After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 105 Is Ling Yu here to show off and humiliate her?

Chapter 105 Is Ling Yu here to show off and humiliate her?

Is it...

Did he come to show off to himself that she and Pei Yuen are in love and humiliate her?

Yan Jiayue held the Spiritual Knowledge Card with a little force, then shook her head.



She likes Pei Yu, even Pei Yu himself doesn't know.Relatives and friends will only think that she hates Pei Yu miserably.

Speaking of this matter, it started nine years ago.

At that time, Pei Yu was just a prince.

In order to allow Pei Yu to become the crown prince, and also to be able to inherit the title of emperor of the Southern Kingdom logically, her aunt, who is now the empress dowager, once proposed to her parents that she marry Pei Yu and become the prince concubine. To consolidate Pei Yu's strength and status.

But on the second day after talking about this matter, she did not look back to participate in the recruitment meeting of the six major sects.

That speed and determination without looking back made everyone think that she didn't like Pei Yu, hated him, hated him, etc.

In order not to marry Pei Yu, she even gave up the glory and wealth of the Yan family, and only wanted to endure hardship and become a monk.

In fact, it is the opposite of what everyone said.

She loves Pei Yu terribly!

In her eyes, Pei Yu is the star that she can't reach in her life.

He is so handsome, smart, wise, and mature.

He should be admired by all people throughout his life.

And what about her?
According to Pei Yu's words, apart from her status as an aristocratic family in the Yan family, she has no other advantages that she can offer.

But even so, she is still no match for Ling Yu.

Because Ling Yu is also the eldest lady of the Ling family, one of the eight great families.

Pei Yu once said that Ling Yu is the only woman who can stand with him and stare at the world.

In his eyes, other women who like him are just a bunch of ugly crows.

She was sad for a long time because of this sentence.

Since then, she has turned her admiration for Pei Yu into a little secret.Also in order not to make Pei Yu hate her, she deliberately created an image of herself hating him.

The purpose is for him to give her a gentle smile when he sees him, instead of treating her like an ugly crow.

Yan Jiayue thought that she acted very well. Not only did her family not know about it, but even Pei Yu himself didn't know about it.

and so.

Ling Yu didn't come to her to show off.

It is estimated that something really happened.

Yan Jiayue thought of this and opened the spiritual awareness card.

After clicking on it, I didn't think of a woman's voice in the spiritual awareness card, but a weak man's voice.

"Jiayue, I'm Pei Yu..."

Hearing Pei Yu's voice, Yan Jiayue became excited for an instant, causing Nangong Linlang to look sideways at her.

Yan Jiayue hurriedly walked to the side, carefully placed the spiritual knowledge tablet to her ear, and listened to her sweetheart's voice coming from inside.

Hearing the man's weak voice, Yan Jiayue felt her heart ache so much that she wrinkled up.

"Pei Yue, she, she, she not only abolished my throne...degraded me to become a prince, but also wanted to kill me..."

There was no sound for a while, and just when Yan Jiayue thought the matter was over, Pei Yu's voice came again.

"I'm seriously injured now... But, I may be dying... You come to see me for the last time, okay..."

Before he finished speaking, there was an unusual sound from the other side.

Immediately afterwards, there was a woman's worried cry: "Brother Pei Yu! Brother Pei Yu!"

There was another sound of chaos, and then the news stopped completely.

Yan Jiayue froze in place, only thinking "Pei Yu is going to die" in her mind.

Seeing that Yan Jiayue's body was stiff and her aura was not right, Nangong Linlang hurried over.

As he walked over, he saw Yan Jiayue standing there with a pale face and tears in her eyes.

Nangong Linlang grabbed her hand, saw the spiritual sense card in her hand, and asked worriedly.

"Third Senior Sister, is there something unexpected at home? Why are you looking so pale?"

Because of Nangong Linlang's question, Yan Jiayue recovered from the shock.

She quickly held Nangong Linlang's arm and spoke anxiously.

"Fourth Junior Sister, my cousin has an accident and his life is dying. I need to rescue him immediately! Please also ask the Sixth Elder for leave for me. I don't know the exact time of leave!"

After Yan Jiayue finished speaking, Yu Jianfei quickly left.

Nangong Linlang had no choice but to ask the Sixth Elder for leave after saying "Third Senior Sister, safe journey".

After knowing that Yan Jiayue was going to save someone, the Sixth Elder nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

During the flight, Yan Jiayue kept contacting Ling Yu with her spiritual sense card and asked about their whereabouts.

Knowing that it was in a house outside the capital, he immediately mobilized most of his body's spiritual power and raised his sword speed to the fastest.

As she flew, she raised her hand and wiped her tears.

"Cousin, don't die, you must wait for me! I will do my best to save you!"

Originally flying normally, it would take four hours to reach the southern capital.

After Yan Jiayue exhausted all her spiritual energy, she arrived at the place in almost two hours.

Looking at the house in front of her, Yan Jiayue walked over to knock on the door non-stop after she lowered her sword.

She raised her hand, "Cousin, I'll come..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she only felt a pain in the back of her head, followed by blackness before her eyes, and her body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Before she fell into a coma, she had only one thought: something happened to her, can her cousin be saved?Please, let her wake up and save her cousin!

"She has been trapped in the dungeon with talismans and related magic tools. I have also taken her mustard bag and spiritual knowledge card. I have closed the spiritual knowledge card. No one will know where she is. Do you want to go?" look at her?"

Pei Yu waved his hand.

"It's just a woman as ugly as a crow who wants to get me. I won't go."

Ling Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

If Pei Yu didn't go to see her, wouldn't she have a chance to plunder Yan Jiayue's luck?

(End of this chapter)

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