Seeing this face, Yu Luo was naturally unexpected!

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and immediately pulled Xiaodong over, trying to close the courtyard door directly. Unexpectedly, Ye Lu was faster, and with a sweep of her long legs, Yu Luo immediately slammed the door halfway shut. He was caught right in the middle!

"Oh, girl, is this how you treat guests?"

"Just an uninvited guest, get out!"

Yu Luo showed no mercy and said coldly on the spot!

Even now, she still feels a little bit frightened. After all, Ye Lu's appearance really surprised her and she had to be on guard.

But Ye Lu was a martial arts practitioner, and even though Yu Luo also had internal strength and strength, Ye Lu, who had taken the lead, still managed to sneak in through the door using his cleverness.

Looking at Yelu, who looked like a dog-skin plaster, Yu Luo was speechless.

"What do you want to do?"

"If you don't do anything, I'm here to give you some money."

Hearing Ye Yelu's words, Yu Luo became even more upset!

"Miss, he is really here to give us money."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhang Hu's voice sounded outside the house at the right time. When Yu Luo looked at Ye Lu, his eyes became even colder.

Yu Luo turned around and went to the main room. Outside the room, Zhang Hu and Hu Liu quickly followed in, along with Azan at the door.

Seeing his master's despicable behavior, even though Azan had successfully entered the yard at this moment, he still felt a bit burning on his face.

Before, because he had shown his face in front of the restaurant, Ye Lu was afraid that if he and Azan went to the stall to buy those fruits, Yuluo's people would not sell them to them at all, so Ye Lu asked his secret guards to buy them. .

When Yu Luo's people had sent all the goods to the dock, Ye Lu appeared.

At this point, Zhang Hu could no longer go back on his promise and bring those goods back to the city. After all, they were really eye-catching, so he had no choice but to sell all the goods to them.

Zhang Hu was sensible after all. They should not have felt sorry for Yinzi when they took such a risk.

The remaining brothers were still waiting for the weighing ship to be overweight, so he took Hu Liu and Ye Lu back to the small courtyard first.

Originally, he didn't plan to bring Ye Lu here, but Ye Lu shamelessly told Zhang Hu that he had seen the yard where they bought it, so Zhang Hu had to bring him back obediently.

After knowing the truth of the matter, Yu Luo looked at Ye Xuan's eyes and felt more and more that this man was despicable and had some villainous behavior.

"Oh, if you want to buy it, just buy it generously. Why make it so complicated? It's just a waste of time for a man, and it's actually a villain's behavior."

Being disliked by Yu Luo was not something that happened only once or twice, and Ye Lu didn't care.

"Little pepper, who told you to put on a stinky face every time you see me?"

"Oh, in a place like Fengcheng, you exposed my woman's identity on the spot, and you still want me to give you a good face? You are really shameless."

Upon hearing this, Ye Lu suddenly understood!
At this time, when he looked at Yu Luo again, the smile in his peach blossom eyes became even brighter. "So the girl is worried that I am not good for you? Haha, girl, you are completely over-worrying. It's just that I was a little surprised at the time. I didn't expect that such a woman would dare to go to a place like Fengcheng. I was surprised. I blurted out carefully. This is something I did wrong. I hope you don’t get angry again, girl. We can’t be acquainted without fighting, right? We are destined to meet again in Yueyang City today. That can only mean that, There is a deep connection between you and me.”

"Don't come here. Don't think that just because you are pretty, you want to get close to our young lady. Put away your flirtatious thoughts. You are not worthy of our young lady!"

When Wu Er saw the way Ye Lu looked at their young lady, he immediately took a step forward and spoke unkindly to Ye Lu.

"Why is our master so unworthy?! How can you talk?"

Although Azan disliked his master from the bottom of his heart, when his master was disliked by others, he couldn't help but stand up and protest against his master.

"Hey, did I make a mistake? With your master's peach-blossom eyes and playboy demeanor, he deliberately approached our young lady like this. Don't think that he can hide his thoughts."

Wu Er said excitedly, this reaction was somewhat unexpected by Yu Luo.

She didn't think that Yelu had any thoughts about her. Even if this was not the first time they met, Yelu had only seen her true face once on the street, and this time she was still wearing a veil. .

There was a trace of embarrassment in Ye Lu's eyes when his thoughts were exposed, but he was a thick-skinned person, otherwise he wouldn't be here.

Seeing the out-of-control scene, Yelu glared at Azan with a cold eyebrow, "Shut up, we are just guests. How can a guest quarrel with the host?"

After hearing this, Azan obediently shut up, but still glared at Wu Er unconvinced. Wu Er, not to be outdone, snorted coldly at him, with a dark face the whole time.

Zhang Hu frowned slightly when he saw Wu Er's abnormally excited look.

Wu Er and Yu Luo didn't spend much time together. Even in the wilderness, with Yu Luo as his boss, Wu Er was still a subordinate of Baofeng. Even if they were to report on tasks, Baofeng and their lady would report them. There is even less contact between them.

But why does Wu Er react so strongly when there is such a young master who has not shown many signs of having evil intentions towards his young lady?

"Okay, since you are here, just pay the price. I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't leave you alone."

Yu Luo didn't intend to have a close relationship with Ye Lu, and acted businesslike when discussing business.

But Yelu bought Yu Luo's things just to get to know Yu Luo. How could he pay the remaining balance so easily?

If he paid the balance, based on what little he knew about Yu Luo, he could be sure that Yu Luo would kick him out immediately.

"Don't worry, girl. Isn't it still noon? There is still a while until afternoon. Why don't I treat the girl to a casual meal first?"

"No need, I don't eat with strangers."

"How can I be considered a stranger? We have met a few times, and I happen to want to cooperate with the girl for a long time. I can see that, girl, those cold melons and red fruits of yours will definitely be great in the future. selling."

"Well, you pay me for this batch of goods first, and then pay the deposit for the next batch of goods. We will be considered as cooperating."

Yu Luo was not polite, he raised his eyebrows and said to Ye Xi.

Seeing Yu Luo's businesslike appearance, Ye Lu was also a little caught off guard. He never expected that Yu Luo, as a businessman, could speak so directly without any mincing words.

"What? Talking about business is just a cover, so tell me, what is your purpose?" (End of Chapter)

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