You sell swords, I go crazy, I am a father in Shengjing

Chapter 97 There is always a villain who thinks he is good again!

Chapter 97 There is always a villain who thinks he is good again!

"Oh, so what if their Chixiao camp won today? With the current conditions of our Hanyuguan, except for the twelve top soldiers, everyone else can get a lot of benefits!"

In the afternoon at Tiger Roar Camp, Lin Guangchang was enthusiastically leading a group of his cronies to drink and eat meat in the small square of his camp.

Even though Qi Xiao deducted food from their camp, it was always the people below who had enough to eat, not those who followed Lin Guangchang from above.

"The general is right! Even if the princess gives a banquet, there must be something! This clever woman can't cook without rice, and we don't believe that the princess can make them eat out of thin air!"

"Hahahahaha, that's right! The food they gave us for the banquet was probably not as good as ours! I really wanted to see those bastards from Chixiao camp holding multi-grain steamed buns, but they saw us eating meat!"

"Just do what you say! I heard that they will eat in the martial arts arena later, let's take some meat over there and have a look!"


Seeing that his brothers were coaxing him to go out, Lin Guangchang did not stop them.

There was nothing he could do about it. Such a big thing happened today. He originally thought that their cooperation with Sun Wenzhong would be in vain, and might even fall through.

In the end, Fang Can somehow managed to reach an agreement with Sun Wenzhong!
Of course, Sun Wenzhong said that he should not care about his sister's affairs, or else he would definitely turn against him.

What can he say?

Of course I agree!

When they join forces to take down Zhaoming and encroach on Chixiao bit by bit, he, Lin Guangchang, will probably be the coach of Hanyuguan!

When the time comes, glory and wealth will beckon. Isn't it easy to get what his sister wants?
The grievance at this moment is just for a better future!
"Go! Everyone go! The princess only said to give a banquet to the Chixiao camp, but she didn't say that we are not allowed to go to other camps, right? Let's just take a look. As for the fact that their things are inferior to them, how can we blame them? What about us?"

Lin Guangchang laughed.

Zhaoming, you goddamn idiot!
Just wait, you won't be arrogant for two days!

I'm not afraid of you now!
At the same time, on the martial arts arena, Yuan Xingzhi and a group of generals arranged for the [-] soldiers under him to sit down one by one, waiting for the reception of Princess Zhaoming and the son-in-law.

The rice noodles to be distributed tonight have already been shipped over, and even the gang leaders left early to start making rice porridge and big steamed buns as the staple food.

Today's Hanyuguan is short of food, so this rice porridge and steamed buns are already considered good things.

But the fact that the princess gave a banquet, rice porridge, and steamed buns was really embarrassing to the princess.

So soon some generals came to Yuan Xingzhi's side and said:

"Old Yuan, we still have some old bacon at home. It was made by the mother-in-law at home. It is hard, but it is considered meat anyway. Why don't I ask my mother-in-law to bring it now and share it with the boys in the name of the princess. one cent?"

"How much do you have? It's definitely not enough! I also have some dried wild vegetables at home, all dried in my milk. I'll give them to the princess later."

"I also have some home-brewed rice wine, which is very sweet. I'll bring it in when the time comes!"

"And me, my family..."


"Okay! Knowing that you are all worried about the princess and the prince-in-law, how can I, an old guy like me, think of going behind your back?"

Yuan Xingzhi smiled bitterly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the soldiers sent by Qi Xiao to Zhurenzhuang to invite Ma Wu and other disabled veterans to come back, followed by NO.80 people.

It's strange to say that the princess and the prince-in-law only stayed there for a few days, but these old brothers actually got better and better one by one, and they were even better than before.

"The princess told the son-in-law that they have their own arrangements, so don't worry about us old things!"

After Yuan Xingzhi finished speaking, he planned to go down and chat with the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a loud noise outside the martial arts arena. When they looked up, they saw a group of people carrying pots towards the field.

Although Yuan Xingzhi and others may not know every soldier, they are still very familiar with Lin Guangchang and Sun Wenzhong's cronies.

Soon, a soldier came to report:
"Mr. Yuan, the people from Huxiao and Qixing Camp said that our Chixiao Camp is so awesome, and they all want to come in today to feel happy. They also said that they don't eat our food, they all brought it themselves..."

Yuan Xingzhi frowned. Emotionally, he felt that these people must have bad intentions, but intellectually, he knew that the martial arts arena was not exclusive to Chixiao Camp, and soldiers from the other two battalions could also come in.

What's more, the Chixiao battalion had just slapped the other two battalions in the face today, and the prince-in-law also withheld their food and gave it back to them. He didn't want to make the relationship too tense.

"That's all, if they want to be here, let them be here."

One of Yuan Xing let go, and the people over there immediately set up the pot and started the stove. The speed was so fast, I was afraid that Chi Xiaoying would regret it in the next second.

Facts have proved that Yuan Xingzhi and others regretted it very quickly.

Because they actually saw that group of people took out a big bag of bacon, chopping it into pieces with a big knife and throwing it into the big iron pot in front of them.

The hot water was boiling and the bacon was put into the pot. Even if they just threw in some wild vegetables and noodles, the smell still made the entire Chixiao Camp soldiers drool.

These are all young and strong guys, who doesn't want a bite of meat?
It’s hard to eat on weekdays, let alone now when roads are blocked due to snow.

"Damn it! How dare Sun Wenzhong and Lin Guangchang? Isn't this deliberately trying to embarrass the princess and embarrass her!"

Yuan Xingzhi gritted his teeth. He never thought that those two men would have such courage and still have so much meat in their hands.

It seems that they often deduct food from the soldiers in the camp and use it for their own enjoyment!

Yuan Xingzhi was thinking about what he should do when he suddenly saw Lin Guangchang walking in from the outside with a wine jug in his hand.

The other party didn't even bother to say hello to them, and sat directly by their own pot.

"Eat! Everyone is open to eat today! If you don't have enough meat, there is still more at General Ben's place!"

"General Schelling!"

At this moment, the roar of the tigers and the cheers of the cronies of the Seven-Star Battalion were so harsh that countless soldiers of the Chixiao Battalion could not help but grit their teeth.

However, at this moment, someone outside the martial arts arena rushed in, and it turned out to be Yuan Song who was going out with Qi Xiao and Feng Xi.

"Grandpa, it's bad! Hurry up, give me three hundred soldiers, I'm about to die of anxiety!"

"What's the matter? What happened to the princess and the son-in-law?"

Seeing Yuan Song in a hurry, Yuan Xingzhi and others hurriedly gathered around, their expressions getting worse than the last.

The princess is not afraid of epidemics, respects the disabled veterans, and is even more kind to veterans like them!If something happens to her, they and others will not blame themselves to death!
Then they heard Yuan Song urgently say:

"The princess and the son-in-law are fine, but the pigs are fine! There are more than 100 of them! If you don't give me someone, the princess will become a pig and run around in our pass!"

Yuan Xingzhi: "?"

Everyone present: "?"

A hundred what?
Who changed?
How many pigs?

Can you say that again!
(End of this chapter)

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