"No, I don't want this. The young lady and madam have been good enough to me. I can't ask for any more of these things."

"You girl, why do you start calling yourself "slave" again? Although you sold yourself to our family, I told you that you are different, so you still call me Miss Xiaoluo."

With that said, Yu Luo wrapped a bunch of things in cloth towels and stuffed them directly into Yu Xiangxiang's hands.

"Okay, I don't like to be verbose. I bought you from your mother because you are a hard-working and hard-working person with your own ideas. Just continue to work hard in the future. You are totally worth giving me these things. "

Listening to Yu Luo's cold tone, Yu Xiangxiang nodded weakly, feeling extremely warm in her heart.

Only since she left that home did she realize how good it felt to be cared for and cared about.

Yu Xiangxiang didn't make Yu Luo regret it. She took very good care of their family of three's daily life and food. She could also talk to Ye Jiamei, so Yu Luo was satisfied.

Yu Junjie came back in a hurry, with corn leaves stuck everywhere on his body, and his hair was messy. Ye Jiamei hurriedly started to help him tidy it up, and naturally she couldn't help but complain.

"Are you going to hug me yourself? There are so many people, you just tell them to do it."

"No, they don't know how to base, I'm just showing them how. How about this time? Did it go well to Dongfeng Country?"

Saying that, Yu Haojie looked at Yu Luo expectantly and couldn't wait to ask her about her trip.

"It's good. I can give orders to the people below later and start preparing to pick fruits. I have taken two big orders. We will talk about this later. But Dad, do you know that there are more than 100 people outside the city now? "

"I know, Wang Xiao came to report to me last night. Those people don't dare to let them in casually, right? You came back just in time. Our shops are almost completed, and a lot of furniture is also ready. If If possible, I would like to open a few to try out first. Although this city is full of our own people, they all have monthly income and must also need some daily necessities, so we can use them to practice our skills."

"That being said, with nearly 2 people, there will definitely be no shortage of consumers, but I have an idea."

Seeing that Yu Luo already looked confident, Yu Haojie said with great anticipation, "Tell me, dad, let's see what you think."

"Shops are for rent or sale, and the priority for leasing and buying and selling is given to our long-term employees first."

Upon hearing Yu Luo's suggestion, Yu Haojie's eyes immediately lit up, "This relationship is good. In this way, they can make another living, or have extra income to increase their income. With so many shops, we don't need to bother to go there." Management, even the supply of goods, if they can figure it out themselves, let them figure it out themselves."

"Ah? Xiaoluo, husband, are you sure they can get the supply?"

Ye Jiamei was a little skeptical. After all, it was a big problem for these people to leave the wilderness.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this at all. People who can't get the supply won't have the guts to rent a shop." "Yes, didn't Xiaoluo send nearly 100 people out this time? Except for Zhang Hu and the others, go The fact that Baofeng and Luoyi from the North and West Mo Kingdoms haven't turned back yet proves that they have already successfully walked out of the wilderness. Now that they can go out, it will be easier to come back."

After Yu Junjie analyzed this, Ye Jiamei also understood. She shook the fan in her hand and nodded, "Since you and your daughter have made up your mind, and these shops are still owned by our family, I have to choose first. The one with a good location will be reserved for opening a medical clinic in the future.”

"Okay, mother, go and choose now. I will gather everyone together later and tell them about this matter first. When Baofeng and Luo Yi come back, they should consider a result."

"Okay, I'll go right away. But now there are hundreds of shops in Luocheng. What if our people don't have the guts to do it? Do we have to build more than 100 shops ourselves?"

Ye Jiamei stood up and was already planning to take Yu Xiangxiang out to choose a store. Suddenly she thought of this problem again. She turned to look at the father and daughter again and expressed her worries.

"At that time, it will naturally be rented out or sold, but our sales are different from others. There are restrictions on sales, such as the number of years. Let's start with 20 years. After 20 years, we have the right to take it back and change it again. Or let them continue to pay property taxes.”

Listening to Yu Luo's treacherous plan, Ye Jiamei's mouth twitched and she couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Yu Luo.

"It seems I don't have to worry at all. You two, father and daughter, can continue to discuss it. I'll take Xiangxiang to choose a store!"

After Ye Jiamei left, the father and daughter discussed the details for a while, and finally discussed the issue of the more than 100 people stranded outside the city gate.

"When this city was built, it needed people from outside to flow in to generate economic benefits. It's not the same thing if the city gates are not opened all the time. But if it is opened now, we don't know how to accommodate them if they are allowed in. After all, It’s impossible to continue to accept them as long-term workers. There will definitely be people like them one after another. Dad, we have to come up with a way to deal with them immediately.”

"Then immediately open a grain store, a grocery store, a restaurant, and an inn. The most important thing is food, accommodation, and transportation. It can be done today. When they come in, those who have money can stay in the inn first. Those who have no money can stay in the inn first. We can let them rent an empty room to live in temporarily. Didn’t we also build a group of separate dormitories, which can be used as rental houses first.”

"This proposal is feasible, but when I came back I asked and found that there are dozens of exiles there. Although I don't know which country they are from, what if they are penniless?"

When Yu Haojie heard this, he waved his hands nonchalantly, "I'm not afraid even if I'm penniless. As long as we can keep people here, they will definitely be able to help create value for Luocheng in the future. Anyway, we have a lot of work, so give them a They can make a living by doing simple, subsistence work, and the money they earn has to be spent in Luocheng. This is the principle of population driving the economy, do you understand?"

"I understand, then let's choose a few stores to open immediately. Even for food stores, there is no need to stock up on too many goods. After all, nearly 2 people still eat from us, and they won't buy food. Just groceries. There are a lot of them, so I’ll have people start decorating them now, and try to have all the stores open before the afternoon.”

The father and daughter separated and went about their own business.

Yu Luo selected a few shops and immediately had plaques written on them and hung up directly. Then it was about choosing shopkeepers and waiters to decorate the shops and distribute goods.

Although these things were done in a bit of haste and haste, it was completely sufficient to simply receive the foreign population. (End of chapter)

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