You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 52 Ben Gong is very smart, really smart!

Chapter 52 Ben Gong is very smart, really smart!
At first Li Gelao and the others didn't understand the meaning of Feng Xi's words, but after a stick of incense, the soldiers saw that something was wrong and hurriedly pulled Lin Qian and the others out of the crowd.

Although Lin Qian and others looked horrified when they were surrounded, they were still human beings. However, when they were picked out from the pile of refugees, not to mention valuables, even good meat was gone.

For a group of refugees who are suffering from hunger and cold, and can hardly see the future, the court's relief is the last hope.

No one wants to die, everyone wants to live...

But Lin Qian and the others didn't want them to live.

These refugees still remember clearly until now, remember that the princess said that anyone who wants to see can stand up, and those who stand up must drink the northwest wind.

And it turns out that the car is full of food, and it is polished rice that only high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen can afford...

If they had really listened to these people and were really dragged into the water by this dog official, they would hardly dare to think about how they would live the next day.

Therefore, Lin Qian and others did not expect that the more they incited them to come forward, the more vicious the people who wanted to attack the baggage train would become.

The men kicked with their feet, the women grabbed with their hands, and even the children would pick up stones on the roadside and throw them at them regardless.

If Feng Xi hadn't specially said hello and the soldiers had taken it to heart, I'm afraid that what they dragged out in the end would not have been more than a dozen bloody people who had changed beyond recognition, but more than a dozen fragmented corpses.

"Princess, Lin Qian and others want to see you."

In the hall of the government office, Feng Xi asked Li Gelao and others to take over on the grounds that she was tired and needed to rest and did not want to organize the affairs of the government for the time being.

He took out another small apple and gnawed on it quietly.

To be honest, Mu Tian and others are also very curious. It is the twelfth lunar month soon, and the Northland is more than twice as cold as Shengjing City. How can the princess still eat the fruit without changing her expression?
And where does this fruit come from?

Brought by Sheng Jing?

So where did she take it?How could it be like those jugglers, who can conjure it all at once?

But Mu Tian and others would not ask, let alone talk about it randomly, because the master had greeted them before leaving the capital, asking them to treat the princess as their master, and they should stay away from the master's affairs.

"Ask them, have they thought about what to say when they see Ben Gong? If they haven't thought about it, Ben Gong doesn't suggest that they come in now."

Feng Xi lazily sat on the official chair belonging to the magistrate, her tone was neither salty nor weak:
"After all, I have a bad temper and a poisonous mind. If what they say doesn't satisfy me, I will really hand them over to the refugees outside. After all, it's winter, and corpses are so difficult to deal with~"

Mu Tian: "..."

I found out yesterday that the princess is a ruthless person, but now it seems that she is simply a werewolf.

No wonder even their masters have been fighting in the past two years.

Mu Tian truthfully told Lin Qian and others what he said, and they were immediately frightened and cowered. A bunch of voices said that they should think about it again and call him when they had thought better of it.

After about another stick of incense, these people just said that they had thought about it, and then were brought into the lobby by Mu Tian.

Kneeling in front of Feng Xi with a plop, these people opened their mouths and said that they were obsessed with it, or they were forced to have no choice, or there were seniors and juniors.

Feng Xi smiled:

"Speak the key points, don't talk about throwing them out!"

Seeing that Feng Xi was really hard-hearted, Lin Qian and others did not dare to hide anything.

After all, the group of crazy refugees outside is much more terrifying than Feng Xi in front of her.

"So, you appear to be a member of the prince's party, but in fact you are working for the fourth prince?"

After listening to Lin Qian's long narration, Mu Tian directly helped Feng Xi refine the key points.

"Yes, although, although the villain has two identities, what the villain is asked to do on both sides is actually the same, and, moreover, they should cooperate..."

Although Lin Qian is officially the servant of the household department, he is still a pawn played by the two forces.

To put it bluntly, he can be considered a smart man, a layman who relies on dealing with the three forces of the DPRK and China to seek benefits for himself.

"Actually, before this year, the villain was also a pure minister. Yes, he was loyal to the emperor. But, but..."

When Lin Qian said this, she seemed to be at a loss for words, but Feng Xi answered leisurely:
"But you found out that the imperial father's life is not long. Being a pure minister is not as good as those who have the merits of the dragon in front of the new emperor. In addition, you used to be three-headed. Although you didn't clearly favor the prince and the fourth child, as long as you You can do it right away, don't you?"

"Little man, little man..."

Lin Qian looked at Feng Xi with some horror, but Feng Xi didn't even look at him and continued:

"In the battle for the throne between the crown prince and the fourth son, this disaster relief is very important. You just think, is it because of your fortune that Lin Qian has arrived? It must be, right? And then? The prince gave less, but the fourth son There are so many, and the purpose is just to discredit this good-for-nothing princess and disappear. For you, this is such a simple thing~"

The more Feng Xi spoke, the more Lin Qian trembled.

Before facing Feng Xi directly, no, before today, he had always thought that Princess Zhaoming was a loser. What did she know?
Even just now, he still felt that his failure today was a coincidence, that Zhaoming got lucky...

As long as he comes in and honestly explains part of it, hides most of the disadvantageous parts to the other party, and then sells it hard, he will definitely be able to fool the other party with his strength.

until now...

"A peerless good official who would rather disobey the princess, but also speak for the people, if he succeeds, the title of Marquis and Prime Minister is just around the corner, right?"

"Princess, princess, spare me, princess, the villain knows it's wrong, really knows it's wrong..."

Lin Qian was still trembling, but Feng Xi had already cast her eyes on the other people present.

There was no need for her to ask, those mobs all identified the man who was kicked several times by Feng Xi before.

According to them, they are just ordinary refugees, but they used to be idle, and now they do it just to stutter.

"Well, yes, it's all nonsense."

Feng Xi smiled, these people were either stupid or bad, there was no need to suffer misery with a hard-hearted person like her.

And that man had been identified by so many people, so he naturally confessed that he was a confidant of the prefect Liu Quanping, and Liu Quanping was a student of Fang Shoufu.

In other words, they are the second-hand preparations of the princelings.

If the person entering the city is Princess Zhaoming, they will try their best to slander her and try to make the refugees riot collectively. It is best for the princess to die in this riot.

But if it was the princelings who entered the city, they would go out and say good things to build momentum for the prince's disaster relief and take the opportunity to regain the hearts of the people in the north.

After all, the people in the Northland love the Qi family so much. Now that Qi Shuai and his two sons are gone, two years have passed. Isn't it the time when people's hearts are scattered and the prince can replace them?

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows, no wonder Qi Xiao spent so much time in the later part of the original novel to manage the Northland...

It turns out that the problem lies here.

But what does it matter to her, Feng Xi?
"Okay, lock them all up, wait for that dead liar Qi Xiao to come back and deal with it yourself."

The deadly liar Qi Xiao who heard this just after entering the door: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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