"Master Jin, please calm down. This, this is what you made a bet with Yu Luo before. You..."

Seeing that Jin Yaowei was so angry that he immediately repented, a woman next to him couldn't help but cautiously reminded him.

But when Jin Yaowei was already furious, how could he listen?
With Fang Jian's kung fu skills, he would definitely become the number one in the martial arts world in ten years' time, and he had always trained Fang Jian as the next leader of the martial arts alliance.

His pride, his hard work, his hope.
Everything about him has now been wiped out by Yu Luo, and there is no room for maneuver!

"Oh, what's there to say to a sinner like them? There is no need to abide by any rules with them!"

After the woman finished speaking, a man standing next to Jin Yaowei said with a sarcastic face.

"Yes, Mother Qiu Shan, I think you are a woman's benevolent person, so you are honest with these people! Since this bitch dares to kill Fang Jian, and dares to kill the martial arts genius in our martial arts world, why should we be polite to her? !”

A man looked at the woman, clenched the sword in his hand angrily, and retorted.

Looking at this group of martial arts people who were full of benevolence, justice and morality, Yu Luo suddenly smiled!
"Really? Then wasn't my previous challenge with Fang Jian just child's play? If you want to regret it, then I'll give you a chance."

After Yu Luo finished speaking, he glanced at the entire audience with cold eyes and immediately channeled his internal energy.

"I will give you a chance now. If you are willing to withdraw from the battlefield at this time, I, Luocheng, and Yu Luo will forgive you all. If you are willing to continue to follow Jin Yaowei and want to break the promise you just made and go against me, Luocheng, you can boldly stay! "

The sound transmission using internal force spread to the ears of everyone present.

And all the Luocheng brothers and Yu heroes stationed on the city wall!
With the cold wind and heavy snow, coupled with Yu Luo's internal sound transmission, it resounded throughout the outside of Luocheng. Even all the people in Luocheng clearly heard the heroic voice of their eldest lady!

After Yu Luo's message ended, the scene was quiet for a moment.

It was just that the silence lasted only three seconds, but someone in the crowd of tens of thousands couldn't help but burst out laughing! Even the few men standing next to Jin Yaowei could no longer hold back and immediately drew the swords from their waists.

"Hahahahahaha, what a arrogant bitch! You actually dare to speak such nonsense in front of tens of thousands of us martial arts people! Hahahahaha, today we will tell you bitch to take a good look and go against my martial arts world, you, you If you fall into the city, how miserable your family will die!"

"No! I, Ms. Qiu Shan, don't want to get involved in your affairs. Since Jinmeng mainly violated his promise, please forgive me for not accompanying you any longer and say goodbye!"

The woman who had previously opposed Jin Yaowei, after the man finished his words and spoke sternly, she gave Jin Yaowei a fist salute, then waved towards her people, and dozens of people in the crowd left using Qinggong.

"Leader Jin, I am really disappointed by your attitude of violating the bet today, so I will take my leave now."

"I'll take my leave first."

In the team of tens of thousands of martial arts people, more than a thousand people left one after another after a while. There was a touch of relief in Yu Luo's eyes. He thought that these people were blinded by lard, but he didn't expect that there are still some people who are moral people in the world, so the world is not finished yet.

But the departure of these people completely angered Jin Yaowei and challenged his majesty in the martial arts world!
He is the leader of the martial arts alliance. These people actually watched their beloved disciples die under the sword of Yu Luo, a bitch, for the sake of the so-called duel. Why do they want to leave?

"Okay, very good! Remember these leaving sects, turn around and expel them from our martial arts alliance, and never join them again!"

Jin Yaowei's eyes were red, and he was extremely angry!
If he hadn't still been thinking about massacring the city and going back to settle accounts with the departing sects, he would have immediately launched an attack on Yu Luo!

"Yes! All the alliance leader's subordinates have memorized it and will send the message to several countries when they return!"

After Jin Yaowei's subordinates replied, Jin Yaowei immediately took out the sword from his waist. Shuangman, filled with murderous intent, stared at Yu Luo and walked forward slowly.

"Listen to my order, kill this bitch Yu Luo, and avenge my beloved disciple Fang Jian! Kill everyone in Luocheng, and don't let a single person survive!"


Roaring sounds sounded outside the city wall!
Seeing Jin Yaowei's crazy appearance, Yu Luo slowly raised the corners of his mouth and retreated back to the city wall!

At the same time, those people on the ground were already using Qinggong to attack the wall of Luocheng.

Yu Junjie gave the order, and thousands of archers and musketeers immediately pulled the triggers they had prepared.
A burst of bird chirping rang out in the sky, and the martial arts men standing at the end of the team looked toward the distance behind them in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this time, before some people could see clearly what was happening, their faces were directly scratched by the sharp claws, their throats were cut, and some people's heads were even scratched off on the spot, with blood scattered all over them. The snow-white ground is shocking!
In the team in front, those who believed that they were masters in martial arts rushed forward with high morale, completely ignoring the archers on the city wall.

But who would have thought that as they were rising in mid-air, their bodies suddenly paused, and then before they could react, all the internal energy in their bodies was disrupted and they fell to the ground one by one.

Seeing that even Jin Yaowei was shot several times and collapsed in the snow, the corners of Yu Luo's mouth turned up more and more!

"I thought I would catch Jin Yaowei alive later, and I would have to waste a Freezing Spell. But I didn't expect that Jin Yaowei would be as useless as his apprentice. In less than one night, he actually hit the target. Gun? Hahaha!”

[The host is wise, it is a good thing to capture Jin Yaowei alive. It is just a good opportunity to let Luocheng gain a foothold in this martial arts world, so that these people can retreat before the difficulties. Maybe they can also learn from Jin Yaowei's mouth how big the conspiracy is in closing the city. . 】

"System, you are right. Jin Yaowei, as the leader of the martial arts alliance, actually brought so many people here to get rid of us in the city. I dare say he must have received the benefits of closing the city, otherwise he would not be able to do this." Good things.”

[Host, please hurry up and use the freeze talisman, otherwise this system is afraid that Jin Yaowei will die directly. However, your father is still hiding it from the host. This musket has been improved by him. Its power is comparable to the musket made on the previous drawings. It’s much bigger! 】(End of this chapter)

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