You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 8 Like a cat, can you swear louder?

Chapter 8 Like a cat, can you swear louder?

He looked at Feng Xi in astonishment, his thoughts as deep as Qi Xiao's, and he was a little unsure of Feng Xi's position at this moment.

But he was still willing to do such a simple thing as shutting up Su Daolin.

So before Su Daolin could question him, a peanut was shot from Qi Xiao's hand, hitting his dumb acupoint accurately.

Now it's all over, everyone saw Su Daolin's lips squirming, opening and closing anxiously.He was shocked and angry, but he couldn't make a sound.

This scene was so funny, but everyone at the table couldn't laugh.

"Feng Xi, my cousin just said a few words, but you actually let this loser do it..."

Xie Lang was furious, and felt that the recent Feng Xi deserved to die!
"Oh? You also know that he talks a lot?"

Feng Xi was stunned, and the expression on your face that you are so smart directly made the second half of Xie Lang's words choke in his throat.

On the contrary, Su Daolin glared at Feng Xi and Qi Xiao angrily, and then kept winking at Xie Lang.

The Su family studied for generations, and it was not easy for the grandpa's generation to make a fortune.As a frail scholar like him, it is impossible for him to unlock the dumb acupoint and confront others.

On the contrary, Xie Lang is quite skilled in martial arts, so he should have a solution.

Xie Lang hit the wall many times in front of Feng Xi and knew that he couldn't do it alone, so he immediately relieved Su Daolin's acupuncture point.

However, just as he was getting ready to argue with Feng Xi again and poke his heart out with all his strength, a peanut hit his dumb hole again.

Su Daolin: "..."

Xie Lang: "Qi, what the hell are you..."

Looking at Qi Xiao angrily, Xie Lang felt that Feng Xi would just insult them. She was a princess and they could not beat her or scold her.But who does his surname Qi count?Now the Jingyuan Hou Mansion has changed hands, okay?

However, facing his glaring eyes, Qi Xiao has neither the sharpness of Feng Xi nor the humbleness of a weak person.

He just stated calmly:
"The princess told him to shut up."

So no matter how many times you relieve him, I will shut him up again.

"You..." Xie Lang sneered and stopped his hand, with undisguised ridicule in his eyes: "Okay, you Qi family are all practicing disciples, and a dabbler like me can't compare to you. But what are you? You're a dog ! Feng Xi treats you like a coward and you still lick your face, laugh and help!"

He had been feeling aggrieved for too long today. Now that Qi Xiao was a soft persimmon, wouldn't he be able to vent his anger?
Unexpectedly, Qi Xiao didn't say a word, Feng Xi rubbed her ears and said with interest:
"What are you talking about? You're like a cat. Can you curse louder?"

Xie Lang was already in a fit of anger, but now that Feng Xi was disgusted by Qi Xiao helping Feng Xi, Dang even looked at Qi Xiao mockingly, not paying attention to Su Daolin and Xie Wanyin's obstruction:
"Feng Xi, listen carefully! The young master said that this Qi is a dog! He is bullied by you in every possible way, and even licks his face and laughs with him..."

This time he did not suppress his voice, so not only their table, but also the tables next to him heard this.

But he is the young prince of the Duke's mansion, his parents' pet peeve, and his grandfather's treasure. Who in the Xie family would dare to offend him except Feng Xi?

So when these people hear it, they hear it. The more people listen, the more embarrassed some people will be.

However, he never expected that before he finished speaking, there was a loud shout not far away.

"You talk nonsense at the family banquet, and you are not ashamed but proud of it! Xie Lian, is this the good son you praise in front of me all day?"

For a moment, the lively lobby was silent just now, everyone lowered their heads, flustered, and Xie Lang, who was scolded, turned pale and almost couldn't stand upright.

Feng Xi, on the other hand, had a leisurely look on her face, and her phoenix eyes lazily looked at the old man who had many scenes in the memory of the original owner.

He walks like the wind, stands like a pine tree, is dressed luxuriously, and has a majestic demeanor. Even though he is nearly seventy years old, he is not at all idle and decadent.

He is none other than the owner of the Duke's Mansion - Ning Guogong Xie Boyuan.

But at this moment, the other party's eyes were fixed on Xie Lang like a falcon, with a hint of anger on his face.

"You child! How did your father teach you on weekdays? You are not allowed to talk nonsense at the family banquet! I don't think you will eat this banquet, Su Yu, why don't you take Lang'er away!"

Seeing his grandson shrinking his neck in fear of the old man and standing there like a quail, the concubine Yu who had been accompanying Xie Boyuan hurriedly stepped forward and said angrily.

"Grandma, I..."

After glaring at Xie Lang fiercely, Mrs. Yu turned around and said to Xie Boyuan:

"Master, Lang'er is still a child. He was impulsive just now. What bad thoughts could he have... With so many people watching, let's talk about this after the banquet."

While she was comforting Xie Boyuan, Su Yu quickly walked towards her son as her mother-in-law said, preparing to take him away to settle the matter.

Lang'er is the only male in the three generations of the Duke's Mansion, and will inherit the Duke's Mansion in the future.So the old man was very angry at the moment, and with the persuasion of all of them, it would be a matter of confinement for a few days at most.

Seeing Mrs. Yu's smiling face and the inquisitive eyes of all the clansmen, Xie Boyuan also felt that the family's ugliness should not be publicized, and it is not impossible to talk about this matter after the banquet.

But what he didn't expect was that Xie Lang, who was supposed to be taken away by Su Yu, was grabbed by Qi Xiao's wrist and pressed directly on the round table.

With the crash of broken cups and plates, everyone at the junior table stood up in horror.

Because no one expected that Qi Xiao would do something in front of Ning Guogong.


Feng Xi and the two have become so arrogant that they don't want to give the Duke any face?
Seeing such a reversal, Xie Lian and Su Yu were overjoyed and immediately looked at each other and said:

"Feng Xi, what are you doing! Are there any more rules at the family banquet!"

As if aware of his parents' intentions, the suppressed Xie Lang also immediately shouted:
"Grandpa, I didn't mean to swear. It was Feng Xi who forced me time and time again. Not only did she block the streets, but she also made that guy surnamed Qi tap my cousin's dumb acupoint all the time. I really can't stand it anymore. This is why Export abuse..."

Following Xie Lang's accusation, other juniors at the main table and some of Xie Lang's followers also said:
"Young master is right, the princess has indeed blocked the main road today and won't let me wait for the banquet!"

"That's right, everything Brother Su said makes sense, but the princess ordered someone to tap his mute point, and threatened to keep doing it!"

"My lord, my young lord really didn't mean it!"


In the midst of this criticism, Xie Boyuan finally frowned and looked at his own granddaughter who was ignorant and had no skills and had gotten into many troubles.

She has fair skin and phoenix eyes, and is beautiful yet majestic. This appearance is so similar to his late wife and daughter.And every time the other party makes a mistake, he will use this excuse to make him soft-hearted...

However, just when he thought Feng Xi was going to cry again and talk about his mother and grandmother, the girl said with a confident face:

"Grandpa, Xi'er and Qi Xiao are also children, they were just impulsive just now, what bad thoughts could they have?"

Xie Boyuan: "?"

Yu Shi: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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