"Chaodong, you must save your brother. Didn't the prefect say he would help us? But Baochang, Baochang is still locked up in Qingquan Prison, and there is Liu Yin and Liu Rong in the county government office. Brothers and sisters, how could they let Baochang go!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mine, my poor third child, Chaodong, master, please think of a solution quickly!"

"If the third child is gone, I won't be able to live anymore!"


In Deng's house in Fucheng, the Deng family father and son looked at a woman with ugly expressions.

The woman was plump and had tears in her eyes. Even though there were two maids supporting her, her body still couldn't stop falling.

And this woman was none other than Deng Bing's wife, Deng Chaodong and Deng Baochang's biological mother, Deng Yang.

"There's nothing you can do if you keep crying. If the prefect doesn't let go, do you still expect me, Chaodong and our servants to save people?"

Deng Bing was also one of the elders, and he didn't have a nice tone when he spoke to his wife.

After all, those people in Qingquan wanted to hold the Deng family accountable, and they really killed the Liu family's parents. If he and Chaodong went to Qingquan, they might not be able to come back.

"One of you is a close confidant of the prefect, and the other is a student of the prefect. Can't you stop trying to persuade the prefect? ​​And there are Yao Zhi and Yue'e, don't their words work?"

As Mrs. Deng sobbed, she thought of the two daughters who had become concubines. Although they were not born by her, they were still tied to the Deng family. How could she not help them save Baochang?

However, after hearing this, Deng Chaodong smiled bitterly and said:

"Do you think my father and I didn't send a message to our two sisters? The situation in Mingzhou is too chaotic now, and the teacher has to prepare to receive the nobles from above, so this matter is not taken seriously at all."

At this point, Mrs. Deng still doesn’t understand anything.

She stared blankly at her husband and eldest son, and said in silence:

"You guys, are you not going to save Baochang? Ah? Really?"

Faced with Mrs. Deng's questioning, the Deng family father and son turned away in unison.

Deng Chaodong said with an even cold face:

"I asked you to take care of Baochang several times and tell him to be responsible when he causes trouble. But what about you and dad? He killed people and took lives. This matter can only depend on his own life!"       "Chaodong, Master, you can't do this, you can't! Don't we have a big granary outside the city? Trade it for Baochang, take it..."

Deng Chaodong's face turned dark when he saw that his mother was about to rush up and beat him, and to exchange the things that the Deng family used to live and live for a piece of trash that might not be saved.

But before he could push the other person away, he saw a steward coming hurriedly outside the door with an unconcealable smile on his face.

"Master, Madam, the eldest young master! The third young master, the third young master himself is back!"

Are you back?

Who came back on his own?

Before the three members of the Deng family who were quarreling came to their senses, they saw a young man covered in bruises being carried in by the servants. He was beaten until he was almost out of shape, but he was still breathing heavily and was looking at him with tears in his eyes. them.

And who else could he be if he wasn't Deng Baochang?

"Baochang! Mother's Baochang!"

Mrs. Deng rushed to Deng Baochang as quickly as possible and hugged her little son who had obviously suffered a lot, with eyes full of grievance and emotion.

Deng Bing and Deng Chaodong were also very excited when they saw Deng Baochang, but instead of hugging Deng Baochang, they looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

Isn't Baochang in Qingquan County Yamen, and even the Yamen officials can't get him out?

Coupled with the relationship between the Deng family and the Song Yichun and Liu family siblings, how could those people let Baochang go so easily?

Not to mention that Song Yichun and others are kindhearted...

Dogs don't believe this!

Just when the Deng family and his son were about to push Mrs. Deng aside and ask in person how Deng Baochang came back, Deng Baochang finally sobbed:

"Father, mother, brother, it's a good thing that you managed to replace me. That bitch Liu Rong comes to the prison to torture me every day. I can't stand it anymore. I really can't stand it anymore..."

"You guys help me kill her. You must kill her. That bitch is just like that Liu Yunu. She will not die well!"

Deng Baochang's extremely vicious curses continued, but the Deng family and his son only heard the first sentence.

Did they replace him?

Have they changed it?

What did they replace it with? (End of chapter)

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