When the soup bowl fell to the ground and shattered, and the chicken soup spilled all over Zhou Zhiyuan, Deng Yaozhi beside him was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Not only Deng Yaozhi was frightened by the scene in front of her, but Zhou Zhiyuan, who was covered in chicken soup, didn't understand what was going on at the moment.

His first reaction was that there was an assassin, but after taking a closer look, he realized that the person in front of him had just lifted his soup bowl, but had no intention of attacking him.

What's more, he still recognizes the face of the other party. This is one of the lowest secret guards under him, the one who was sent to Qingquan to perform the mission before...

He was not a fool. When he saw people in the organization acting like this, he immediately became suspicious of the chicken soup in front of him.

He knew that the secret guard in front of him could not speak, so he said coldly to Deng Yaozhi who was standing there:

"What did you put in the chicken soup?"

"Master, I, I don't have it, I don't have it, master..."

Deng Yaozhi knelt down in front of Zhou Zhiyuan with a plop, and Deng Yaozhi's beautiful eyes were immediately filled with mist.

However, the beauty Chu Chu still couldn't hide the panic and guilt on her face. Zhou Zhiyuan saw the clues at just one glance.

"Come on, please ask the government doctor to come quickly!"

Zhou Zhiyuan almost squeezed out these words through his teeth. At the same time, he slapped Deng Yaozhi hard on the face and said without any regard for the past friendship:

"Bitch! Tell me! What did you put in the chicken soup! Who asked you to murder me?"

Half of his face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Deng Yaozhi lay on the ground like a puddle of soft mud.

She is just Zhou Zhiyuan's concubine, a woman who only learned how to please a man when she was a widow...

It could be said that she had exhausted all her courage just now by serving chicken soup despite the pressure.

I thought that this matter would be over soon, and that she would finally no longer have to be a bitchy concubine, and could go back to her hometown to be her Miss Deng Jiajiao. Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway...

"Say it! Bitch! Who instigated you? Is it Deng Bing and Deng Chaodong..."

Holding Deng Yaozhi's hair tightly, Zhou Zhiyuan wanted to smash her head to the ground.

He thought that the Deng family were dogs that wouldn't bite, but he didn't know that they were biting dogs that didn't bark. They were usually quiet, but they suddenly gave him a slap like this.

When Zhou Zhiyuan angrily questioned Deng Yaozhi, the doctor from the mansion also rushed to the house as quickly as possible, and tested the medicine with the silver needle he brought with him, and found that the needle was completely black.

For a moment, Zhou Zhiyuan felt chills all over his body and his back was trembling, and he immediately said to his subordinates:

"Go! Go to the Deng family immediately and capture those ungrateful beasts from the Deng family!"


Several secret guards and servants here had just ran out of the lobby when they saw a servant rushing in with a panic-stricken expression.

"My lord, my lord is in trouble! Young Master, Young Master is gone..."

"What? You, what did you say..."

Zhou Zhiyuan pinched Deng Yaozhi's neck. He could hardly believe his ears. He felt that he must be dreaming.

How dare the Deng family do this?

How could his Hun'er be?

However, when he was in disbelief, someone came quickly outside the door. This time it was no longer his servants, but several government servants who belonged to the government office.

"Master Magistrate, what's wrong, our people discovered that a team of the Green Forest Army is approaching our city. They may have the intention to attack our city. You see..."

When the leading detective said this, Zhou Zhiyuan's eyes instantly turned red.

"Wu, Kui!" (End of this chapter)

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