The death of his son Zhou Xun completely ignited Zhou Zhiyuan, and the latest movements of the Green Forest Army also allowed him to instantly locate the culprit and mobilize all the defenders in Mingzhou Fucheng as quickly as possible.

Although the defenders only had a thousand people, and they were all with nothing but wine and rice bags, it was still enough to deter the Green Forest Army, whose main force was poor farmers.

At least compared to the well-equipped Mingzhou garrison, the sickles and hoes in the hands of the farmers were really not good enough.

What troubles the upper echelons of the Green Forest Army even more is that they cannot blatantly attack Mingzhou City and directly break their alliance with Zhou Zhiyuan.

"What's going on? Didn't the Deng family and his son promise to poison Zhou Zhiyuan and not give him a chance to mobilize the Mingzhou garrison? What do they do for food!"

In the temporary station of the Green Forest Army, the fifth commander Ding Xiang looked at the secret guards who came to report with a livid face, wishing he could strangle the Deng family and his son who had not completed their mission right now.

Both she and her superior Wu Kui are looking forward to this plan to directly occupy Mingzhou City.

Because as long as the Green Forest Army successfully enters the capital of Mingzhou, the entire Mingzhou will be under their control. With a little integration, their power can even shake the entire Southland.

At that time, the rebellion will inevitably be re-evaluated within the organization, and her and Wu Kui's status in the organization will also rise.

And they were also sure that Zhou Zhiyuan trusted the Deng family enough to entrust them with such an important matter.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhiyuan not only survived, but also immediately mobilized the Mingzhou garrison, obviously taking precautions against their side.

Seeing that the people below did not dare to say anything, Ding Xiang immediately gritted her teeth and said:

"Immediately send people to the city to meet the Deng family as planned. After receiving the people, there is no need to take them back and kill them directly. We must not let them fall into the hands of Zhou Zhiyuan!"


While the Green Forest Army sent people into the city to pick up the Deng family, Zhou Zhiyuan in the city was also sending people to search door to door. Secret guards like Sanqi were sent to various intersections in the city to closely monitor the situation in the city.

"Look! Today we have to dig three feet into the ground, and I have to dig out all the Deng family members to comfort my son's spirit in heaven!" The scene of his son bleeding to death from his seven orifices kept replaying in his mind, and Zhou Zhiyuan felt so painful that he wanted to live...

The person who fed his son the poison was none other than Deng Yuee, the youngest daughter of the Deng family, using a similar method to Deng Yaozhi.

It's a pity that his son is not as lucky as him. There is no secret guard Sanqi around who can knock out the poison in time.

"Damn it! That useless thing Deng Yaozhi didn't let Zhou Zhiyuan drink the bowl of poison! Fortunately, Commander Ding Xiang found a secret house for us in advance, otherwise we would be in trouble today!"

In a dilapidated house somewhere in Fucheng, the four members of the Deng family huddled in a secret room with livid faces. The head of the family, Deng Bing, even cursed his second daughter for failing to accomplish anything.

Not only him, but Mrs. Deng and Deng Baochang on the side could not help but complain:

"She can't even handle such a small thing. It's a shame that our Deng family has raised her for so many years!"

"No, they are all fucking trash!"

However, unlike the three people who kept scolding, Deng Chaodong, the eldest son of Deng, rolled his eyes, took out a pair of rags from the shabby house and said:

"You guys stay here and wait for someone to pick you up. I'll disguise myself and go out to see what's going on outside. I'll meet you later."

The three members of the Deng family originally wanted to stop Deng Chaodong, but they were worried that the situation with the Green Forest Army had changed, but they were unaware of it because they had been hiding in the secret room.

So Deng Chaodong quickly left the shabby house and mingled with the beggars on the street as if he was running away.

He did not go to inquire about the information as he said, but blurred his traces as quickly as possible because he felt that the Green Forest Army would not send anyone to meet them...

But he didn't know that what he thought was a smart move was actually under the surveillance of Qi Xiao and Feng Xi. (End of chapter)

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