You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 11 It's not good for grandson to lose money, most of them are useless

Chapter 11 It's not good for the grandson to lose money, most of them are useless~
As soon as Feng Xi said this, the Xie family members who were sitting almost all shrank their necks.

Don’t they know about the first queen’s dowry?It's impossible not to know.

Moreover, after all, Empress Xie was from the Xie family, and she did not talk about taking care of everything when she was still there, and she also helped their relatives a lot of benefits.

Especially those few old men who were sitting at the elders' main table were feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment.

After all, they did not lose the glory of the former queen...

So they all raised their eyes and stared at the juniors who had spoken, making these people look panicky.

Mr. Xie remained silent for an unknown length of time, and finally spoke tiredly:

"Shu'er has sheltered the Xie family a lot, and my wife has also worked hard for the Xie family. Xi'er, my grandpa has been sorry for you these years. If you want anything else, just ask."

His granddaughter has indeed been naughty in the past two years, but now that she thinks about it, the troubles she has caused are nothing compared to the contributions that his wife and daughter have made to the Xie family.

"No, grandma is your main wife, and the queen mother is your daughter, and half of their things belong to you. Today I will compensate you for the whole part that belongs to me, and I only ask my uncle's family to give me Zhuangzi."

Feng Xi waved her hand, the original owner was gone, so there was no need to play a love story with her.

She just wanted to help the original owner pay off the debt, so that these people would not continue to press him and make the original owner die an unclean death.

Hearing the phrase "Your Duke's Mansion", the old man's body also shook.But he didn't say anything after all, but said to Xie Lian beside him:
"Go get Zhuangzi's land deed."

Xie Lian couldn't believe it: "Father, didn't you say that you gave us both of these Zhuangzi..."

"Go get it!"

Looking at his son with sharp eyes, Xie Boyuan had no intention of leaving any room for him.

Seeing Xie Lian walking out of the hall in despair, Yu and Su Yu's eyes immediately turned red, not to mention Xie Lang, who had been pressed on the table.


Zhuangzi is gone.

Their years of planning and painstaking efforts are gone...

Xie Lian was not happy to come back, but it didn't take much time in the eyes of everyone in the hall who was in a daze.

And when he took the land deed and walked towards Feng Xi step by step, and was about to stare at her and say harsh words, Feng Xi snatched the land deed, and then threw it to Tian Xi beside her like a waste paper.

"You can just give it, please stand aside, I have to deal with other people."

Xie Lian: "..."

Regardless of Xie Lian, Feng Xi directly asked Qi Xiao to throw Xie Lang away, and then pressed Su Daolin on the table.

I saw that Su Daolin, who was still eccentric just now and felt that he had the chance to win, was cowering like a quail at this moment, not even daring to look at Feng Xi.

In addition, his mute acupuncture point was not healed, so it was impossible to speak.

However, old bachelor Su, who was sitting at the elders' table, was wise. Seeing that his daughter's family was in trouble, he quickly stood up and expressed his willingness to compensate.

Feng Xi knew that the Su family had made a fortune late, so they definitely didn't have much money, so they didn't ask for much, and it was just the most valuable restaurant in their family.

So Archbishop Su immediately darkened his face and gritted his teeth and gave up, but Su Daolin's skin was probably going to be beaten to pieces after he returned.

Feng Xi thought it was very good, so she kindly suggested:
"It's never good for a grandson to lose money. Most of the time, he's useless. It's best to smash his mouth, so that he won't lose his family treasury in the future."

Su Daolin: "..."

I thank you.

After accepting the account of the Su family, Feng Xi took care of Xie Lang's fans one after another, and finally looked at Xie Wan and said:

"I felt sorry for you in the past, so let's regard the matter of the past few days as if we were even."

Although she, Feng Xi, never suffered a loss, she couldn't stop the original owner from causing trouble everywhere.

Tired, too lazy to care.

So in Xie Wanyin's eyes, which seemed to be solemn and unwilling, this turbulent family dinner finally began.

It's just that unlike the table full of joy at the beginning, most people didn't even dare to take a breath after eating.

And Feng Xi has no sense of belonging to the Xie family, and now she is even more disgusted by this family.So after a few mouthfuls of food, she took Qi Xiao to bid farewell to the old man.

The other party wanted to keep her, but she has been teased many times today, so it's not easy to say this.

So Feng Xi cheerfully got into the carriage, took out that pleasant Zhuangzi from a few land deeds, and then threw the rest to Qi Xiao like waste paper.

However, Qi Xiao did not sort out the land deeds on his body, but stared at Feng Xi, a pair of deep peach blossom eyes full of suspicion.

Feng Xi: "..."

Love it or not!

She raised her hand and picked it up. After picking it up, she was about to throw it out of the car window, so Qi Xiao was stunned and quickly snatched the title deed.

Not to mention the grain stores and restaurants inside, the few small shops alone are worth a lot of money. This crazy woman actually wants to throw them out?

"Isn't that right?" Feng Xi sneered, "I'm not active in dividing the spoils, and I have some problem with my brain."

Qi Xiao: "..."

Having seen Feng Xi gossip about other people at a banquet, Qi Xiao gradually got used to it.

After all, this woman never gave him a good face from the first time she saw him.

In contrast, his treatment in the past two days was surprisingly good.

As for the land deeds in his hands, whether they are grain farms, restaurants, or those shops, they are all what he needs very much right now.

After all, in this capital where people are watching everywhere, it is really inconvenient for him to go.

But Feng Xi...

"Why do you give me these? The princess finally feels sorry for me and plans to bribe me?"

Feng Xi smiled:

"Why don't you say that Ben Gong finally found out that you are beautiful and handsome, and decided to curry favor with you, so that you would be so moved that you would agree with me?"

The corner of Qi Xiao's mouth twitched, he was more willing to believe that Feng Xi just went crazy suddenly, rather than Feng Xi admitting his mistakes and flattering him.

Fortunately, the things in his hands were all real benefits, and he was not going to refuse them anymore.

To be honest, I'm still a little happy.

And he was happy, Feng Xi was also happy.

She has given so many strongholds to Qi Xiao, this guy must be able to accumulate strength quickly, and then be very confident to kill himself!

After all, after meeting the top-notch relatives of the Xie family and discovering that the original owner still had more top-notch relatives in her memory, she just wanted to go offline as soon as possible.

Reasonable and not affecting the offline of all servants and others.

Qi Xiao, I like you very much, really.

At the same time that Feng Xi and Qi Xiao returned home, the news that they were having a big Xie family dinner quickly spread throughout the capital.

Jingyuanhou Mansion, Qi Family.

Today, Jingyuan Hou Qi Su is standing in front of the desk, listening to his eldest son Qi Zhuo's report.

"Father, Princess Zhaoming must have been forced by the emperor to put pressure on her, so she pretended to be a scumbag. In my opinion, what Mr. Xie said should be nothing to worry about."

Qi Su was obviously more cautious than his son, so he pondered for a moment before saying:

"It's better to believe it than to believe it. We haven't seen Qi Xiao for a long time. In this way, it will be your grandma's [-]th birthday in a few days. You can send someone to send a post to invite him and Feng Xi Let's come to the banquet with a straw bag."

(End of this chapter)

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