You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 33 I don't understand, but I can talk nonsense!

Chapter 33 I don't understand, but I can talk nonsense!

Looking at Fengxi, and then at the pear in his hand, Emperor Shengde finally recovered from the shock of being suddenly cared about by his worthless daughter.

There is no way, he is busy with everything and really has no time to take care of this daughter.

And when he came back to his senses, his daughter had already been raised and abandoned.

It's not that he hasn't beaten and scolded her before, and he tried hard to correct her, but it turned out that the belated severity not only failed to correct his daughter, but also made her worse.

After all, it was his negligence, so he became more and more tolerant of his daughter.

Until she acted like a demon everywhere and trampled on the son-in-law he specially found for her like nothing.

It was hopeless at first, but unexpectedly he went crazy again recently. Fortunately, judging from what he knew, the madness was not particularly serious.

No, even crazy people know how to care about themselves.

In the past, when I saw him, I asked for money, land, and things, and I never asked him a single question.

So after a brief shock, Emperor Shengde said to Zhao Xi beside him:
"Go and cut it out for me."


Zhao Xi wanted to say that you were already sick, how could you eat something cold?But he was stared away by Emperor Sheng De.

Concubine Fang Gui and Concubine Chu Shu who were next to her wanted to talk, but they were not sure what Emperor Sheng De meant, so they could only stand by the side disapprovingly.

However, Feng Xi nodded with satisfaction and said:
"That's right, you listen to my son, you won't be wrong."

Hearing this, Emperor Sheng De couldn't laugh or cry. He was so affected by this emotion that he coughed violently again.

Zhao Xi was very fast, the pears were quickly cut into pieces, and placed in front of Emperor Shengde.

In order to make it easier for the emperor and the princess, Zhao Xi deliberately cut the pieces into small pieces, fearing that the emperor would eat too much.

Emperor Shengde originally meant the same thing. He was happy to be cared for by his daughter, but he also considered his own body.

But what he didn't expect was that when the first piece of Sydney fell, he felt a lightness in his throat, and his whole body felt much refreshed.

So under the worried and shocked gazes of Zhao Xi and others, Emperor Shengde actually ate up that Sydney pear.

And after eating, both complexion and energy are much better than before eating, and even the cough has temporarily stopped.

Seeing this, the imperial physician at the side immediately stepped forward to check the pulse, and his expression was also happy after the diagnosis.

"Although Sydney has the effect of nourishing the lungs and relieving cough, it has no such immediate effect. The minister said that it must be the princess's benevolence and filial piety, which makes this Sydney have the effect of spiritual fruit!"

Seeing that the imperial physician couldn't explain Sydney with medicine, so she jumped into metaphysics very skillfully, Feng Xi was also very convinced.

But it's not wrong to say it's metaphysics.

She didn't take the pear on the table at all, but she put the original pear into the space when she turned her back to everyone, and then picked it from the fruit tree in the space.

It is true to say that it is a spiritual fruit, but it has nothing to do with filial piety, she just wants to finish the conversation early and run away early.

However, people in the palace never do useless work. Emperor Shengde was delighted after hearing what the imperial doctor said. He ordered Zhao Xi to reward him, and then asked Feng Xi:
"What reward does Xi'er want?"

Feng Xi tilted her head, she doesn't seem to lack anything, right?If she said she wanted to go back to sleep, would her cheap father agree?

Compared with Feng Xi's indifference, Concubine Fang Guifei and Concubine Chu Shu's eyes turned red when they heard this.

Although this disaster relief is a major event, it doesn't matter which of the two sons goes, as long as they bring some capable officials from the court.

In other words, Emperor Shengde would not make a mistake in choosing either side, he just needed a good reason to stop the losers.

Now, isn't this reason right in front of their eyes?

Emperor Shengde suffered from a cough for more than a month, and was suddenly healed by Princess Zhaoming's filial piety. Emperor Shengde Long Yan was very happy, praising this as an auspicious sign from heaven, and granted Princess Zhaoming a reward.

In other words, as long as Feng Xi is willing to help them open this mouth, the other side will have nothing to say.

After all, this reward was obtained in exchange for healing the dragon body.

And the person Feng Xi pleaded for will also be tainted with the word auspicious. Isn't it easy to gain a reputation and popular support?
So before Feng Xi could speak, Concubine Chu Shu on the side smiled and said:

"With such a great reward, the princess should not rush to make a decision. If you can't figure it out, go back and think about it."

Concubine Fang Gui rarely stood by her side and said:

"Sister Concubine Shu is right. The emperor's golden words, Xi'er, will be valid whenever you come to ask. Don't worry, think again."

Feng Xi who heard the words nodded, she didn't want anything anyway.

Seeing that Feng Xi was obedient, Fang Chu and Fang Chu's gloom disappeared and their eyes lit up.

They are now hoping that Feng Xi will leave the palace quickly, so that the people on their side can discuss and win over, and the matter will be finalized earlier.

With such hope, they who were anxious to go back to prepare did not delay in the imperial study, and soon bid farewell to Emperor Shengde and Feng Xi.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared outside the door that Emperor Shengde lowered his expression and said to Zhao Xi:

"Pass the meal."

In the snowy winter night, plates of exquisite imperial food were brought to the dining table by the palace people.

The country is beautiful, the gold is not exchanged, the jade is broken and the match is three, the rain is watching the flowers...

Although Feng Xi couldn't understand, she was greatly shocked.

However, compared to these meals that claim to be made for hours, what kind of dishes are of the highest quality, she still likes the simple and crude mutton pot the most.

"Zhaoling, what do you think about the snow disaster in the Northland this time?"

After glancing at his daughter who was quietly cooking meat, Emperor Sheng De then looked at Qi Xiao who was opposite.

Qi Xiao's name is Zhaoling, which was bestowed by Emperor Shengde when he was born, but only his father and Emperor Shengde would call him that.

"The North has been cold for several years. According to my son's observation, this year's snowstorm is likely to be the worst since my son was born. Therefore, if the emperor wants to relieve the disaster, he must not only send capable ministers, but also quickly."

Natural disasters are ruthless, and those who freeze to death every night and day are living people.

Emperor Shengde frowned, and the word "Chuan" between his brows became more obvious.

"Then who do you think can take on this responsibility, the crown prince or the fourth prince?"

"The crown prince is backed by Mr. Fang, the chief assistant, and has the support of the mighty general's mansion and the minister of the Ministry of War. Not to mention that the disaster relief is easy to catch, it is also very secure. Similarly, the four princes, mother and concubine come from the famous Chu family. There are two ministers and a royal doctor in the mansion. Disaster relief is not a difficult task. What the father wants to choose is not talent, but virtue, but in Zhao Ling's view, neither the crown prince nor the fourth prince may have the virtue you want."

What Qi Xiao said was so direct that even Zhao Xi, who was waiting by the side, couldn't help frowning.

But Emperor Shengde seemed to have heard it, and said with a little emotion:
"No wonder Yuanming always sighs that you were born too late. You really resemble him the most and understand me the most."

Thinking of this, Emperor Shengde took another look at the meat-eating Feng Xi and said:

"I sometimes think, if you are my son, how good would it be if Zhaoming was your father's daughter? Do I still need to be in a dilemma here?"

Hearing this, Feng Xi, who was obviously disgusted, said:
"Can you two use your brains? Why can't the son-in-law help the disaster?"

(End of this chapter)

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