After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 102 Lingmeng, as long as we can’t learn to die, we will learn to die.

Chapter 102 Lingmeng, as long as we can’t learn to die, we will learn to die.

"Come on, good disciple, pay your respects to your other seven direct masters."

While Lingmeng was still envious of the power of teleportation, Hao Pinwei had already grabbed her arm and walked towards the seven elders standing in a row.

Lingmeng said in surprise, "Seven other direct masters? What do you mean?"

Hao Pinwei laughed heartily, and then waved his hand boldly.

"Look, they are all just like me, they are all your direct masters!"

Lingmeng: ...

Excuse me.

Why does the phrase "Look, this is the fish pond I contracted for you" suddenly pop up in my mind?

Seeing that Lingmeng didn't speak, Hao Pin froze on the spot, thinking that she was dazed by the joy, and said very kindly.

"Accordingly, you should also call them masters, but in order to highlight my specialness, so you call them masters, second masters. But don't worry, from today onwards, they will all be like me, and will each I'll give you the housekeeping skill coefficient! It's no longer just being your uncle and uncle, just teaching some introductory and intermediate things."

Lingmeng had already taken back her mistake at this time.

After hearing that she was no longer Hao Pinwei's disciple, but everyone's direct disciple, her head got big!

She asked weakly: "Dare to ask, how many classes do I have in a day?"

Normal inner sect disciples work from morning to evening, so if she becomes a disciple of Seven Peaks, a sect master with eight people, wouldn't she not be able to rest for a whole day?

God bless her, but don’t let her study all day long!
Hao Pinwei smiled meaningfully, "Lingmeng, we must learn from death as long as we don't die!"

"You are counterproductive, you want me to die! Help—"

Lingmeng quickly ran away.

She came here just to save the love brain, and to find what she wanted by the way, not to imitate death!

She hadn't reached the gate of the Zongmen's main hall before she was blocked by the fifth elder who used her real name as a spirit beast, Xuehu.


The tiger roared, and a few snowflakes slowly fell from the sky above the hall.

Lingmeng saw that the big tiger, which was taller than a person, opened its mouth so wide that it could almost swallow three of her, so it stopped quickly.

The fifth elder also fell from mid-air at this time, slowly sat on Xue Hu's back, and asked with a smile.

"Good boy, where are you going?"

Lingmeng looked at the tiger with its mouth open, and swallowed: "Here, I didn't agree to become the disciples of the other seven of you, so this doesn't count."

The fifth elder didn't change his face, and even used a three-pointed sneering tone.

"The rebuttal is good, but the rebuttal is invalid."

Lingmeng looked around.

Looking at the expressions of the other seven people who didn't let her go if she didn't agree, I knew that if she didn't agree today, she might just explain it here.

Had to compromise.

But what kind of person can she be?
Can those who persecute her please?
of course not!
So, she pointed at the tiger where the fifth elder was sitting and said, "I can learn from you, but this tiger belongs to me!"

The smile on the fifth elder's face deepened, "As long as you have the ability to make the snow tiger obey your orders, I can give it to you."

This is his real name beast!

Made a contract with him.

Not only do they share a body with him, they even share a brain.

How could Lingmeng be able to command his real name beast?
"Okay, it's a deal!"


Seven days later.

Southland, Royal Palace.

Chi Ruixing came to the imperial study with a solemn expression, and presented the letter he had received.

"Your Majesty, a plague suddenly broke out in Fucheng without warning. What's even more absurd is that all the medicinal materials in Fucheng and several cities around Fucheng were sold out half a month ago."

Pei Yue stood up from the dragon chair with a "bass", "What's going on? Why did the plague break out?"

She has just taken over Nanguo for a month.

Fucheng was one of the five cities that Pei Yu wanted to give to the Ling family at that time.

In order to appease the people of Fucheng, and to eliminate the possibility of any collusion between Pei Yu and the officials of Fucheng, she sent new officials and some supplies there.

The new official has only been in office for two days, and a plague broke out?

"I don't know the specific situation, but judging from the content of the emergency report from Babaili, the symptoms of the plague in Fucheng are exactly the same as the symptoms of the plague that broke out in the West Country. They were dizzy on the first day, vomited on the second day, and vomited on the third day. He had chickenpox on his body, had a high fever on the fourth day, fell into a coma on the fifth day, and died on the sixth day."

"Western Country?"

Pei Yue frowned, with some doubts in her expression.

Chi Ruixing didn't complain that Pei Yue didn't even understand such a major event as the Western Plague.

After all, before the Queen Mother came to him and asked him, her and Pei Yue to join forces to pull Pei Yu down, Pei Yue had always been raised by Pei Yu as a rice bug.

Whenever Pei Yue asks about the affairs of the country, Pei Yu will be angry, and she spends all day trying to explain to Pei Yue that a woman's lack of talent is virtue, that women should regard men as their gods, and that they should care for their husbands and teach their children.

Pei Yue was also afraid of making Pei Yu angry, so as time passed, she stopped caring about state affairs and only cared about eating, drinking and having fun every day.

I wonder if a person who doesn’t care about his own country would care about other countries?
So Chi Ruixing patiently explained, "The plague in Xiguo has been breaking out for three months. At first, it was treated by Xiguo's own internal imperial physicians and folk doctors, but the plague is really overbearing, and its contagion is particularly strong, spreading across a large area. Ordinary If ten people are infected, seven will die. In just two months, the doctors who went to treat them have already died more than 1000 people, and the people and some princes and ministers have died countless times. The emperor of the Western Kingdom was helpless, so he went to Changsheng for help. Zong. Changshengzong also happened to hear about the plague in the Western Kingdom. Tantai Luosheng, the eldest disciple of the suzerain of Changshengzong, led a team to the Western Kingdom for rescue. It took Tantai Luosheng [-] days to completely stabilize the entire plague-stricken area. live."

After Pei Yue heard that Xiguo had suffered countless deaths and injuries due to the plague, her face, which had become thin due to working hard for a month, showed pity.

She sighed, "If there is no such thing as medicine being bought in advance, then I might suspect that this is a natural disaster. But after knowing that not only Fucheng has no medicinal materials, but even the cities around Fucheng have no medicinal materials, I am sure that this is a natural disaster. It was a man-made affair. The other party may have used it to target a certain person, and I suspect this person the most. Although there are no dignitaries in front of the plague, it is the common people who suffer in the end."

When a powerful person gets sick, he still has money to pay for a doctor.

She is the emperor, and the imperial doctors will definitely risk the lives of the nine clans to protect her.

Ordinary people not only have no money for medical treatment, but even if they are strong enough to survive, they will also have to pay more taxes the following year because of this plague.

They are so poor, but they are still reduced to pawns in some people's schemes.

Chi Ruixing was very happy with Pei Yue's opinion.

It is worthy of being the heir to the throne appointed by the old emperor before his death!

He is just smarter than Pei Yu, that foolish king who only knows love and love!
He cupped his hands and asked respectfully, "From the perspective of the emperor, how should we solve this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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