You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 12 Do you see that Bengong is going crazy, does it look like a gift?

Chapter 12 Do you see that Bengong is going crazy, does it look like a gift?
"Master, is Princess Zhaoming crazy? She gave you so many Zhuangzi shops?"

It was night, and the wing room of Wutong Garden was pitch black.

Qin Zhui, who had gained a firm foothold in the Duke's Mansion by virtue of his identity as a nursing home, was in a daze holding a pile of land deeds.

But when he thought of Feng Xi's inferior nature, he was still a little worried:

"There can't be any fraud in this, right?"

For example, give them first, and then frame them for stealing or something.

"will not."

Qi Xiao shook his head.

Feng Xi is indeed vicious, but her mind has never been very good at turning corners.Harming others may even use some unscrupulous means, but for his son-in-law...

Oh, haven't you always hit me whenever you want without a reason?

And for some reason, he always felt that this woman was different these two days from before...

But he may have to observe the specific differences for some time.

"That's okay," Qin Zhui nodded, carefully collected all the land deeds, and said happily: "In the past, my brothers didn't have a place to stay when they came to Beijing to do business, but now it's better! There is also this grain farm, there must be more in it. There’s a lot of food in store!”

However, Qin Zhui's joy did not last long, and was quickly diluted by another incident:

"Master, there is news from the Marquis Mansion. Mrs. Qi is going to have a grand celebration for her seventieth birthday. I heard from the big house that she wants you to come back to celebrate her birthday as well."

Qi Xiao sneered.

Happy birthday?

That family wanted to see with their own eyes how bad his life was, so that they could continue to occupy his family property with peace of mind.

"But it's not just you, it seems that the name of the princess is also written in the post."

Qin Zhui paused and said in a very subtle tone:
"And in this matter, there seems to be the shadow of Mr. Xie."

In the afternoon of the next day, Feng Xi, who was not "dead" yet, had a grimace. Her eyes looked at Qi who was having a meal elegantly with a pair of resentful eyes, and she was not aware of her expectations for him at all.

Therefore, when Qin Zhui, a nurse with excellent acting skills, tremblingly handed over the post from Jingyuanhou Mansion, saying that Jingyuanhou invited her and Qi Xiao to a banquet together, she said without thinking:

"Are I familiar with this mansion?"

Qin Zhui: "?"

Are you unfamiliar?

But he didn't dare to ask Feng Xi back, so he could only stammer along Feng Xi's words:
"Yeah, it should be...not familiar, right?"

"I'm not familiar with you. What are you reporting to me?"

Feng Xi looked at Qin Zhui, as if saying "Is there something wrong with you" written on her face.

Qin Zhui: "?"

No, he is a nursing home, isn't it his duty to report?
Fortunately, Qi Xiao saw that his men looked stupid, so he couldn't stand it anymore and said:

"My grandfather is my father's adoptive father, and there is an older son in the family, who is now the Marquis of Jingyuan, my uncle Qi Su. This old lady Qi is his biological mother, and can also be regarded as my grandmother."

All the best in memory flashed by, and Feng Xi said with a cold face:

"Let's break off the engagement. Isn't it enough for you to have me?"

Qi Xiao: "?"

Qin Zhui: "?"

Before Qi Xiao could reply, Feng Xi thought again and said:

"It's not impossible for you to have relatives. I will let this nursing home buy a big black dog today. From now on, it will be our big brother. How about honoring us every day?"

Qi Xiao: "..."

He doesn't think so.

"Princess, you have lost your memory. Have you forgotten how you got together with them before and told me right and wrong?"

It wasn't amnesia, but Feng Xi who lost her mind was shocked:
"What does it have to do with my current princess if the previous princess said you were right or wrong?"

The expression on his face gradually cracked, Qi Xiao pressed his forehead, trying to maintain a smile and said:
"……as long as you are happy."

Feng Xi nodded, feeling that she felt much better after quarreling with this guy who didn't work hard.

Qin Zhui, on the other hand, was shocked by Feng Xi's nonsense. He was stuck for a long time before he dared to speak:

"Princess, this, this post..."

Fortunately, Feng Xi, who was comfortable, didn't make things difficult for him anymore, she raised her hand and took the post over to have a look.

And when she saw that her surname was really on the gilded post, she immediately wanted to give wax to someone in the Qi family.

According to the plot in the book, after Qi Xiao became the original owner, he was completely blackened, and he started the main line of the novel of becoming Long Aotian.

As for the fake princess, as a pure tool, the author gave her almost no chance to appear in the subsequent plots.

In other words, in the original text, Mrs. Qi only invited Qi Xiao to her birthday banquet, and there was no fake princess at all.

Because this is the humiliating situation they prepared for Qi Xiao...

But the result is that Qi Xiao no longer forbears, not only cheated his vicious cousin Qi Yu, but also took advantage of the chaos to steal an important letter, and discovered the secret that his uncle Qi Su had betrayed his father long ago.

Then the problem is coming.

Why did these people take her with them?
Based on the memory of the original owner, the Qi family's eldest brother seemed to be flattering the original owner, but in fact his eyes were full of disgust and contempt. Would they have any good intentions towards him?


It is absolutely impossible.

Thinking of this, Feng Xi, who ruled all kinds of bad intentions, instantly lost her memory, raised her eyes and said to Qi Xiao:

"Husband, it's not appropriate for us to go empty-handed on such a big birthday?"

After hearing the breakup, and now hearing Feng Xi talk about giving gifts, Qi Xiao numbly said: "So?"

Feng Xi blinked, and said like a good granddaughter who really wanted to give her grandma a big gift:

"You see, Ben Gong's mouth is so sweet, does it look like a gift to go crazy?"

Qi Xiao: "..."

In the early morning of the next day, under the leadership of Tian Xi, the people from the Princess Mansion took all the property that Feng Xi wanted to come into their pockets.

But when they learned that their princess had only Tangquan Zhuangzi, and all the rest of the property was donated to the son-in-law, Tianxi and the others were almost petrified.

Not only them, but the families in the capital were also excited when they heard the news.

In the government office.

"Damn it, Dad, this idiot Feng Xi is just humiliating us! She actually gave Zhuangzi, which we spent several years to get, to that trash!"

Xie Lang with blood all over his face gritted his teeth, wishing he could strangle Feng Xi to death right now.

Compared to Zhuangzi who was lost, the talent he lost that day in front of a group of juniors made him even more suffocated.

Looking at Xie Lang, Su Daolin, who was covered in bruises and obviously beaten by his grandfather, also said:
"Uncle, all the spies you let us stay in the restaurant have been kicked out, and it may not be easy for us to do something later. I'm not reconciled, we have to make Feng Xi pay the price!"

Seeing the tragic situation of her own son and nephew, Xie Lian, who was repeatedly offended by Feng Xi, also felt angry.

Fortunately, even if there was no such thing, he was determined to make Feng Xi's idiot look good.

And it's not just him, the people in the Jingyuan Hou Mansion must also be vigilant now, and they will never let Qi Xiao turn over.

Xie Lian was thinking about it when he saw a young man outside the door and said:
"The little one has met Mr. Xie. Our Marquis said that he agreed with your plan."

(End of this chapter)

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