Seeing the shock in Ye Lu's eyes, Yu Luo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly under the veil, and a hint of sarcasm crept up the end of his eyes.

"Yes! Miss, please don't talk nonsense with him. I think this guy has bad intentions and is not happy to even pay for the goods. Such a person is not suitable for long-term cooperation."

When Wu Er found an opportunity, he took advantage of every opportunity. Ye Lu was even dumbfounded when he heard this.

"What are your intentions? Girl, don't think of me so bad, okay? I really just think it's fate. I will pay for the goods, I will."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Hu immediately took out a ledger and put it on the table.

"This is the weight of two carts of melons, a total of 320 kilograms. Of course, the ship that weighs the weight can only give a rough estimate, and it will not be accurate to a few kilograms. There are six carts of tomatoes, a total of 3000, 260 kilograms. Ten catties, the two kinds of fruits added together, the total is thirty-seven thousand, two hundred and sixty taels of silver."

Looking at the account book that Zhang Hu took out, the smile on Ye Lu's face became even more helpless.

"Why are you still standing there? If you give me some money, the boat will be weighed less if it is weighed less, so I will give you ten thousand taels, and I will raise the total as a girl."

After hearing this, Azan hurriedly took out four thousand-tael gold tickets and handed them to Yelu with both hands.

Yu Luo was not polite and put the 4000 taels of gold tickets directly into his sleeves. He looked at Zhang Hu and asked, "Have you received a deposit?"

"Yes, I collected 2000 taels, and my subordinates will return it to them."

Yu Luo nodded, and Zhang Hu returned the 2000 taels of silver notes to Ye Lu. Ye Lu didn't even look at it. Azan hurriedly stepped forward to take it and put it away.

"Okay, if we want to negotiate an order, I can still give you the next batch of goods at this price. You need to pay a [-]% deposit, and they will be delivered to Yueyang City in about ten to fifteen days. If we don't want to negotiate, Young Master can ask I'm back."

"Let's talk about it, why not talk about it?! This business looks like a money-making business, I will definitely talk about it!"

Ye Lu knew that as soon as the money was given, the girl in front of him would definitely be driven away.

Sure enough, Yu Luo's cold appearance was exactly what he thought.

As a last resort, he immediately put on a flattering smile and smiled hurriedly.

As soon as Yelu said these words, Azan behind him couldn't help but took a step forward and opened his mouth to stop him.

Ye Lu turned his back to Azan. Even if he didn't turn around, when he heard Azan's footsteps, he knew what Azan wanted to say.

As soon as he raised his hand, Azan's words of comfort were immediately blocked.

Looking at his master who seemed to have been possessed by a poison, Azan was anxious but helpless.

Yu Luo was also slightly surprised. After hearing Ye Lu's cheerful words, she couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the man in front of her again.

"Miss, look at this man, he must have evil intentions. He doesn't look like a businessman. He just wants to get close to you, miss! Besides, our melons and tomatoes are not good at all. Worried about selling, miss, please don’t come into contact with such a man just because of business.”

"Wu Er, the young lady has her own decision to make. Please pay attention to your identity."

Yu Luo hadn't even opened his mouth yet. Seeing Ye Lu smiling coquettishly, Wu Er became impatient. Regardless of his identity, he spoke rashly again, trying to dissuade Yu Luo.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Zhang Hu on the side reminded him in a deep voice.

When Wu Er heard this, his expression became even more anxious, but he had to respond obediently, "Yes, I know I was wrong."

Yu Luo ignored Wu Er. Wu Er hated Ye Lu so much, and she didn't know why. Although Ye Lu did feel a little strange and inappropriate, as a businessman, she had no reason to have trouble with money.

"Okay, how much do you want to order? But you plan to sell it in Dongfeng country?" "The girl knows things like a god, and I tell you the truth. I am from Dongfeng country, so naturally my first consideration is to sell it in Dongfeng country. Today's I just want to transport the goods to the Imperial City. I wonder how much you have left, girl?"

Seeing Ye Lu gradually put away his carefree attitude, Yu Luo also looked serious.

"Since you are my customer, I have to think about you. Otherwise, these fruits will break in your hands and not be sold, which is not what I want to see."

"I know you have a good heart, girl. If you tell me, I will definitely listen."

"Glib talk is not a good thing."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Lu finished speaking, Wu Er, who was standing behind Yu Luo, couldn't hold back anymore and began to murmur in a low voice.

Almost everyone in this room had internal energy. Even if Ye Lu heard it, he pretended not to hear it and continued to look at Yu Luo with a flattering expression.

"To tell you the truth, I have ordered [-] cold melons and [-] kilograms of tomatoes today. If I am correct, they also plan to sell them in Dongfeng Country. I want to tell you that in this market There is already competition for your business, so if you want to make a decision, don’t make too much, otherwise you will be careful and everything will fall on your hands.”

As soon as Yu Luo said this, Wu Er frowned, obviously dissatisfied with his young lady's kind behavior.

In Wu Er's view, after things are sold, it doesn't matter whether they can be sold or broken in their hands?That has nothing to do with them.

But when he thought of Zhang Hu's warning, Wu Er swallowed up his dissatisfaction again.

"Young lady is indeed a kind-hearted person. I have actually seen it in Fengcheng. I am very grateful to have you reminded me like this. But from my point of view, anyone can do business in this market. If I can't steal it, If you pass that person, I can go to Lanyue Dynasty and the Northern Kingdom."

"Okay, Zhang Hu, please remember the quantity Mr. Ye wants to order and collect the deposit."


After Zhang Hu agreed, Yu Luo stood up and went to the next room.

This man was obviously not here for those cool melons. Yu Luo naturally knew that since the business had been settled, there was no need for her to stay and continue to waste time with this man.

Seeing Yu Luo get up and go to another room, Ye Lu immediately became anxious.

"Wait, girl."

"What else?"

"Well... by the way, there will be another auction in the closed city tomorrow. Girl, do you want to go with us?"

"No need."

Ye Lu didn't know what excuse to make to keep Yu Luo behind. After holding it in for a while, he finally thought of such an excuse. Who knew that Yu Luo wouldn't even consider taking the exam, so he refused.

In order to leave a good impression on Yu Luo, Ye Lu immediately ordered [-] watermelons and [-] kilograms of tomatoes, which almost shocked the faceless Zhang Hu.

"Master, are you sure you want this much?"

"Of course. Does this young master seem to be the owner of money?"

There was a bit of arrogance in Yelu's tone, but when Azan heard these words, he really felt a cold sweat for their master!
How can their master still have so much money on hand now?He really didn't see that their master would go so far as to exaggerate that Haikou would go bankrupt for a woman... (End of Chapter)

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