Chapter 51 Ask Qu how clear?
"Master, why don't we transport the prepared food into the city now, and rescue the princess and the others?"

Somewhere in Liangzhou City, Qi Xiao was overlooking the current situation in the city.

After he handed over the task of protecting Fengxi to Mu Tian and Qin Zhui last night, he left the inn with ten secret guards.

Because they were about to enter Liangzhou City, it was time to leave the fake supplies in the car.

That's right, he and the emperor knew from the very beginning that the materials on the car were fake, but after discussing, they decided to use the fake materials to confuse their opponents.

The real supplies were secretly collected from various places by the emperor's cronies two days after they left, and then sent to nearby areas in batches by his people disguised as caravans.

He took people out last night to receive and count the supplies that were delivered a little later.

The supplies are currently in a secret village outside the city, being guarded by eight other secret guards under his command.

Of course, only he, the emperor, and some close associates who were responsible for this matter knew about this matter. Not even Mu Tian and Qin Zhui told him.

Because he is very aware of the strength of the opponent, and he also knows that there will not be only one general and some soldiers in the team.

He just wants to let Mr. Li Ge and others discover that the supplies are fake, and he wants to make his opponents feel that everything is going well, and then proceed to the next step of the plan in a logical manner.

After all, disaster relief is not a simple task. He must plow the team before starting disaster relief, understand the situation in the four states, and try to prevent changes midway.

But he didn't expect Feng Xi to be so reckless...

Carrying nine loads of fake food, she actually dared to enter the city arrogantly, and challenge her opponent's backstabbing without blushing or heartbeat.

Just like the men next to him said, it seemed that he should go down immediately to rescue her, or directly have the food transported to the city to give the refugees a good look.

But for some reason, rather than going to rescue the siege, he wanted to see what Feng Xi, who was going directly to the baggage truck and asking people to move the grain, was going to do.

So, under the gaze of the young man's pale and sharp peach blossom eyes, Feng Xi said impatiently again:
"Move down, hurry up."

As the first discoverers of fake food, the soldiers of the escort also knew about it.

Therefore, when the princess asked them to carry food, they inevitably felt a little hesitant.

Fortunately, the military order was like a mountain, and they quickly acted under Feng Xi's urging, and moved a bag of fake food in front of Feng Xi.

"Princess, what are you doing?"

Looking at Feng Xi with some hesitation, Lin Qian didn't care if she answered or not, he was just putting on a show to show the refugees.

Who knows Feng Xi really answered:

"Ask him how clear it is."

Lin Qian: "Huh?"

Feng Xi rolled her eyes at him, smiled happily and said:

"He said, take care of yourself!"

After all, she directly pierced a sack with a dagger, wiped her hand, and said to the two soldiers beside her:
"Well, pour out the food inside."

Seeing those two people carrying the sack, Lin Qian didn't care about being angry with Feng Xi, and looked directly at the sack and said:

"Princess, why are you doing this..."

However, before he could finish his words, he saw that what fell out of the crack in the sack were actually pieces of plump rice...

This, this is impossible...

Looking at Feng Xi suddenly, Lin Qian said without even thinking:
"Princess, nine carts of fake food are absolutely real. Do you think you can fool everyone with just one bag of real food?"

Not only Lin Qian was startled, but Li Gelao and others beside him also had rapid heartbeats and had to work hard to manage their expressions.

"Well, you're right."

Feng Xi nodded and praised him without hesitation.

"Come on, I will open the bags myself, and I will not punish anyone who comes forward. You choose, and we will open which bag you want to see."

She said this to a crowd of onlookers.

As soon as the refugees heard that they would not be punished, they became bolder immediately.

A few people running in front ordered a few bags at random, and distributed them on different baggage cars, some on the roof, some on the bottom of the car, and one bag was even among the sacks.

But no matter which bag it was, when Feng Xi opened it, it was all white rice.

Moreover, at first glance, these rice are not heavy rice or inferior rice, but polished rice that most people cannot grow.

These fleeing people have never seen anyone else, but they know a lot about food.

Considering Dazhao's national strength, not more than two of them have ever eaten this kind of polished rice.

And even those with two hands felt that the polished rice they ate was not as refined as the big ones in front of them.

"How is this possible? This rice doesn't look like the rice used by the imperial court for disaster relief!"

Lin Qian's eyes widened in anger, looking at Feng Xi as if he wanted to eat someone.

Feng Xi admitted this very readily:

"Of course it's not disaster relief rice. How can disaster relief rice be so big, white, and so abundant? Hasn't the disaster relief rice been corrupted by corrupt officials like you a long time ago?"

After all, she said to the refugees:

"I wanted you to eat some good rice, so I changed the rice on purpose. Who knows that some people just don't want to see you well, and insist on making trouble. Look, how many bags have been wasted?"

In order to test whether the bag was full of rice, they poured out everything inside.

The big white rice was poured into the white snow all over the ground. Although it is not dirty, it is also very difficult to find.

And a group of refugees fled here all the way, their chests pressed against their backs, and their eyes lit up when they saw Mi.

Losing so much all at once, their hearts are bleeding!
Therefore, Lin Qian and others, who had just been a peerless parent official and asked good people for the people, were suddenly stared at by pairs of bloodshot eyes.

"Impossible! She lied to you. The grains in these nine carts are all fake. If you don't believe it, let her open them all!"

At this moment, Lin Qian, who was so confident, also started to panic.

However, Lin Qian's argument was so pale and weak when he opened a bag and wasted a bag and wasted all the food in vain.

"Okay, I'm tired, so I won't stay here with Mr. Lin, a peerless father, mother and official."

After saying that, Feng Xi turned around and got into the car.

There was no need for Feng Xi to say anything. Mr. Li Ge immediately ordered people to strip off Lin Qian's official robe, take off his official hat, and take away all the seals and other items.

From this moment on, Lin Qian was no longer an official.

Not only Lin Qian, but the two followers who helped him tamper with the sack and those who spread rumors were also tied up and thrown directly into the snow as the convoy passed by.

Seeing this, they all widened their eyes in shock.

They thought they would be taken away by the soldiers and imprisoned in the government office, but they didn't expect Li Gelao and others to take care of them at all.

As the relief team moved further and further away, the refugees who had been deceived and fooled by them also approached step by step, directly surrounding more than ten of them.

On the other hand, Feng Xi suddenly looked back before entering the government office and said indifferently:

"Keep an eye on it, don't kill me, anything else is up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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