The whole family went into exile when they crossed, and evacuated the Hou's mansion all the way

Chapter 301: Our falling into the city is different from closing it down!

"When we first arrived, we seemed very confused. At least there was a cave that Xiaoyi dug for us, and there was endless food to eat. Maybe they are more worried about tomorrow than we were then? After all, we have occupied all the outside of the city. , we are not allowed to continue to open up wasteland casually. If there are many people, we can set aside a piece of land and let them cultivate it by themselves."

"This is fine. When the time comes, it will be managed just like the government. But there are still some rules. You don't have to pay taxes for the first three years of land reclamation. After three years, you should be willing to pay some taxes. After all, they will live in the outer city in the future. If so, we still have to protect their safety.”

Yu Luo nodded, "We helped them bear most of the risks, which is what they should do. If they want to grow cash crops, they can also help. After all, if they become rich in the future, our Luocheng consumption will also increase, and we can also help them grow cash crops." Drive the economy of Luocheng. But thinking about it now, it seems like a dream. I didn't expect that Luocheng would really begin to have the meaning of its existence so soon. I just didn't expect that the Lanyue Dynasty would actually be flooded, and refugees would be forced to come here. Just looking at them like that, I don’t know if they can afford the hotel room fee?”

"Silly girl, we have worked hard for half a year, isn't it just for today? I have asked Liu Can to wait for them outside the inn. If they can't afford the room fee in the inn, they will rent a house."

"But what if they can't even pay for the rent? But I ask this, not because I sympathize with them and become a holy mother. I know the principle of rising rice and fighting rice, but Dad, you have to think of a way to deal with it. ?"

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Yu Junjie smiled meaningfully, "It seems that you are planning to give up completely and leave the management of the city to your father and me?"

"Of course, you will be the city lord in the future. With my father's great ability, managing a city is naturally an easy task. I will be the lady of the city lord's palace in the future. I can be relaxed and go to other countries from time to time. , what’s wrong with that?”

Knowing that a large number of people were coming to the city tonight, Ye Jiamei, who could no longer hold herself back, hurriedly opened the door of her medical clinic with Yu Xiangxiang!
People from all walks of life went straight to the inn. When they asked about how much cheaper the room rate was than in the closed city, more than half of the dozens of rooms in the inn were immediately booked.

The restaurant didn't prepare any ingredients today, but they did have simple radish, vegetables and meat. But thinking that these people probably didn't have much money, Yu Luo let the restaurant steam some steamed buns and steamed buns early, and cooked some white porridge and waited.

When they saw the hot steamed buns and white porridge, the children were very greedy.

The waiter standing in front of the steamer happily greeted the people passing by and started selling!
"Do you want to eat steamed buns, steamed buns, white rice porridge, and multi-grain porridge? If you want to eat, please invite me in, ladies and gentlemen!"

The waiter's shouts were full of temptation. Those who were good at martial arts were better off. They had not been in the wilderness for a long time and had not suffered much. However, some of the exiled criminals had already lived in this wilderness. They have been here for several years, which can be seen from the tatters of their prison uniforms and their long beards.

And those refugees who escaped from the famine and came here by chance naturally suffered a lot.

When they heard such enthusiastic shouting, pairs of eyes couldn't help but look into the steamer.

The one who had money on his body couldn't hold himself back for a long time. He wanted to take a bite of hot food, so he hurriedly took out the copper plate and came to the waiter.

"Baozi, how much is a bun for a bun? Me, I'll just ask for vegetables." Looking at the man holding a few coins in his hand and the tattered look on his body, Jiang Hu was about to buy a few meat buns to pad his belly. The man couldn't help but sneered in an instant.

"Things from the wilderness are notoriously expensive. Are you selling things with copper plates here? Are you really interesting? The copper plate in your hand is from the Lanyue Dynasty, the Ximo Kingdom, or Are they from Beiguo and Dongfeng? Hahaha..."

While he was talking, the man in the world had already placed his one ingot and two taels of broken silver directly on the table, and raised his eyebrows at the waiter, "How much is one piece of silver? Look how much I can buy with these two taels of silver." Just install a few for me."

Seeing this, the waiter put the two taels of silver into the money box next to him, took out a piece of oil paper and quickly picked it up in the steamer, "The meat buns are ten cents each, but sir, are you sure you want two taels?" Silver? That's two hundred, can you finish it?"

"What! It's only ten cents a piece? Why is it so cheap? I've been to Fengcheng, and the meat buns there cost two cents a piece. You, why are you so cheap in Luocheng?"

The waiter put down his work and smiled kindly at the people in the world, "Our city lord said that it is not easy for people to come to the wilderness. If it were not for the shortage of materials in the wilderness, it would be difficult to bring them in. It’s very laborious. We city lords can’t wait to sell it to you at the same price as outside. In addition, our Luocheng is different from Fengcheng. We don’t care if you come from Dongfeng, the West, the North or the Lanyue Dynasty, as long as you come from It’s copper plates, we accept them all, so don’t worry, you can definitely afford it!”

When the waiter finished speaking, the anxious people immediately showed a smile of relief.

Originally, the words of the Jianghu person just now really frightened them. Some of them had money on them, but not much. If the prices were as high as that person said, then the little money they had on them would be worth nothing here. Once we settle down, we probably won’t be able to survive for two days!
As for those who are penniless, no matter how cheap they are, these things are beyond their reach. They come in just to find a way to survive in a place where rich people live.

Unexpectedly, when they came in, they discovered that this city was a new one, and there were not many people there. Some of the people were just soldiers patrolling the city, and they came in together.

"Sir, how many do you want?"

After the waiter finished speaking, regardless of the chatter of the people surrounding him, his eyes fell on the man of the world again, and he raised his eyebrows and asked.

The corners of the Jianghu people's mouths twitched, "Hey, if you are like this, how can you earn money to support a city? Well, you city lord is generous, so just exchange all my two taels of silver for meat buns. I will pick them up later. Now I’ll take five and eat them first.”

"That's a good feeling. Sir, please take it first."

After the waiter finished speaking, he put five meat buns in oil paper bags for the charlatan, and then went to greet other guests. (End of chapter)

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