You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 10 Punish others crazily, never internalize yourself!

Chapter 10 Punish others crazily, never internalize yourself!
Feng Xi considers herself to be extremely experienced in never causing internal friction within herself and crazily punishing others.

So before Xie Boyuan could come up with a countermeasure, she took advantage of the victory and pursued it:

"I heard that my uncle's family recently acquired two villages from my grandfather. The former has a pleasant scenery, while the latter is rich in food. Feng Xi privately thought that..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Before Feng Xi finished speaking, Xie Lang, who was being suppressed by Qi Xiao, was already in a hurry.

Different from the previous anger, Xie Lang was really scared at this moment.Because they had been working hard for several years to get those two villages, trying their best to please the old man.

The handover was just a few days ago, and they haven't even warmed up yet!
Moreover, grandma and dad had discussed it a long time ago. Dad would keep the farm that produced grain, and the place with pleasant scenery would be given to him for private use.

Just before the family banquet started, he even discussed with a group of collateral fans to take them out after the banquet, and go to the village for a drink and a bath!
Not only Xie Lang's expression changed, Xie Lian also resisted the pain in his leg and said:
"Dad, this is just a conflict between juniors. How can Zhuangzi be arbitrary on such a big matter?"

As he said this, he winked at Su Yu, and the woman who had been standing next to Xie Lang, watching Qi Xiao holding her son motionless, almost immediately reached out and hit her son.

"You bastard, it's fine to make things difficult for your cousin, but you dare to talk nonsense at the banquet! Wang Ma, bring me the broom and see how I deal with him today!"

Su Yu's attack was really ruthless, Xie Lang was restricted by Qi Xiao, so his mother quickly scratched his face with bloodstains.

And her personal nanny, Wang Ma, was also smart. She looked at Xie Lian and Yu and said:
"Third Master, old madam, this..."

"Go! Madam tells you to go!" Xie Lian gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't teach well when you are young, you will still have to when you grow up? Today you have to teach this little bastard a lesson!"

With the couple's bitter plan, the grandmother Yu followed the custom of feeling sorry for her grandson and pulled Xie Boyuan to cry pitifully.

Those who don't know this, think how much their family has been wronged.

They are all juniors of his own family, Xie Boyuan saw that Su Yu was really going to beat Xie Lang in front of so many people, and Yu Shi beside him was still crying, so his heart inevitably softened.

And Xie Wanyin who had been silent at this moment also got up and said:

"Grandpa, the reason why A-Lang went to the princess mansion to make trouble, and made things difficult for the princess so many times today is because of me. If you really want to punish him, then punish me too."

"Wan Yin, what are you doing?"

Seeing her get up, Xie Boyuan immediately opened his mouth.

In his eyes, Dafang's two brothers and sisters were much more promising than his two grandchildren.

Not to mention the elder brother Xie Yao who entered the court, the younger sister Xie Wanyin is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has an outstanding appearance.

He already liked this girl, and in addition to her weak body, Feng Xi had always bullied and framed her before, so he had some affection for her.

"Grandpa, I didn't expect that the matter would be so big... The princess is right. I went there uninvited that day, and that's why the princess ordered people to drive me out of the house. A Lang and I are both at fault, and we should be Get punished together.”

As the girl spoke, her eyes unconsciously turned to Xie Lang.

Others only thought that she was looking at Xie Lang, but Feng Xi knew that she was actually looking at Qi Xiao.

Tsk, it’s so hard to bear the humiliation and bear the burden for the sake of my sweetheart. I feel aggrieved but I won’t say it...

But she, Feng Xi, has something to say, and she must say it now:
"As long as you know you're at fault, just wait, I'll make it clear with Sanfang, and you'll be indispensable."

Xie Wanyin, who didn't think there was anything wrong with him, said: "?"

After saying that, Feng Xi turned to look at Su Yu who was holding a broom.

"So Auntie, do you want to fight or not? If you want to fight, hurry up and let the son-in-law help you if you can't. After the fight, we can talk about Zhuangzi."

Su Yu, who had been pretending and couldn't bear to hit her son, said: "..."

After talking about Su Yu, Feng Xi's gaze finally returned to Mr. Xie, and said in a neutral tone:
"Grandpa, how are you thinking about Zhuangzi?"

After seeing Sanfang's plan and hearing Xie Wanyin's plea, the old man, a wallflower, was really shaken and said:

"Xi'er, your uncle and the others have punished Lang'er just now, he must know that he was wrong about this..."

But Feng Xi asked back without thinking:

"It's none of my business if he knows he's wrong?"

As if afraid that the old man would not understand, Feng Xi emphasized again:

"Should I ask Qi Xiao to give him a knife now, and then say that I know I was wrong, and Qi Xiao and I can leave directly?"

As the head of the Xie family, Xie Boyuan always speaks the truth.

In the past, Feng Xi could only explain and pray to him about anything he said, but now...

"Grandpa doesn't want to take care of me, so let's leave it alone. He's talking about helping me and pleading for others. Don't you think you're being double-faced?"

"Feng Xi, why are you talking to the elders!"

Seeing Feng Xi being so arrogant, Xie Lian couldn't bear it anymore.

But the original owner will take into account that the Xie family is her maternal family, and these people are her elders, but she will, no!

"I'm talking to the Duke, and it's your turn to dictate, Dali Temple!"


Xie Lian kept silent, not only him, but all the Xie family members who were sitting here changed their faces.

That's right, since Feng Xi entered the door, she has always regarded herself as the Xie family, so she will give them a chance to speak.

But she is a princess, and she is a first-born princess with a title. The only person who can talk to her here is Ning Guogong Xie Boyuan.

It's just that this princess is out of her mind and has been chasing after her sweetheart all day long. She has also lived a miserable life in the past two years, so everyone gradually doesn't take her seriously...

"Grandpa, if I remember correctly, these two Zhuangzi originally belonged to the royal family, right? They were the gifts from the father to the mother, right? Now that the grandmother and the mother have gone, you will give it to the third room in a grand manner?"

Isn't it just poking the spine?

She Feng Xi will also!

Seeing that Xie Boyuan's face turned pale, Feng Xi took advantage of the victory and pursued her:

"Ten thousand taels of gold, hundreds of thousands of silver, not to mention Zhuangzi, shops, gold, silver, jade, brocade and pearls. Over the years, people in the house have taken my mother's money and used my mother's money. What's wrong with giving me some compensation after making things difficult for me?"

The original owner was a fool and didn't know his own property, but she, Feng Xi, was smart.

The Duke's Mansion is indeed prosperous, but after several generations, there will be times when it will not be successful.

And when the original mistress got married, it was the time when the Duke's mansion was in need of a lot of waste and everything needed to be spent.

Back then, the royal family not only gave generous betrothal gifts, but the dowry was also purchased by the queen mother as usual.And there is nothing lacking in the palace, so the original mistress did not take the dowry away.

It can be said that the Duke's Mansion has revived a pool of stagnant water by relying on the original mistress, but it is extremely negligent towards the original mistress.

Jade hands gently twisted her hair. Feng Xi was tired and stopped pretending:
"I'll just say it straight. I did something wrong and provoked some people before. So I only want the Zhuang Zi for the compensation from Sanfang, and the rest of the money can be regarded as my compensation for you. In a word, grandpa, you can say whether you will give it or not." Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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