Yu Yingying, who had been starved by Chang Huilan for several days, was finally treated submissively by Chang Huilan.

Now, even if she has a broken leg, she will still do her best to help Chang Huilan light the fire, or sit at the door of the cave to rub her clothes and pick vegetables.

The arrogant person in her body finally gave in after Chang Huilan snatched her bowl several times. However, it is not clear whether she has really understood her position in her heart.

"I don't know about this, but I have seen it outside the city. The city is very grand and big, but Yuluo has started renting out shops. I think the city will be similar to what we saw in the capital when we come here. Even if it can't keep up with the prosperity of the capital, Isn’t it at least better than living in this cave?”

Upon hearing Yu Xiaoran's words, Yu Yingying's eyes lit up, and she nodded her head. It was undeniable.

"Mother, let's go do business, shall we? We can't work as long-term workers for Yu Luo. Sooner or later, all the money we have will be spent. If we do business, we don't have to worry about living in a cave in the city. Wild animals may break in at any time. Come, go do business, you can still make money, right?"

Listening to a pair of children muttering to themselves, Chang Huilan, who was stirring the porridge in the pot, threw the two wooden sticks away angrily and looked at the brother and sister with anger!

"Where's the capital? Who will give it to you?!"

"Mother, don't you have any private money on you?"

Chang Huilan has been extremely angry recently, and the shadow of gentleness and grace can no longer be found in her, a lady of the world.

Seeing Chang Huilan roaring at the two siblings again, Yu Yingying asked tentatively. Anyway, she didn't believe that her mother would not leave any escape route for herself.

"Oh, the last personal money I have is all given to your eldest brother to find your father. Where can I have more? Our family now only has the last ten kilograms of food. If your eldest brother and father don't come back after eating, we will From now on, I have to eat the prey hunted by your second brother. What are you thinking about, doing business? Hehe, we used to have no fingers in the sun. What kind of business is it? Can't we still sell embroidery? It's just a place like this, who doesn't care Is there any embroidery on handkerchiefs or clothes? Now we should think about how to spend this winter."

Upon hearing Chang Huilan's words, the eyes of the brother and sister were completely despairing!

If they eat prey all winter long, why don't they have mouths full of bubbles?But that was only when there was prey to eat. If it snowed heavily for most of the year and they couldn't catch any prey at all, they would have to starve to death.

"Mother, let's not be discouraged. Aren't the people from the second room always rushing to curry favor with us? They have many families, so why not let them lend us some money? We really have to go to the city to do business, otherwise we will wait in this stone mountain. Everyone has gone to the city, and from now on there will only be three of us living in this cave."

When Yu Xiaoran thought of the people in the cave, all discussing business matters, he thought of a few months later, in the bleak winter on the snow-covered rocky mountain, even Yu Luo's long-term workers would go there. When I lived in the city, I realized how desolate it was.

Listening to Yu Xiaoran's words, Chang Huilan's eyes only became more melancholy, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She can be sure that the people in the second room will never provide help in times of need at this time.

Here, Yu Luo led a group of people to the city wall, her face flickering under the light of the torch.

It had just arrived in the evening, and the temperature in the early autumn wilderness had already dropped sharply. During the day, she only had to wear a thin skirt and shirt, but at this time, she had to wear a thin cotton-padded jacket.Those who wanted to come in under the city wall were already trembling around the fire. Wang Er looked down and suddenly retracted his head. He immediately turned towards Yu Luo and opened his mouth.

Seeing Wang Er's expression, Yu Luo immediately noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly leaned out half of his body outside the city wall.

Unexpectedly, when she looked down, she discovered that there were at least twice as many people right next to the city wall.

Perhaps because of the cold, those people clung to the city wall to take shelter from the wind, huddled together, and lit fires.

Along with the sound of the wind, you can still vaguely hear the cry of a baby under the city wall.

"Why are you on guard duty? When did so many more people come and no one came to report them?"

Yu Luo's voice was full of sternness. Liu Can, who had just taken over the post, trembled and hurriedly replied, "Miss, these people came here almost two-quarters of an hour ago, and most of them were on foot. I was thinking about Miss anyway." I knew there was someone below, but I didn't bother to report to the lady."

"Are you stupid? We are standing guard on this city wall to observe every move outside. Suddenly, at least 100 more people came. Why don't you report such an important matter to the lady?"

Wang Xiao, who was on the side, saw Liu Can like this, and immediately slapped Liu Can on the forehead angrily, with a look of hatred for iron.

When Liu Can heard this, he didn't dare to look directly into Yu Luo's eyes anymore and hurriedly lowered his head!

"That's all, I won't do it next time. When I have some free time, I will write you a book of rules for guarding the city gate. Now go down and let the brothers guard the city gate tightly. Everyone must be asked about their origins, and then Let each of them pay a token entrance fee of two copper coins."

"It's so cheap. For two copper coins, how much money do we charge in a day? But Xiaoluo, then again, I think many people here should be exiled. Maybe they can't even pay two copper coins. "

Yu Junjie, who came with him, was shocked when he heard about the entry fee for the closed city and Yu Luo's regulations. He couldn't help but think of the difficulties of fellow exiled criminals.

"Then we might as well not collect it. Anyway, we can't collect much now. We can wait until Luo Cheng becomes famous and then implement this method."

"Okay, that's it. If people in need want to come in in the future and can't afford the fee, you can take them to work for a day to offset the cost. Anyway, we will always have no shortage of people to work here."

When Yu Junjie heard this, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his daughter, "It seems that you are more suitable to be the city lord of Luocheng. This would be good, as it can increase Luocheng's popularity and keep them here." ."

The group of people arrived at the city gate. The moment the city gate opened, it was a completely unexpected surprise for the people waiting outside!

But when they looked at the city gate that had just been opened, and a group of men with weapons suddenly poured out from inside, the surprise on the faces of those waiting outside immediately turned into panic!
It wasn't until Yu Junjie brought Yu Luo and another group of people out that those people whose faces were full of alertness slowly let go of their fear. (End of chapter)

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