"Father, come here."

Yu Luo's voice whispered in Yu Junjie's ears. Hearing the words, Yu Junjie took half a step forward and looked at everyone's faces.

"Forget it, Dad, don't say anything anymore. Wang Xiao, just post the notice at the city gate and let them read it by themselves."

Yu Luo...

She really didn't expect that his father would prepare something as formal as a notice.

I thought that his father would have the pleasure of being a city lord today, but who would have thought that his father would actually do something like this?
Therefore, many times, his father deliberately let her go and experience it. In fact, his father's ability was much more powerful than she thought.

As soon as the notice was posted, those who were still watching and waiting to enter the city showed a look of suspicion and slight vigilance on their faces.

Until a man who looked like a man from the world squeezed out from the crowd and walked to the notice. His eyes fell on the notice. His expression changed from solemn to slowly relaxed, and then he finally looked at the notice. On the guards at the door.

"I am from the Ximo Kingdom. This is your identity certificate. I have passed here several times and have never seen this city. I just want to go in and have a look."

With that said, the man who looked like a man from the world handed Liu Can his identity certificate.

Liu Can took it, looked at it carefully, and then returned it to the man with a serious expression.

"There are still many places under construction in Luocheng, and there are a few restaurants and inns that can be used by everyone."

After Liu Can finished speaking, he waved his arm and congratulated loudly, "Let's go!"

The high-pitched voice made the father and daughter Yu Junjie on the side couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths. After more than half a year of hard preparation, the father and daughter finally waited until today, and they were naturally excited.

Retracting his own path, the face of the man from the Jianghu community also showed a slight look of surprise.

After all, according to what Liu Can said, he would be the first lucky person to step into this fallen city. In this way, his hard work of waiting outside for a day was really not in vain.

With this trace of luck, the man strode in. The towering city gate also witnessed this historic moment with Yu Luo and his daughter.

Luocheng's current depression is about to usher in its future glory, facing the moonlight and the expectations of Yu Luo and his daughter!
Seeing the figure of the Jianghu man gradually disappearing into the city gate, the crowd who had been waiting outside for an unknown amount of time finally couldn't hold back anymore and gradually started to become commotion.

One by one, people from all walks of life took the lead in taking out their identity certificates, scrambling to be checked by the guards. When Liu Can shouted "queue up", these people also cooperated and immediately obeyed.

After a series of interrogations, all these people entered smoothly.

As for the exiled criminals wearing prison uniforms, and some civilians who looked like refugees, looking at the guards at the city gate, they were all a little frightened and did not dare to step forward at all.Finally, a woman holding a child in her arms, with a hint of timidity in her eyes, squeezed out of the crowd, mustered up her courage, and timidly looked at the guards and spoke.

"The Nu family, the Nu family is a refugee from the Lan Yue Dynasty. The Lan Yue Dynasty suffered a flood this year. The Nu family went through many twists and turns, from the Lan Yue Dynasty to the Ximo Kingdom, and then was driven out by the people of the Ximo Kingdom before they came here. Here, the road leading to my family and my family has been lost a long time ago. Can you please be accommodating and let us in? My child has been having a fever all day. If, if we can’t find any more medicine, my child will I’m afraid I won’t survive?!”

While she was talking, the woman had already burst into tears. She hugged her child excitedly, and with her family behind her, she immediately knelt down in front of the guard at the door!
As soon as the big family knelt down, a group of people followed them and knelt down together, kowtowing to Yu Luo and a group of guards!

Some of them were refugees, and some were criminals who had wandered here from the Western End or the Eastern Feng Kingdom. Looking at this group of people, Yu Junjie walked directly from behind the guards to the front.

"If you want to go in, you can, but we have Luocheng's rules. When entering Luocheng, you are not allowed to fight, cheat, kidnap, rape, kill, or steal. Are you willing?"

"Yes, yes! We must abide by the rules of falling into the city. We just want to find a way to survive. We still have some food and travel expenses. The night outside is too cold, and the weeds for several miles around here have been wiped out by us. If it happens at night Without a roof over their heads, the elderly and children will not be able to survive."

Thanks to Yu Luo's seeds, these weeds have grown wildly and replenished this year. The previously bare ground had no other plants except for a few weeds and poplar trees. I didn't expect these people to find them. Something to keep warm.

"Okay, if you don't follow the rules, you will be thrown out of the city by the fallen soldiers. Don't blame me for not warning you in advance!"

After Liu Can finished speaking, he asked the origins of these people one by one, and then let them in.

In order to welcome the arrival of these people, many lanterns were hung up on the main street. This group of nearly 300 people walked blankly on the closed main street, looking around curiously, with more eyes on them. The future is uncertain.

"Mom and dad, look, these houses are brand new and have whitewashed walls. Do we really want to settle here in the future?"

An eight or nine-year-old girl's eyes slowly changed from timid to full of surprise.

As she walked all the way, looking at the houses standing on both sides of the street, she couldn't help but happily tugged at the corners of her parents' clothes and asked with anticipation.

"Yes, this will be our home from now on. I hope we can settle here."

The woman pinched the little girl's nose and said with a loving look on her face. The moment she raised her eyes, the smile in her eyes disappeared, and the couple looked at each other with more fear for the future.

The little girl listened to her mother's words and ran forward happily to share the good news with her friends.

"Sir, although this is a barbaric land, if we stay in this city and there is no land to farm, all our money will be spent soon. Can we really settle here?"

"Madam, don't worry. As long as we are together as a family, anywhere is our home. When we find a place to stay, I can go to work. You can just take care of the children at home with peace of mind. I believe that in such a big city, there must be no shortage of work. of."

The couple's worries reached the ears of Yu Luo and his daughter standing on the roadside. They looked at each other and the father and daughter smiled in perfect understanding. (End of chapter)

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