You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 17 Don't internalize yourself, blame others!

Chapter 17 Don't internalize yourself, blame others!
"Why is she taking Xiao Zhuo to provoke Feng Xi when she has nothing to do?"

In the front yard of the Hou Mansion, Qi Xiao's expression changed after hearing Qin Zhui's report, and he said it almost without thinking.

Since Dajin and Beidi often harassed the border, he spent most of his childhood at Hanyuguan.

And Xie Wanyin's father, Xie Bin, had served as the supervisor of the army and was forced to stay in Hanyuguan for a long time.

Therefore, Xie Wanyin had a good relationship with the Qi family, especially under the influence of his mother, the wife of the Hou family who wanted a daughter but could not get her. He played with Xie Wanyin a lot when he was a child.

This is probably the reason why Xie Wanyin rejects others but always likes to interfere in his affairs.

But he could bear with the previous things, even if the other party disrupted his plan more than once and made him be treated more cruelly by Feng Xi.

Only this time, even if there was a little friendship from childhood, he still felt it.

"Master, Miss Xie may also want to play with Master Zhuo... With her gentle and kind temperament, it is quite normal that she cannot protect others in front of the princess..."

Qin Zhui followed Qi Xiao since he was a child. Although he is not familiar with Xie Wanyin, he can see the difference in how he treats his master.

Thinking about how heavy the snow was falling that day, she was the only one who rushed to her master and risked her life to protect him!

Then he saw his master's indifferent eyes, who didn't want to pay attention to him at all...

So Qin Zhui had no choice but to smooth things over and said:

"No matter what, fortunately, Master Zhuo and Princess Consort are fine. They must be on their way back to the courtyard now..."

Before Qin Zhui finished speaking, he saw a beautiful figure running out of the courtyard. The light green palace dress made of silk and satin, and the compelling momentum of others getting out of the way. Who else could be there besides Princess Zhaoming?

But what she was holding in her arms was not...

Almost at the same time Qin was chasing Shihua, Feng Xi's eyes full of wisdom fell on Qi Xiao, and then Ruyan rushed over like throwing a pot.

So the next second, Qi Zhuo, the little dumpling that Qin Zhuizhiyan had stuck on the spot, was firmly stuffed into Qi Xiao's hand.

Qi Xiao: "?"

Regardless of the doubts in his eyes, Feng Xi sat next to him and drank tea without any intention of explaining.

On the contrary, Qi Zhuo's eyes lit up, and he hugged his neck and said:

Hearing this, Qi Xiao also had a rare smile in his eyes and said:
"Why did Xiaozhuo come here with the princess?"

He asked tactfully, but Qi Zhuo's answer was very direct.

"No, Xiao Zhuo didn't come here, but was snatched from the mother by the princess."

Qi Xiao: "?"

Seeing a certain Aotian's eyes drifting towards her again, Feng Xi, after finishing her tea, finally said:

"Nonsense! This is obviously a sincere invitation from this palace! Grab, cough, please one or two, how about blood?"

Looking back at Qi Zhuo who seemed to be persuaded by Feng Xi, and then at Bai Yi who appeared in the yard immediately after, with an obviously anxious look on his brows, Qi Xiao didn't understand anything.

On the other hand, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his son in Qi Xiao's hands.

However, this tone was obviously relieved.

Because with her and Qi Zhuo appearing in the front yard, many people in the yard have quietly focused their eyes.

The affairs of the Qi family are not a secret, especially the fact that Qi Shuai Qi Yuanming gave the title to his eldest family but did not leave it to his son and grandson, which made many people laugh.

Among them, Qi Xiao was raised in Hanyuguan since he was a child, and he has two very promising older brothers, so the Dazhao family paid little attention to him.

Therefore, as soon as Qi Shuai's letter came out, everyone agreed that he was a waste.

Even though the emperor later ignored Qi Shuai's military exploits and forced him to marry into the arrogant and domineering Feng Xi, no one said a word of injustice on his behalf.

But the first son, Qi Shen, was different. He was hailed as Qi Shuai's most perfect successor. He went to the battlefield with Qi Shuai at fifteen, and was awarded the title of Hussar General at seventeen, which made many women in Beijing fall for him.

But it was this person who made many aristocratic families want to recruit him as his son-in-law, but he rejected all the noble ladies and married a border doctor with no background.

Even though this medical woman has outstanding appearance and excellent medical skills, she is still ashamed of many aristocratic families in the capital.

Especially those who spent a lot of effort to find a way out of Mrs. Qi and Qi Su.

In short, Bai Yi was hated and envied by many people at that time.

However, with the fall of the three generals of the Qi family, the initial jealousy and envy turned into gloating in an instant...

This also made them more curious about Bai Yi and Qi Zhuo's current situation.

Bai Yi naturally knows what these people think, she doesn't care, but the child is still young, so she seldom brings Qi Zhuo out to show up until today...

"Look how pitiful that child is, with a yellow and thin face. As long as my mother is a little bit capable, and her mother's family is tougher, it won't be..."

"Those who come from a small family are ignorant. Not only can they raise their children poorly, but they also don't know how to behave. Look at those clothes..."

"Don't even say it. It's already pitiful for people to be orphaned and widowed now. When the time comes, the mother will hear you nagging her a lot. What will she do if she remarries and has a child?"


The words of the people around were so harsh that Bai Yi, who was standing in front of the courtyard, turned pale.

At this moment, she didn't even know whether she should move forward and walk to Qi Zhuo and Qi Xiao.

Because she seemed to be the source of criticism, with countless cold eyes on her body.

"Uncle, shouldn't my mother and I come..."

These words were not only heard by Bai Yi, but also by Qi Zhuo obviously.

He is a child, but not a fool.

However, the person who answered him was not Qi Xiao with a solemn expression, but Feng Xi who didn't understand the situation.

"Don't internalize yourself, blame others. What do you mean you and your mother shouldn't come? It's obvious that you deserve to die even if you're just gossiping, do you understand?"

All the talkative women: "..."

Feng Xi's voice was confiscated at all, it was so lethal that the entire front yard fell silent in an instant.

However, this person didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him at all, and even said to the people in front of him, one large and one small, who were staring blankly at him:

"If I were the one, I would have to cut off their tongues and feed them to the dogs. Tsk, no, that would be a bit embarrassing to the dogs..."

The gossips: "..."

On the other hand, Qi Zhuo stared at Feng Xi with bright eyes, completely forgetting that she said he was a good beggar.

Qi Xiaoze raised his eyebrows, and his peach blossom eyes smiled at Feng Xi for the first time.

At this time, Mrs. Qi and others who were walking behind finally arrived and met Qi Su and Qi Yu who looked gloomy in the courtyard.

And the people standing next to these two were none other than Xie Lian and Xie Lang who had just arrived in the mansion.

However, as soon as Feng Xi appeared, she stole all their limelight, and incidentally turned the originally harmonious atmosphere into the deserted and ghostly state it is now.

Of course, for the Qi family and his son, Feng Xi's power of stealing the limelight is far less lethal than Feng Xi's standing up for Bai Yi and his son.

Looking at Feng Xi sitting next to Qi Xiao naturally, showing no trace of disgust as before, Qi Su felt that there was something they had to do today.

"Yu'er, go and invite the princess and Xiao'er to sit at the main table."

(End of this chapter)

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