Zhao was dumbfounded. (End of chapter)

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