After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 103 Pei Yue copied the Ling family’s property in the South and gave it to Lingmeng

Chapter 103 Pei Yue copied the Ling family’s property in the South and gave it to Lingmeng

Pei Yue did not respond immediately, but asked: "In the past, especially when my father was still alive, how did you deal with the plague?"

"Returning to the emperor, when plagues and other disasters occurred in previous years, the imperial court allocated funds, food, medicinal materials, two imperial physicians, about 5000 private doctors, and an official with a third rank or higher to lead an army of more than [-] people. "

Pei Yue sat back on the dragon chair and meditated for a while.

"First, let people gather all the medicinal materials from the treasury, the imperial palace and major pharmacies in Beijing, and then have people collect medicinal materials from pharmacies near Kyoto; second, send someone with my token to go to the Western Kingdom to find Tantai Luosheng, ask him for a prescription for the plague, third, ask the Yan family to write to his cousin Yan Jiayue for help, and ask her to lead the team back to the southern country to treat the plague, fourth..."

She paused and then said, "This time the supplies are escorted by the top and bottom of the Gyeonggi Guards and the [-] imperial guards in the palace. Both parties are in charge."

Chi Ruixing was shocked, "Your Majesty! The fourth rule is absolutely impossible!"

Fearing that Pei Yue would be frightened by his strong reaction, she regained her composure and lowered her voice slightly.

"Your Majesty, although the Gyeonggi Guards usually protect the safety of the entire capital and are scattered throughout the capital, they are inconspicuous, but there are still [-] soldiers and horses gathered together! With [-] soldiers and horses, the palace has an extra security gate. If they are all gone, who can guarantee that there will be some youngsters who will take advantage of this to break into the capital?"

He couldn't help muttering in his heart, your injury is a trivial matter, but the change of the Southern Kingdom's dynasty is a major event!
Pei Yue smiled slightly, "Don't worry about the Chief Assistant, what I want..."

She paused, her eyes were as ambitious as an emperor should be, and she said firmly: "They are the ones coming in!"

Chi Ruixing was stunned.

After seeing the ambition in Pei Yue's eyes, she also laughed.

"I'm the Prime Minister. I just wonder if I'm lucky enough to hear the Emperor's plan?"

Pei Yue also laughed.

"Of course, you are my most trusted chief assistant. Without you, it would be difficult to implement my plan. Please come forward and I will explain it to you in detail."

Chi Ruixing stepped forward and listened respectfully.

——The dividing line of conspiracy that even distinguished VIPs cannot hear——

Two hours later.

Beijing center.

Wearing a veil, Ling Yu followed Ran Fanghui and the disguised Pei Yu to a teahouse called "Sprouting".

Looking at the word "germination" on the sign, he frowned.

Just at this time, Xiaoer came out to meet them, and she asked delicately, "Xiaoer, why did the teahouse change its name? I remember that the teahouse was called Bilianchun before?"

The waiter quickly looked left and right, and when he saw that no one was paying attention to him, he put his right hand to his mouth and whispered.

"The girl hasn't been to the capital for at least a month, right? This matter starts with the birthday banquet of the Patriarch of the Ling Family. On the day of the Patriarch's birthday banquet, King Ling found out that his son had died in the Ling Family. Not long after that, Ling Wang also died accidentally after eating poisonous vegetables in a restaurant under the Ling family. The emperor sent officials to investigate the Ling family. Not only did the Ling family not plead guilty, but the whole family fled in fear of crime! Confiscated and given to Princess Protector's Mansion."


Ling Yu raised his voice instantly, clenched his hands in his sleeves into fists, and strong hatred flashed in his eyes.

Princess Protector's Mansion?
Isn’t that Ling Meng?

Why Lingmeng again?

Why are there so many spirits everywhere!

The industries of the Ling family spread all over the six countries, but because the Ling family is in the southern country, most of the industries are in the southern country.

After copying all the properties of the Ling family in the Southern Kingdom, wouldn't the mountains of gold and silver of the Ling family become small mounds?

Moreover, where did the Ling family abscond in fear of crime?

They are obviously going to treat illnesses!
Because of Ling Yu's scream, it attracted the attention of passers-by and guests in the teahouse.

Pei Yu was worried that people would find out their identities, so he gently pulled Ling Yu into his arms and comforted him softly.

"These are not big things, honey, let's go up first. There are many people here looking at you. I'm jealous."

Seeing Ling Yu being pulled into Pei Yu's arms, jealousy flashed in Ran Fanghui's eyes.

During these seven days, except for the first three days when only he and Ling Yu were together, for the remaining four days, Ling Yu was all with Pei Yu.

Obviously Pei Yu did not last as long as him, nor could he bring happiness to Ling Yu, but Ling Yu was still forced to stay with Pei Yu because Pei Yu was the "prince" and would be the emperor in the future.

Ling Yu was afraid that he would be targeted by Pei Yu, so she kept a distance from him whenever she was outside.

God knows!
He also wanted to hold Ling Yu in his arms just like Pei Yu and Ye Xuan, declaring his ownership of her.

Ling Yu looked around, and sure enough, many people were looking at her.

She is used to this look.

But they had more important things to do now, so they had to pretend to be shy and nodded obediently.

"it is good."

Pei Yu glanced at the waiter: "We have made an appointment in advance, you don't have to follow."

Because of the questions they just asked, the waiter also guessed that they knew this tea house very well, so he responded and left.

The three of them went upstairs and entered a private room called "Chrysanthemum".

There, someone is already making tea.

After hearing the voice, the man turned his head. Although he was wearing a man's clothes, his face was whiter than the woman's face, and his lips were redder than the woman's.

After seeing Pei Yu, he quickly laughed and walked over quickly.

"Xiao Dezi has seen His Majesty!"

Pei Yu looked at the servant who was kneeling on the ground, and felt emotional for a while.

I didn't think so before.

After being away for more than a month, when I saw a familiar person kneeling on the ground and respectfully calling me "Your Majesty", I realized how beautiful the word "Your Majesty" is.

Originally, he just wanted to get back everything from the Ling family for Ling Yu, but now, a feeling of wanting to seize power for himself also grew in his heart.

"Get up."

Pei Yu walked to the table, sat down, and asked, "Has anyone doubted you during the month you have been in the palace?"

Xiao Dezi shook his head.

"The slave has always kept his duty, not to cause trouble, and because the slave was a dark game arranged by his godfather before, and he didn't often walk around with him, so no one in the palace suspects that the slave is related to His Majesty. Not only that , the slave is still being promoted to become the little eunuch who is next to you to make tea."

The "godfather" in Xiao Dezi's mouth was the head of the palace when Pei Yu was there.

After Pei Yue took office, the chief manager was removed.

"Very good. You want to see me this time, but what news do you want to pass on to me?"

After hearing this, Ran Fanghui couldn't help rolling his eyes secretly in his heart.

Ah shit.

They were all pulled down from the throne for a month.

Also "I" ah "I".


Xiao Dezi told Pei Yue about sending Jingji Wei and the imperial army to go to the disaster relief together.

"Go to all the [-] capital guards?"

Pei Yu couldn't believe it, and was a little suspicious.


Xiao Dezi nodded frantically, and then said with a bit of disdain: "Your Majesty, the one who has just ascended the throne wants to make political achievements for the people to see!"

Ling Yuxi, "In this way, wouldn't it be convenient for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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