After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 104: There is no man in my heart, everything goes as planned

Chapter 104: There is no man in my heart, everything goes as planned

Pei Yu was still a little doubtful that Pei Yue was deceitful when he asked all the Gyeonggi Guards to leave.

But Ling Yu's words and joy made Pei Yu shaken.

In his heart, there was only one feeling.

That is: obedience to Lingyu.

What Ling Yu said was right!
If Ling Yu wants him to go east, he will definitely not go west!
Coupled with Xiao Dezi's words "I really want to make political achievements for the people to see", Pei Yu's IQ completely stopped.

He followed Xiao Dezi and Ling Yu's words, revealing a three-point careless, three-point cold, three-point mocking and bloodthirsty smile.

"Political achievements? Oh, no matter how many soldiers she sends there, they will all end up with the same people, they will all die!"

Ling Yu, who said to Yexuan that she was unwilling to bear the tragic death of innocent people, now heard that Pei Yu was scheming against the people in front of her, and she didn't hold back anymore.

As if not heard.

But in fact, what she was thinking about was: the fate of the Gyeonggi Guards and the Forbidden Army was much better than that of ordinary people!

Especially the Custodes.

Those who can serve as guards in the palace are all descendants of aristocratic families.

The random luck of these people is at least as good as that of ten ordinary people.

As for the plague?

She is not afraid.

Not to mention that she was a monk, even when they planned to use the plague to bring down Pei Yue, she had already contacted Tantai Luosheng with the spiritual knowledge card, and Tantai Luosheng also passed on the defensive prescription to her.

And she has already hung the medicine bag for defense on her body, so she is not afraid of the disease in Fucheng.

When Pei Yue stepped down, she wanted to rush to Fucheng as quickly as possible, and absorb all the luck of these Jingji guards and the forbidden army!
In this way, the scars on her face can be eliminated, and the remaining luck can be used to improve her cultivation!

No one knew what Ling Yu was thinking.

Because now Pei Yu and Ran Fanghui's attention is all on that little Dezi.

Xiao Dezi took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Pei Yu.

"This is a letter written by that person to the Yan family. There are some typos on it, and that person copied another copy, and this one is discarded."

Hearing this, Pei Yu hurriedly opened the letter, which told the Yan family to write to Changshengzong, asking Yan Jiayue to take someone to Fucheng to treat the epidemic.

He smiled after seeing it, and said to Ling Yu beside him.

"Yu'er, can I borrow your spiritual sense card?"

"What is brother Pei Yu going to use it for?"

"Contact Yan Jiayue and tell her that the Yan family's request for help is false, and it is true that she is using her hands to target me."

After hearing this, Ling Yu asked worriedly: "Is this really possible?"

"Naturally it is possible."

Pei Yu's face was full of self-confidence, "Yu'er, you don't know, my cousin is ugly, but she wants to be beautiful. She loves me and regards my words as imperial decrees, as long as it is what I want , she will try her best to find it. She loves me more than herself."

Ling Yu was not very happy after hearing this, and was even a little jealous.

She stamped her foot, "So, brother Pei Yu, do you want to take my things and contact your other woman?"

"No no!"

Pei Yu quickly stood up and hugged Ling Yu in her arms.

"Yu'er, listen to me, I don't like Yan Jiayue! I feel like throwing up just by looking at her, let alone letting her become my woman!"

While talking, Pei Yu looked at Ling Yu's face and saw that she was not as angry and sad as before, and then said softly, "Besides, I contacted her just to use her and let her deal with us together. The Yan family still has Pei Yue. If you don't like her after the matter is over, I will kill her with my own hands. "

Lingyu quickly buried his face in Pei Yu's chest, "Good brother, you are so kind to me. I will never doubt you again."

Ran Fanghui felt jealous when he saw the two hugging each other again.

But what can be done?

He could only turn his head to the side and look out the window.

Unaware of Xiao Dezi's small hand movements just now.

After Pei Yu coaxed Ling Yu into a good mood, Ling Yu gave him the Spiritual Knowledge Card.

Pei Yu also contacted Yan Jiayue immediately.


With two panda eyes on her face, Lingmeng came out from Tie Yunfeng.

God knows how she got here these seven days!
While others learn theoretical knowledge, she learns basic theoretical knowledge.

Others learn to grow spiritual grass, while she learns how to dig wild vegetables... Ah, no, she digs the ground and then grows spiritual grass.

Others learn how to cure diseases, and she also learns how to cure diseases.

When others were learning swordsmanship, she was also learning swordsmanship.

Others are sleeping, she is still studying!
For seven days, he was not given any food or sleep!

If you are thirsty, only drink dew!
If you are hungry, you can only swallow the qi pill.

If you are tired, you can only refine the spirit stone to replenish your spiritual power.

In seven days, she has dropped from 100 catties to 89 catties.

Now she finally understands why some successful Taoists look thin and are emotionally hungry!


Life is bitter.

Now she is rushing to Hong Fei's place to learn Taoism and Confucianism.

"Little Junior Sister!"

At this time, Nangong Linlang and Yan Jiayue, who came to Tie Yunfeng to study, ran over eagerly, looking at her with stars in their eyes.

"Little Junior Sister, you are amazing!"

Yan Jiayue couldn't help but nodded, "In less than ten days, you have gone from the Qi Refining Stage to the Golden Pill Stage. Your progress is really rapid!"

Rao Yan Jiayue had some opinions on Lingmeng before, but after seeing how strong Lingmeng is, her sense of rejection towards Lingmeng has gradually disappeared, and has been replaced by envy instead.

Nangong Linlang held her chin in both hands, "Little Junior Sister, would you like to tell us what is the secret of your quick upgrade?"

Just yesterday, in order to learn from the Sixth Elder to detect the spiritual veins, Lingmeng removed the cultivation concealment talisman, revealing her true strength.

Early stage of Jindan period.

But except for the elders, others don't know about her hidden cultivation!

Everyone else thinks she's amazing, NB!

In view of the fact that she had "learned from the pain" nine days ago, the reformer was set to be the king of oppression.

Therefore, this forced (cheap) is to pretend (offender).

By the way, give these two senior sisters a vaccination.

I saw Lingmeng slightly tilted her mouth, blowing her bangs lightly on her forehead, and said coolly. "Without a man in your heart, everything goes as planned."

After saying these words, Lingmeng left with a graceful step that she would never recognize.

Nangong Linlang murmured: "Without a man in my heart, everything goes well?"

Inexplicably, Gu Qingchuan's handsome face flashed before her eyes.

Nangong Linlang blushed when she thought of how polite Gu Qingchuan had been when they met her at Nangong's house.

It's just that her skin is darker, so even if she blushes, it won't be visible.

Yan Jiayue on the side, also because of Ling Meng's words, a mature and handsome face that she had admired for many years appeared in front of her eyes, and her heart would speed up crazily just by looking at it.

Her cousin, Pei Yu.

It was impossible for her to forget Pei Yu in her heart.

At this moment, her spiritual consciousness tablet trembled for a moment.

Yan Jiayue hurriedly opened her spiritual sense card, and when she saw the word "Ling Yu", her eyes flickered.


What is she asking for herself?
(End of this chapter)

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