Just as she was thinking of this, a mother-in-law in her fifties waved to her, "Girl, why are you alone in this wilderness? Fortunately, our family of more than thirty people came here in exile. Although we endured hardships on the way We have suffered a lot, and there are many dangers, but at least we still have care for each other. Do you want to come over and warm yourself by the fire? It’s so early in the morning, it’s so cold, and you’re still wearing such thin clothes, and you’re actually alone.”

"Mother-in-law, how long have you been waiting?"

Yu Luo walked over with a smile, squatted beside the aunt's fire, looked at the aunt with a smile, and asked softly.

"I just came here yesterday afternoon. When I passed by here, I saw crops planted in many places. We planned to settle here. However, the crops were taken care of by special people, and we were not allowed to build houses outside the city wall. So we just figured it out. Let’s stay at the gate of this city first, there seem to be a lot of people inside, and no one is chasing us away anyway, maybe the people inside will let us in at some point.”

Hearing this, Yu Luo probably knew what these people were thinking.

Among this group of people, some are curious about this city, and some want to settle in this city. In fact, the shops are almost ready now. Although the business has not officially opened yet, she can also start the screening. After Lu One after another, the water was diverted into the city.

After Yu Luo asked all the questions, he suddenly jumped on the spot and headed towards the city gate without saying goodbye to the people present!

Her sudden movement shocked the mother-in-law who had just spoken to her and immediately exclaimed. Everyone could not help but open their eyes wide, looking at her boldness in disbelief!

There are even some people in the world who are already planning to follow her and go up directly using Qinggong!
"The girl turns out to be a master! Oops, you can't go, you can't go, someone is guarding you..."

"Miss, are you back?!"

The aunt's exclamation was only halfway through, when those people from the martial arts world were about to follow, but unexpectedly they saw the guards on the city wall, leaning out half of their bodies, shouting at Yu Luo in surprise!
"What do you mean, this girl is from this city?"

The people waiting outside the city gate looked at each other in disbelief.

"Oh, if I had known that the girl was from here, we should have begged the girl to let the guard open the door and let us in. Now, we have missed such an opportunity in vain, and we don't know how long we have to wait!"

Some people saw that Yu Luo had successfully climbed up the city wall, and the slender figure had disappeared from everyone's sight. They were extremely regretful, and some even beat their chests and clapped their legs immediately!

"Don't worry, the girl seems to have asked us if we want to go in, and the girl seems quite kind. Maybe the girl will convey our wishes to the people on the city wall soon. This city gate may be very It will be opened soon.”

Looking at the regretful faces, someone immediately reacted to the Yuluo attitude just now.

As soon as this person said this, the originally agitated crowd gradually began to look forward to it, and everyone's faces lost the confusion they had just before Yu Luo appeared.

Yu Luo returned to the city and looked at the neatly planned streets. The patrols were in teams of five, constantly shuttling through these streets. Yu Luo walked directly towards the shops.

“Are these shops available now?”

"Miss, it works. We are all our own people living in this city. Even if we do business, we are doing our own business. Besides, there are so many shops and I don't know what to do."

Liu Can, who was following Yu Luo, had long been confused about the purpose of these shops. Today Yu Luo happened to ask, and he also asked the question that had puzzled him for a long time.

"Indeed, in this case, these shops can be traded to the outside world. Come with me back to the city lord's palace."

"Yes!" Ye Jiamei, who was strolling out with Yu Xiangxiang, looked at Yu Luo who had returned with Liu Can as soon as he arrived at the door of the mansion.

Ye Jiamei's face lit up with joy, and she ran towards Yu Luo in small steps. She reached out and grabbed Yu Luo's hand, "Why did you come back so soon? Everything went well. What about Dongfeng Kingdom? But it's fun. I'll bring you with me next time. Let’s go to your parents too!”

"Dongfeng Kingdom is quite good. The folk customs are simple and simple, similar to those of the Lanyue Dynasty. Even the accent is similar. Anyway, I can understand it. Everything is going well. Zhang Hu and the others have entered the wilderness. It should take up to two days. We'll be home soon. When I have the chance, I'll take you and dad around."

"Okay, okay, is it just so fast? So those tomatoes and watermelons are all sold out?!"

Yu Luo nodded, "Not to mention everything is sold out, but I also received two large orders. If all the payments for these two orders are recovered, it will be a very considerable amount. Anyway, it is completely impossible to support these nearly [-] brothers." question."

Upon hearing Yu Luo's words, several people's brows suddenly lit up with joy!

"Okay, okay, we don't have to sit back and have nothing. Your father is still over there in the granary. Hasn't the corn harvest started? Many corn stalks are almost piled up into a hill. He is looking for a place to stack them. I really didn't expect that. Those corn stalks can also be used to feed livestock, and can also be used to light fires in winter, so they are really used to their best advantage.”

Seeing the smile in his mother's eyes, Yu Luo also became happy.

The crops grown geographically can be exchanged for money, and even the sweet potato seedlings can be used to raise cattle, sheep, and pigs. After the rice is harvested, the rice stalks are also good materials for burning, and can even be used to build houses.This is the meaning of land reclamation, the greatest feedback given by land.

"Liu Can, go and find my father. I have something important to discuss with him."

"Yes, my subordinates will go now."

Back at the mansion, when they learned that Yu Luo was back, Ming Ye and the stupid man ran out one after another!

Like a magic trick, Yu Luo immediately took out a few bunches of candied haws from his arms and handed them to the two of them.

"Take it and eat it."

As soon as the silly man saw the candied haws, he happily took it away from Yu Luo's hand and went outside to eat it obediently. However, Ming Ye smiled with a hint of shyness in his eyes, "Sister, keep it to yourself. eat."

Seeing Ming Ye's well-behaved look, Yu Luo immediately stuffed the candied haws into his hand and thoughtfully tore off the oil paper on it for him.

"I bought it specially for you. My sister has already eaten it."

Seeing this, Ming Ye smiled and put the candied haws into his mouth. The sweet candy entered his mouth, and the smile at the end of Ming Ye's eyes became even stronger.

"Xiangxiang, these are bought for you."

After that, Yu Luo took out a few headbands, a silver hairpin, a silver walking stick, a few silk flowers, two pairs of earrings, and naturally a bunch of candied haws.

Seeing so many things and jewelry used by girls, Yu Xiangxiang was so frightened that she waved her hands and wanted to refuse. After all, anything here was something she had never dared to think of! (End of chapter)

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