Yu Luo said bluntly, directly explaining the amount of the deposit and speaking firmly, leaving no room for Wu Zhao to talk back.

"Yes, Boss Wu is so cheerful, and our young lady is also a cheerful person. Each watermelon weighs about ten kilograms. Of course, there are big and small ones. Ten thousand watermelons are almost one hundred thousand kilograms. One hundred thousand kilograms per kilogram. Two taels and five taels of silver, that is 25 taels of silver. Of course, we will know the exact weight of these ten thousand watermelons when we go to the dock to weigh them. This tomato is even better, weighed per catty. The price is two taels of silver per catty, so the total of those 6 catties of tomatoes is 31 taels of silver. Add the two together, that is 3000 taels of silver. If Boss Wu pays a [-]% deposit first, that is [-] taels of silver. "

When Wu Er calculated like this, Yu Luo's eyes rolled when he heard it. The accountant who had been called to the side was quickly moving the abacus beads in his hand. The room was full of abacus beads. The sound of "pop" seemed a little embarrassing at this time.

After a while, the accountant finally stopped moving the abacus and looked up at Wu Zhao blankly. There was an urge to cry in his eyes, "Master, it's really 3000 taels of silver."

Wu Zhao...

Wu Er's amazing performance directly made Wu Zhao look at him with admiration. He had no idea that at such a young age, Wu Er's calculation ability was even better than that of an old man who had been an accountant for 30 years!

"I didn't expect that the girl is surrounded by talented people. She doesn't even need abacus, and she can calculate accurately in such a short time. I admire her! I admire her!"

Yu Luo was also surprised, but didn't show much shock.

What she wants to establish now in front of Wu Zhao is that she is also a businessman.

"Boss Wu and Liao praised him. Boss Wu can make his business so big. He is certainly capable. Wu Er is just a little smarter. Compared with Boss Wu, he still has a lot to learn."

Wu Zhao laughed and looked at Yu Luo, who was calm and composed in front of him, and became more and more afraid to treat him lightly.

At first, seeing that Yu Luo was young, a little girl, and extremely good-looking, such a person was just a vase at best. After this conversation, Wu Zhao directly changed his view of Yu Luo.

"In this case, wait a moment, girl. More than 9 taels of silver is not a small amount. I have to scrape it together and go to the bank."

Yu Luo nodded, "In that case, I'll come over in the afternoon to sign a contract with Shopkeeper Wu. I'll also remind Shopkeeper Wu that if possible, any silver or gold notes will do. Cash only costs 1 taels."

"Okay, it's easy to talk about, so I won't keep the girl around anymore. I'll be waiting for her at this business office the next afternoon."

Yu Luo and the two left the trading company and went directly to the small courtyard they bought before.

On the way, Wu Er could no longer hold back and wanted to share today's joy with Yu Luo, but Yu Luo interrupted him several times. Wu Er knew what Yu Luo meant, so he forcefully said what he wanted. The joy of sharing endured in my heart.

Returning to the small courtyard, there was only one brother waiting here. Seeing that all the carriages parked in the courtyard were gone, Yu Luo finally showed a bright smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that these ten loads of goods would be sold so quickly and that I would receive such a large order."

"Yes, Miss, Miss, you are so awesome. You directly found such a big buyer. This deal is worth several 10 taels of silver!"

The fruits that had been cultivated for several months were finally turned into cash. No one was as excited as Yu Luo at this moment.

Thinking of the hard work of more than 2 people, seeing money for the first time in the wilderness, Yu Luo became more and more confident about the future of Luocheng.

"This year is also the first time that cold melons have come out. There is nothing wrong with being able to afford the price. I just don't know what next year will be like? But it doesn't matter. Next year, we will have a bumper harvest of grapes, grapes, cantaloupes, and peaches. We Luocheng will definitely become rich gradually." Thinking about the fruits he planted this year, he was originally a little worried about how long he could bear to feed nearly 2 people just because of his efforts. Now that he has begun to see results, Yu Luo Immediately my confidence doubled!

"Yes, Miss. The fruit seedlings chosen by Miss will definitely make a lot of money from the crops. It seems that next year, brothers, we have to work harder to continue to open up more land."

Yu Luo felt the same way. Even if Luocheng could not attract many people to consume in the future, she could still support 2 people and earn a lot of money just by relying on the output of the fields.

It's a pity that the snow in the wilderness is too heavy every year, otherwise she would have wanted to grow vegetables in greenhouses. If greenhouse vegetables come out, it will be a huge profit business to send them to the wilderness.

Unfortunately, if you want to build a greenhouse, unless you use bricks and tiles, otherwise tarpaulin will not be able to withstand the pressure of heavy snow.

"Bang bang bang."

Just when Yu Luo and his two subordinates were in the main room thinking about planning for next year's land reclamation, there was a sudden knock on the courtyard door.

"Go away, little one. The brothers must have delivered the goods!"

Xiaodong, who stayed in the yard, stood up from his chair excitedly, and while talking, he ran directly to the gate of the yard.

"Miss, look at Xiaodong's excitement, he must be thinking about counting the money together later."

"Who are you looking for?"

Before Wu Er finished speaking, unexpectedly, at the entrance of the courtyard, Xiaodong's voice was full of suspicion, interrupting Wu Er's teasing voice.

The master and servant heard the sound and looked directly towards the door, their expressions serious.

After all, their status was special, and they had just bought this compound. Wu Zhao, the only person they knew, couldn't possibly know that they lived here. So who found them?
"We are looking for your young lady."

Azan's voice sounded at the door. Yu Luo heard the sound and stood up directly. He took out a veil from his sleeve and put it on his face, just in case.

"What are you doing for me?"

Xiaodong was about to close the door and go and report to his lady first, but unexpectedly Yu Luo walked towards the courtyard door.

The yard is not big, with five rooms arranged horizontally, and a main room in the middle. There are two wing rooms on the west side of the vertical row, one wing room and one kitchen room on the east side of the vertical row. There are two flower beds in the yard, and a gourd vine climbing Full of shelves, there is an open space paved with stone slabs on one side, a small vegetable garden in the backyard, a woodshed and a toilet.

The courtyard gate was only seven or eight meters away from the main room, and Xiaodong didn't expect their young lady to arrive so quickly.

When Ye Lu outside the door heard the voice, he ducked and came directly to the door from the side. He waved to Yu Luo with a bright smile on his face. (End of chapter)

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