You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 9 Family and everything are prosperous, happiest without me!

Chapter 9 Family and everything are prosperous, happiest without me!
"Oh, impulsive? The carriage blocking the road is impulsive, coercion and transposition are impulsive, a few acupuncture points are impulsive, and now ordering someone to hold Lang'er down is also impulsive?"

Looking at Feng Xi coldly, Xie Lian who was standing beside Xie Boyuan almost immediately spoke.

God-given opportunity, he would never let Feng Xi be fooled!
In the end, Feng Xi blinked and said without guilt:
"That's right, uncle knows this very clearly!"

Xie Lian: "..."

Xie Lang, who was suppressed, said angrily:

"Feng Xi, don't pretend to be stupid, you clearly know what my father means!"

"What do you mean?" Feng Xi tilted her head, "I don't know~"

Xie Lang: "..."

Seeing this farce getting worse, Xie Boyuan finally sighed and said:
"Beating people in the street a few days ago, and later hurting Wan Yin, and blocking the road today to make trouble...Feng Xi, tell me, why?"

In view of the original owner's consistent style, Xie Boyuan was obviously preconceived.

Feng Xi has never been used to people who question her indiscriminately, and the same goes for the old one.

"I was allowed to attend a banquet a few days ago, and then someone came to humiliate me. Today I was allowed to enter, but they made things difficult and excluded me at every turn. Grandpa, tell me, why are you doing this?"

Xie Boyuan was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that Feng Xi not only did not cry, but questioned him instead.

"Feng girl, what are you talking about? Are you right about the incident on the street before? Your grandfather finally allowed you to go to the banquet, but you hurt Wanyin girl again. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't..."

Seeing Xie Boyuan's silence, Mrs. Yu, who was standing next to him, immediately spoke up.

Her tone was very gentle, and her words were tactful, but every word in it told everyone present that everything was Feng Xi's fault.

Unexpectedly, Feng Xi, the person who was about to "die", didn't want to deal with her at all, so she opened her mouth and said:

"Yes, Xie Lang can be impulsive, but I can't. It's also my problem that some people get deflated and get sick after forcibly breaking into the princess's mansion. Even if I sit quietly and eat a meal, I will be run over by your third wife, right? ?”

Yu Shi was startled, she never thought that the idiot such as Fengxi could be so sharp.

"No, that's not what I meant..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Feng Xi asked without leaving any room.

Yu Shi naturally wanted to explain, but Fengxi didn't wait for her to speak, and said directly to Xie Boyuan:
"Grandpa, since it's my fault to be alive in the Duke's mansion, why don't you just comply with their wishes and expel me from the house?"

Hearing this, Xie Boyuan, as calm as he was, couldn't help but say:

"Feng Xi, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know. Grandpa doesn't need to be burdened. I'm not threatening you. I really think that if we can't get along, we shouldn't get along. Rather than hurting each other, it's better not to have any contact with each other, right?"

Feng Yan smiled, Feng Xi said that she is a person who is about to "die", she really doesn't need so many stupid relatives.

Hurry up, drive her out of the house, and she promises to leave without looking back if she pulls Qi Xiao along!

The lobby was quiet again, not only the collaterals, but even Sanfang and others who were actively speaking just now were silent.

Feng Xi is a princess...

Even if she is no longer favored, she is not someone who can be kicked out just by being kicked out of the house.

After all, embarrassing the royal family, even the Duke's Mansion has to follow the truth.

And compared to the weighing of pros and cons in other people's minds, Xie Boyuan's silence is because of Feng Xi's sentence, "We will not communicate with each other until death"...

Xie Boyuan lived an upright life. He adopted his elder brother's youngest son Xie Bin as his eldest son, married his wife Sun, had a daughter Xie Shu as his second wife, and his son Xie Lian as his third wife.

Now the eldest brother is happy and happy, and the third room is flourishing, but the second room is the only one with bad news, leaving him with only this granddaughter...

Recalling that I was busy with government affairs in the early years, I had no time to care about this motherless child. I just blindly provided material things...

"Feng Xi, everything goes well with our family. Grandpa thinks there must be some misunderstanding about what happened today..."


Feng Xi was speechless, is this the result of your deliberation for a long time?

I disagree!

Immediately shaking her head, Feng Xi said seriously:

"There is no misunderstanding, Grandpa, for the sake of the peace of the first and third rooms, you should remove the second room. Home and everything will be prosperous, and I am happiest without me, right?"

Xie Boyuan: "?"


His granddaughter is so tolerant, how could he cruelly drive her out of the house?

So without waiting for Feng Xi to say anything else, Xie Boyuan kicked his own son on the leg and shouted:
"That bastard in your family can be impulsive, why can't Feng Xi! Even this kid knows the principle of family and everything, but you, uncle, don't understand?"

"Grandpa, this is not my fault. What did he do wrong? He just doesn't like me."

Seeing that Xie Boyuan not only did not drive her out, but also began to seek justice for her, Feng Xi was also anxious.

But after hearing what she said, Xie Boyuan became even more angry.

He was not a fool. He glanced at Xie Lian, Xie Lang, Su Yu, Yu Shi and Su Daolin, and immediately discovered the extremely high level of participation of everyone in Sanfang.

He knew that the third room was jealous of the second room, and Xie Lian was even more bitter about him for not helping the Yu family and giving him the status of a descendant of the family.

Fortunately, Sanfang took advantage of his inattention and teamed up to bully his only granddaughter!
At this moment, Xie Boyuan suddenly felt the responsibility of a rooster protecting its cubs:

"Xi'er, don't worry, grandpa will definitely seek justice for you today!"

Feng Xi: "..."

She really doesn't need justice...

But looking at the protective posture of a certain old man, even shouting "Xi'er", it must be that she will not fulfill her wish.

So in the spirit of giving up when something is good and adding insult to injury when necessary, Feng Xi immediately sat down and raised the price:

"Well, I don't accept a series of solutions such as confinement, copying books, a few words of reprimand or verbal apology."

Xie Boyuan, the patriarch who was just about to say, "Family and everything prosper, brothers don't have overnight feuds", and was about to ask Sanfang to collectively apologize to his granddaughter: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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