You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 34 It's all one family, so you're welcome to take it away!

Chapter 34 It's all a family, you're welcome to take it away!

As the saying goes, every family has scriptures that are hard to recite.

If this is the case with family affairs, let alone state affairs?
No, Emperor Shengde was so worried that his head turned pale because of the snow problem.

He has three sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Feng Yunxuan, was born to a gentle and respectful concubine. He was weak and had no interest in the throne since he was a child, but he was a good gardener.

The second son Feng Jing is the current crown prince, and behind him stands the chief assistant of the Fang family. The third princess Feng Yuan is his sister, and the consort comes from the mighty general's house.

It can be said that the prince's party has both literature and military, and it has grown into a towering tree in the court so far.

However, it is not a good thing to have a single family. Although the prince is talented, he is not the perfect heir in the eyes of Emperor Shengde.

Therefore, the fourth prince, Feng Yu, was quickly enthroned with the acquiescence of Emperor Shengde, and became another force in the court that could compete with the princelings.

But as Emperor Shengde's health got worse and worse, the dispute between the court and the court also changed from a peaceful confrontation at the beginning to a stage of grabbing each other's merits and rushing to overwhelm each other.

And this snowstorm has undoubtedly become a godsend opportunity for one side to overwhelm the other.

It would be fine if they were scrambling to do things for the people, but they only have merit in their eyes, and it is very likely that after one of them gets the job of disaster relief, they will secretly poke behind them.

It's not that Emperor Shengde didn't think about letting a capable minister who has no factions in the court take command...

But most of these capable ministers came from the imperial examination and had qualifications but no background. Regardless of whether they would be able to come back after leaving, they might not even be able to command the local people.

In this way, wouldn't the opportunity for the prince and the fourth prince come again?

In this roundabout way, we still have to choose between two parties.

Who can I choose?
Emperor Sheng De didn't want to choose anyone!
But at this moment, a new choice that he had never dared to think about before was actually made by his most miserable broken daughter.

My son can do it, but why can’t my son-in-law?
"Xi'er, do you know what you're talking about?"

Frowning and looking at Feng Xi, Emperor Sheng De wanted to know if she really meant that or she was talking nonsense.

Not only him, but also Qi Xiao looked at Feng Xi with a complicated expression and said nothing for a while.

Being looked at by the two of them like this, the others might have already spoken timidly, but what about Feng Xi?

She was still chewing the mutton in her mouth slowly, until she completely swallowed what was in her mouth, and after drinking two more sips of tea, she said:

"I know."

Well, then what?
Emperor Shengde and Qi Xiao were waiting for Feng Xi's explanation, but they saw Feng Xi pick up another piece of meat and pretend to stuff it into his mouth.

Well, you answer what you ask, and you don’t explain if you don’t ask, right?
At this time, even Emperor Shengde, who was used to being in power, couldn't help rubbing his brows and said again:

"Then can you tell Father, why do you think Zhaoling can also go to rescue the disaster?"

Taking advantage of the time when Emperor Shengde was questioning, Feng Xi, who was aware of it, stuffed the meat into her mouth in a second.

Well, as long as she stuffs it fast enough, she can wait until she finishes eating.

Emperor Shengde: "..."

Why hadn't he noticed before that his family Zhao Ming was starving to death?

Finally Feng Xi took another sip of tea and said:

"Qi Xiao is also idle when he is idle. Instead of seeing and hating me in the mansion, I might as well give it to you. We are all a family, so you are welcome to take it away."

Emperor Shengde: "No more?"

Feng Xi: "It's gone."

Emperor Shengde: "..."

Glancing at Qi Xiao, who had obviously experienced several baptisms and was shaking his head in disapproval, Emperor Shengde was very sensible and didn't continue to ask.

When it comes to irritating people, the current daughter is even worse than the previous daughter.

But I have to say that this terrible daughter did provide him with a good idea.

Don't look at Qi Xiao's reputation as a waste because of his father's posthumous pen, Emperor Shengde knew that among the three brothers of the Qi family, this youngest was the most outstanding, and his father liked him the most.

This is the fire of the Qi family, the orphan entrusted to him by Yuan Ming.

To this day, he still remembers the letter that said that after Da Jin gathered Beidi and marched south, after 20 troops pressed directly against Hanyu Pass, three people from the Qi family died in the battle, and more than half of the defenders in the pass were lost.

Mrs. Qi was overwhelmed with grief, and soon followed. The family, which was not considered prosperous, suddenly had only three people left.

Qi Xiao, Qi Zhuo, Bai Yi...

However, the Battle of Hanyuguan was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, and the liquidation after the battle made him feel chills down his spine.

In desperation, he could only pull Qi Xiao out of the Qi Mansion and forcefully stuff her into his youngest daughter's princess mansion in compliance with the wishes of all the forces in the DPRK.

He thought that even if his daughter is useless, as long as he meets her needs, he should not be too harsh on the person he gave to the past.

who knew...

But as Zhaoling said, maybe his bad life is the best anesthetic for some people.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye, and although the situation in front of him is still unpredictable, Zhao Ling already has the means to protect himself.

Then the next step is to enter the DPRK...

Originally, based on Feng Xi's attitude towards this matter, he still needed to plan for a long time, but now it seems...

"Zhaoling, if I listen to Xi'er and really send you to the Northland for disaster relief, would you dare to accept it?"

Before Qi Xiao could reply, Emperor Shengde continued:
"You have to think clearly, the crown prince and the fourth child are eyeing each other for disaster relief, and the stumbling blocks you face can only be more or less. Now that Jingyuanhou's mansion is Qi Su in charge, it is impossible for him to help you. As for Feng Xi ..."

Emperor Shengde glanced at his unhappy daughter again, and sighed:

"For her to say what she just said is already the greatest help to you."

Hearing this, Feng Xi, who was full, also hugged the tea cup, nodded obediently and said:
"Yes, yes."

Emperor Shengde: "..."

If the effect of the snow pear hadn't been so good, he felt that he might be so angry that he would cough out his lungs.

Sitting quietly at the table, Qi Xiao didn't go to see Feng Xi, but thought about the feasibility of this matter alone.

He had already judged the situation in the Northland this year, and ordered people to secretly prepare a lot of disaster relief materials.

However, relying on his strength alone, at most he could protect one Cold Jade Pass, and he couldn't even imagine how many there were.

But if he represented the imperial court in disaster relief, based on his experience, he would definitely be able to do better than the crown prince and the fourth prince.

And this feat will also open the long-closed door to his official career, and make those who want to suppress him shut up.

But in the same way, no matter whether it is the crown prince, the fourth prince, or those who hide behind the Battle of Hanyuguan, they will not let him succeed.

The difficulties he has to face along the way may even give him a headache for a while.

Even if the emperor is willing to open this convenient door for him, he must be able to accept it himself.

But as the so-called opportunities and challenges coexist, what is this tribulation in the face of revenge?
"If you return to the emperor, Zhao Ling is willing to go to the Northland to help the disaster. But Zhao Ling has one condition..."

Emperor Shengde believed in his ability and would send some capable ministers to go with him, so he immediately said:

"What conditions?"

"Give me a Buddha."

Qi Xiao pointed at Feng Xi who was playing with chopsticks idlely and said:

"A giant Buddha that can hold down demons and goblins, but needs a lot of people to protect it."

Feng Xi: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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