"My dad looks very low-key, but he actually has a very good brain. But this Jin Yaowei didn't hurt any vital points, right? Please help me check the system, and don't waste a Freeze Talisman by then."

[Returning to the host, Jin Yaowei was only shot in the right shoulder blade, which affected his ability to hold the sword in his right hand and missed his heart. 】

Hearing this, Yu Luo felt relieved.

She looked at those people who were shot by crossbows and muskets when they rose into the air. They were forced to land and retreat halfway, and some fell to the ground, with almost no chance of being saved. Yu Luo waited some more.

This time Jin Yaowei brought at least nearly 20,000 people, but less than 2,000 people left. These people wanted them to fall into the city and be destroyed, so why should she let them go?

Anyway, so far, due to the power of muskets and crossbows, these people can hardly get over the city wall. In addition, the birds and beasts are also attacking fiercely now. The one who has the upper hand is obviously this group of martial arts people. What is she anxious about? ?
On the city wall, they looked at the musketeers who had been secretly trained. The muskets in their hands were very powerful. Even these martial arts warriors were no match for these muskets. Baofeng and his party were stunned!

"City Lord, I didn't expect that there is such a powerful team of people behind you!"

After these musketeers were selected by Yu Junjie, they were not allowed to leave the underground palace.

In order to train these people, Yu Junjie would stay in the underground palace for several hours almost every day. The secrecy of this underground palace was no less secretive than that of Chi Jinchen's private army. Even Yu Luo had just been there. Even Ye Jiamei never went there twice.

Or maybe it means that Ye Jiamei is not interested in these things at all.

Looking at these self-destructive martial arts people, Yu Haojie thought that he was not a ruthless person, but he also felt very happy!

He raised a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth and said: "Of course he is powerful. I spent a lot of effort to train him. His purpose is to protect me, Luocheng. Since these people want to destroy me, Luocheng, let them do it."

If you still want to humiliate my daughter, then you are all waiting to die. I haven’t brought out anything more powerful. If I did, I can even unify the five countries, just you scum.
Yu Junjie looked at the corpses that fell down under the attack of muskets and crossbows, with a strong murderous intent in his calm eyes.

When he arrived in this world, he understood that if he wanted to escape from the control of the imperial power, he had to strengthen himself!

Otherwise, the musket he had worked so hard to improve would not be able to have such an effect today.

The battle lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before Jin Yaowei and his men discovered that they were being attacked from both sides!
"Yu Haojie, you still say that Fengcheng's demise has nothing to do with your Luocheng?"

Jin Yaowei, who was shot but not in the heart, was protected by the people around him. The beasts and birds above his head were protected by his subordinates. In order to avoid the short arrows and gunpowder fired from the tower, they had already withdrawn. About three hundred meters outside the city wall.

Seeing the large number of people who had fallen and the situation that could not be reversed at all, Jin Yaowei felt for the first time that he had underestimated the enemy so much! Covering the injury on his shoulder blade, he directly mobilized his inner strength and roared at the top of the tower at Yu Junjie at the top of his lungs!
Today, my beloved disciple died here, and his majesty as the leader of the martial arts league was also lost here.

"Haha, yes or no, what does it have to do with you Jin Yaowei? As the leader of the martial arts alliance, you Jin Yaowei should be in charge of the affairs of your martial arts world. Does the closure of the city have anything to do with you? Are you fighting for the injustice of the closure of the city, or because As the leader of the martial arts alliance, you brought these martial arts people as cannon fodder and used these martial arts people as spearmen because of the benefits of sealing the city? "

Yu Junjie was not polite, he mobilized his inner strength, and his voice was rich and loud. His voice reached the ears of almost every martial arts person on the scene who was fighting desperately.

Naturally, Jin Yaowei heard it clearly!

"Yu Haojie, please stop sowing discord here. Fengcheng has been standing in this wild land for many years. He is already one of the sects in the martial arts world. These birds were the ones that attacked Fengcheng in the first place, right? Now you are in trouble. , They are here again, and you still want to quibble and dare not admit that Fengcheng’s demise was your fault, Yu Haojie?”

"Is there something wrong with your mind? This is a wilderness. These beasts are the beasts that live in the wilderness. They saw so much food from you today and automatically sent it to the wilderness. They come looking for food. Can I control them? ? Also, don’t change the subject, just tell me, what benefits did the lockdown give you, Jin Yaowei, to make you work so hard? Isn’t Jin Yaowei the leader of the martial arts league? How come you have become a living Bodhisattva?”

The conversation between the two, coupled with the attack on the tower, the birds circling overhead, and the large beasts running towards them in the distance, suddenly woke up the martial arts people who were struggling to resist.

In other words, these martial arts people are a little overwhelmed and are worried about finding an excuse to evacuate. Yu Junjie's instigation is just the opportunity for them to leave!
"Master, could it be that we really were used as Jin Yaowei's guns?"

On the battlefield, the subordinates resisted desperately, but there were too many birds. Seeing that the beasts were about to arrive, they panicked!

Some people couldn't help but asked their sect leader suspiciously. He didn't mean anything else. He just couldn't resist anymore. He wanted to evacuate. He didn't want to be Jin Yaowei's gun!
The sect leader in question accidentally had a deep cut on his arm by a bird, and blood gushed out!

The long sword swung out in his hand did not dare to stop for a moment, otherwise he would be the next one to be bitten by these birds.

"Damn it, it's already like this. Let alone dealing with Luocheng, even an existence as powerful as Fengcheng has been destroyed by these beasts. What are we still doing here?! Yunxiangmen, listen to my order and all evacuate !”

After one-third of the people fell, some sects in the martial arts finally made the wisest choice at Yu Haojie's voice. Quick escape was their only way to save their lives at this time.

Yu Luo stared at the people below on the city wall. Seeing that they were in such a mess that they couldn't even deal with these beasts and birds, and they still wanted to destroy her Luo city, her eyes were filled with sarcasm.

"System, the beast control technique you gave me is really powerful. In this wild land, with the beast control technique, it is like having thousands of troops!"

[Host, don’t underestimate the enemy. Doesn’t the host still need a freezing spell? 】(End of this chapter)

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