You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 400 The glorious image of Princess Da Zhaohao

"Everyone is lining up in front of the door. If anyone breaks the line and causes trouble, you are not allowed to enter Qingquan County!"

"After passing the customs, go to the tables on both sides to register, and gather at the camp assigned above. Someone will help you stay there and do things."

"But the ugly thing is ahead. If someone goes in and is still restless and is lazy and sneaking around all day long, we, the county magistrate, will never tolerate it!"


In front of the temporary checkpoint in Qingquan County, the government officials led by Yang Captou were organizing people to line up to register so that they could enter Qingquan as quickly as possible.

Maybe there were too many people coming in the past few days, and all of them were very agile in both speech and movement, so that today's team walked extremely fast. Seeing that it was not even noon yet, there was almost no one behind.

"What's going on? Are there too few people here today?"

A government official asked Yang Captou in confusion, and Yang Captou was also confused, so he immediately started chatting with several refugees who were preparing to enter the city.

"You mean the Green Forest Army won't let the people come over, and you are the last group before the blockade?"

"No, there are several families behind us who just ran a few steps slower, but they were all captured by the pursuing Green Forest Army!"

"It scared us to death. Fortunately, our family ran fast, otherwise..."

Smiling as he listened to the various discussions among the refugees, Yang Captou immediately winked at the government servant next to him.

The other party immediately understood and said he had to pee, and walked inside to greet Liu Yin who was registering today.

Liu Yin is Liu Rong's elder brother. He has a great reputation as a civil servant, but he missed the spring of this year due to family changes and stayed ill until Liu Rong returned with Feng Xi and others.

He got better with the help of Qi Zhuo a few days ago. Although his body and bones are still a little weak now, he can finally help.

No, as soon as he heard that a reliable person was needed to register at the checkpoint, he volunteered to come here, and at the same time got a task from Mr. Xiao.

"I understand. I will send someone back to inform the teacher."

While Liu Yin placed all the lists registered today separately, he remembered the characteristics of the last two groups of people entering the city very carefully.

Because Mr. Xiao had told him a long time ago that accepting the refugees in Qingquan would definitely cause trouble, and these troubles would most likely sneak into the refugees on the last day.

It’s not that these people are stupid, it’s that if the Green Forest Army restricts the refugees from the four counties for one day every night, Qingquan will receive thousands more people...

Therefore, they will definitely set up a blockade as soon as they decide to restrict Qingquan. Naturally, these spies can only mix with the refugees on the last day.

Although he saw nothing unusual about the last large wave of people entering the city, how could his eyesight compare to that of his teacher and Mr. Xiao, whom even the teacher respected?

But in fact, these last group of people were not sent to Song Yichun and Li Cifu at all, but were brought directly to Feng Xi.

After building roads, Feng Xi now not only takes care of task registration, but also takes care of the meals for all workers in the five large camps.

Why does she care about these two?

Because Qi Xiao and Li Cifu said that these two things would give her more opportunities to show her face, so that she could gain favor in front of the people and maintain her glorious image as a good princess of Dazhao.

Feng Xi: "..."

Are they sure she left behind an image of brilliance, not madness?

In short, they think it is.

Anyway, she has to replenish the granary at any time. After all, the Qingquan refugees today are like running water. If the crops in her space hadn't flowed very fast, and she had replenished a large amount of inventory in Qingzhou Fucheng a few days ago, she might not have been able to sustain it. "Do you want to take on tasks today and earn work points, or do you plan to rest in the open air for a day and then change houses? Of course, if you want to sell something, you can also register with me."

Song Yichun's grandson Song Sheng is now in good health and follows Feng Xi to share her pressure.

With his guidance, the refugees who had been at a loss before clearly found their backbone and began to communicate with them eagerly.

On the way to this office, the yamen leader had already told them about the rules of the city.

Among them, the matter of work points is the most important thing, and the Yamen servants asked them to keep it in mind.

As refugees, they are now homeless and starting over, so the people who brought the goods immediately took out their things, saying that they wanted to directly exchange for work points, and it was best to move to a house to rest for the night.

Nowadays, the most indispensable thing in Qingquan is people, so the simple houses that they can exchange for have been built long ago, and they can live in them as long as they have enough work points.

The person who could be exchanged for work points was naturally happy and hurriedly changed and followed the leader.

But now that Mingzhou is so poor, there are naturally only a few people who can exchange things for work points. Most of them are not only penniless, but they also have absolutely nothing to exchange for work points.

After all, not everything is collected here.

So many people stayed there to watch the tasks, hoping that while it was still early in the day, they could earn half a day's work points so that their family could have a dinner.

And Feng Xi focuses on this group of people.

What are the most taboo things when engaging in latent investigation work?

Of course it's eye-catching.

Even the appearance of people is required to be ordinary. It is best not to have any memorable points, so that people will forget about them and not pay attention to these people at all.

Of course, except for real high-level spies.

So Feng Xi directly eliminated those people who just came to sell things for a few points and were eager to go back to rest.

After all, who’s spy wants to lie down as soon as he comes, instead of working hard to find out the information and strive to get ahead?

There are, but not many, especially in the corners.

And based on the principle that I will do what most people do, and the best thing to do is to get information, look at the current spies in Qingquan County, Feng Xi successfully pulled out a group of suspects with good hands and feet. objects and branded them one by one.

So while this group of people went their separate ways, some went to open up wasteland and farm, some washed vegetables and basins, and some swept and repaired houses, at the same time, a trial plan for them had been finalized by the upper management of Qingquan.

It was night, and the lights were brightly lit in front of the Qingquan County Yamen. A group of refugees in charge of food looked at Qi Xiao and Feng Xi in front of them with sleepy eyes, and the confusion in their eyes was so clear.

Some of them have just joined the team, and some have been working with Feng Xi for several days, but this is the first time such a situation has happened.

Qi Xiao and Feng Xi didn't say much, and straight to the point told everyone in front of them that they were going out to exchange for food.

As soon as he heard the word "food", the honest man who had just joined the team today immediately pricked up his ears, fearing that he might accidentally miss a word.

Soon Feng Xi and Qi Xiao took a large sack, took the initiative to get on the ox cart at the front, and led the entire convoy out of Qingquan County in a low-key manner.

Looking at the direction of their trip, a certain honest man couldn't help but think of four words in his mind - Mingzhou Fucheng. (End of chapter)

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