You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 16 Who Bullied Him?Anyway, it's not Ben Gong!

Chapter 16 Who Bullied Him?Anyway, it's not Ben Gong!

"Madam, please hurry up! Don't you still know Princess Zhaoming's temperament? Even if our young master is just a child, she won't let it go!"

On the corridor in the backyard of the Hou Mansion, Nanny Li was leading a woman in blue to come quickly.

A woman with bright lips and bright teeth, even though she has become a mother of a child, she is still beautiful.

And she is none other than Qi Zhuo's mother Bai Yi.

"Xiao Zhuo is fine, why did he suddenly bump into the princess?"

Bai Yixiu frowned slightly, thinking that there must be something strange about this matter.

But Xiao Zhuo was brought out by Wan Yin, and with the friendship between Wan Yin and A Xiao since they were young, she would never harm her and Xiao Zhuo.

She's not stupid, so she didn't want to follow Nanny Li's wishes and go directly to the courtyard where everyone was watching a play, even though she was really worried about her son.

Because she knew that if it was really Feng Xi who was angry, she would at most suffer together if she went, and would not be able to save Xiao Zhuo at all.

She has to find A Xiao!

However, Grandma Li was obviously well prepared. When she saw that she wanted to turn to the front yard, she immediately ordered someone to block her way, forcing her to continue walking.

"Young lady, we all work together in the house to make a living, so why do you have to make things difficult for me?"

After all, she didn't care about Bai Yi's reaction and just let him drive him to his destination.

Tsk, she just called her young lady, does she really regard herself as the master of this house?

That's right, she used to be the crown prince's concubine, and she was honored in the palace~
Seeing that she couldn't ask for help, Bai Yi stopped struggling.

If she and Xiao Zhuo are destined to have this fate, then she is ready to sacrifice herself to save Xiao Zhuo.

Then she was brought into the yard triumphantly by Nanny Li, who was ready to face Feng Xi's countless difficulties, and Bai Yi, who comforted her innocent child, heard the child sing:

"I love you walking alone in a dark alley ~ I love the way you don't kneel ~ I love you for persevering in despair ~ I don't want to cry ~"

Bai Yi: "?"

Aunt Li: "?"

Seeing that a certain group's eyes were red again while singing, Feng Xi couldn't help but make a question mark slowly.

The well-known pre-apocalyptic nursery rhyme, abducting a child is accurate, what are the necessary skills for a qualified human trafficker?

"Xiao Zhuo!"

Fortunately, before she could figure it out, Bai Yi adjusted her mood and rushed forward.

No matter how calm and self-possessed she was just now, she couldn't hold back when she saw her son.

So when worry came like a flood, she didn't care about Feng Xi sitting beside Qi Zhuo, and rushed up to hold the child in her arms.

Seeing her son's eyes red, she felt even more distressed.

"What's the matter, Xiaozhuo, who bullied you?"

When Qi Zhuo found out that his mother was coming, he immediately turned around and hugged the woman, then burst into tears.

Feng Xi, the fun-loving person, had a righteous look on his face and immediately looked around and said:
"Yes, who of you bullied him?"

It's not me anyway!
In this regard, the people who have been watching from the sidelines and witnessed a certain princess teasing a child several times dare not speak out.

But mud-wrapped peanuts can hold a pot of soup, but they can't hold some mouse droppings in the soup...

"I'm sorry, sister Bai Yi, I didn't take good care of Xiao Zhuo, which made him run into the princess."

Xie Wanyin walked quickly to Bai Yi and Qi Zhuo, and after simply admitting his mistake, he immediately looked at Feng Xi and said:
"Princess, Xiao Zhuo just hit you with a peanut, and then not only peeled three plates of peanuts for you, but also made you cry a few times. If this is the case, you should calm down no matter what?"

Xie Wanyin opened the door, and Old Madam Qi beside him also put on a kind mask and said:
"Hey, he's just a child. Princess, please consider that today is my birthday and let me go."

As if they had negotiated, Qi Miao and Su Yu on the side were not far behind and wanted to speak, fearing that they would not be able to keep up with the hot ones.

But why Fengxi didn't interrupt them, Qi Zhuo who was lying in his mother's arms suddenly twitched and said:

"No, princess, the princess didn't bully me..."

Having said that, the child obviously paused, and then added very honestly:

"At least not just now..."

Feng Xi: "?"

There is no need to repeat it.

As a result, Bai Yi's anger that had been artificially piled up just now was dissipated by his son's words in the next second.

Gently patted her child's back, until the other party's mood gradually stabilized, she asked aloud:
"Then Xiaozhuo, can you tell mother why you were crying just now?"

Yes, why?

Feng Xi said that she also wanted to know.

Then she heard Qi Zhuo say with red eyes:
"The songs the princess taught me reminded me of my grandfather, father, second uncle and younger uncle..."

Hearing this, Bai Yi's hand that slapped him on the back also paused, and then her eyes turned red silently.

It was Feng Xi who tried her best to recall the children's picture book she found in the ruins, and comforted her with a rare brain:
"It's okay, they have all turned into stars, watching you all the time from the sky!"

Then she listened to Qi Zhuotong's words:
"But my uncle didn't become a star."

Feng Xi was stunned:
"Don't worry about those details!"

Qi Zhuo: "Oh..."

Seeing Feng Xi and Qi Zhuo's out-of-key conversation, Bai Yi, who recalled the past, also slowly came back to his senses, a gentle smile appeared on his lips.

She knew very well how bad Feng Xi had been in the past, but she could also see that the Feng Xi in front of her did not bully her children.

She couldn't help but look at those people who were eager to talk just now but now stopped talking.

"Sister Bai Yi..."

Xie Wanyin still wanted to say something, but she saw the housekeeper of the house quickly walked up to Mrs. Qi and said that the meals in the front yard were ready, waiting for the birthday girl and the female relatives.

"My birthday is poorly organized, and the food is not refined enough. But everyone is here, so let's give me a face and go with me to have a light meal?"

When Mrs. Qi said this, all the female relatives immediately laughed at her modesty and politeness, and quickly brought the topic to the past.

Seeing everyone going to the front yard together, Bai Yi also knew that she and Qi Zhuo were not welcome here, so she bent down to pick up the child and went back to her dilapidated yard.

Ever since Ah Shen, Ah Hong and Eunuch died in battle, anyone in the house can step on them a few times. As for those guests who came to congratulate the villains of this family on their birthdays, how many of them didn't come to see their jokes?
The old lady Qi and the others in front seemed to have acquiesced to this point, and pretended not to see it even though they saw it, but Xie Wanyin walked to Bai Yi's side without winking, and persuaded in a gentle voice:

"Sister Bai Yi, won't you and Xiao Zhuo go to the front yard? Ah Xiao will be very happy to see you."

Bai Yi paused, but still shook his head and said:

"No need."

It was already very hard for Ah Xiao to deal with those people alone, but if you add their mother and son...

Unexpectedly, just as she was thinking, she grabbed Qi Zhuo with both hands.

Before she could react, the robbing Feng Xi ran away, holding the child and heading straight to the front yard of the Hou Mansion.

Qi Zhuo: "?"

Bai Yi: "?"

Xie Wanyin: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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