Chapter 106 Yan Jiayue died, Lingmeng was shocked
Ling Yu decided to find an excuse to separate from the two men.

So she gently grabbed Pei Yu's arm, and said tenderly, "Brother Pei Yu, my body is sticky and uncomfortable, I want to take a bath. I won't bother you to discuss matters with Senior Brother Ran."

Pei Yu didn't know that Ling Yu and Ran Fanghui had been together for a long time, and only thought that Ling Yu was only him and Ye Xuan.

Out of his possessive desire for Ling Yu, he nodded, and looked at Ran Fanghui with warning eyes, "You go out first."

Ran Fanghui was upset.

But after taking a look at Ling Yu, he endured it.

He didn't want Ling Yu to compromise in front of Pei Yu in order to protect him.

So Ran Fanghui left the yard.

Pei Yu made gestures to carry Ling Yu into the room, but Ling Yu raised her hand and refused, "Brother Pei Yu, the important thing is, I can take a shower by myself."

Pei Yu was moved, "Yu'er, you are so careful, considerate, and make people feel sorry for you."

After he finished speaking, he kissed Ling Yu on the cheek.

"No matter how much people love you, they can't love you enough."

Ling Yu looked shy.

After the two were bored for a while, Pei Yu left.

Just because Yan Jiayue is under control doesn't mean that everything is done. There are other things to do.

For example, they began to spread the news of Yan Jiayue's disappearance, disturbing the attention of the Yan family, causing the Yan family to spend a large number of soldiers and horses on finding Yan Jiayue.

He then asked people to announce that Pei Yue had the plague.

As for why Pei Yue got the plague?
That's because the letter Chi Ruixing sent to Pei Yue was wrapped in the clothes of several plague patients.

That virus is overbearing.

Ordinary people will be infected if they come across it.

There was also a virus on that paper.

Pei Yue...

Just wait to die!

After Pei Yu left, Ling Yu also put away the fake smile on her face, put on her clothes scattered, and walked crookedly towards the dungeon.


Yan Jiayue was half asleep and half awake, only feeling her head ached.

She slowly opened her eyes, and saw squatting in front of her a woman wearing a long white dress, a white veil, and two white headbands, looking at her with madness in her eyes.

Yan Jiayue felt that this woman looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she was for a while.


She cried out in pain again, struggling with pain on her face.

The woman in white also noticed that she was awake at this time and smiled casually.

"Yo, you're awake."

"You... who are you?"

Yan Jiayue used all her strength to say these words from her own throat.

"who am I?"

Ling Yu smiled, and intentionally showed some traces left by Pei Yu on her body to Yan Jiayue, "He is your cousin's favorite."

Cousin's favorite person?

Yan Jiayue's ears buzzed, and then she shook her head.

She couldn't believe it.

Didn't the first and second senior brothers, Pei Yu and others say that Ling Yu is the kindest person in the world?
How could Ling Yu be so vicious?

Lied to her?

Besides, isn't Pei Yu dying soon?
Why do you still have the strength to do that kind of thing with Ling Yu?

Although Yan Jiayue didn't say anything, Ling Yu could tell from her expression what she was thinking at the moment.

Ling Yu knelt down and smiled softly, but said particularly cruel words.

"Yan Jiayue, do you know? While you were worried about Pei Yu and doing your best, he was loving me hard. He was lying to you when he said he was about to die. His purpose was to make you And the Yan family is all dead, you idiot."

Yan Jiayue was completely stunned.

Ling Yu was very satisfied with Yan Jiayue's blankness, she smiled.

"Look how good I am, I let you be a sensible person before you die. It's a pity that from today on, you will have to die from this world."

After saying that, Ling Yu hit Yan Jiayue's chest with her left hand.


Yan Jiayue fell into a coma again.

She wanted to call for help.

Unfortunately, she couldn't sense the Spiritual Knowledge Card, and her mustard bag was missing.

She could only watch herself lying on the ground, letting the spirit feather suck something out of her body.

Finally, she died.



main peak.

When Hao Pinwei was discussing with the other six elders except Hong Fei about the second phase of Lingmeng's training, suddenly a young disciple ran in in a panic.

"Sect Master, it's not good! Uncle Yan's lamp of immortality has gone out!"

After Hao Pinwei heard this, his hands shook.

"Went out?"

The little disciple nodded frantically, "Yes! It's time for a cup of tea."

Hao Pinwei immediately rushed to his residence, and pushed open a door on the west side.

There are longevity lamps of seven disciples under his name.

Yan Jiayue, who was ranked third, sure enough, the longevity lamp has gone out!

After seeing the longevity lamp go out, Hao Pinwei was shaking.

The longevity lamp is a kind of secretary in Xianmen.

After use, each lamp is closely related to the corresponding disciple.

If the vitality is strong, the fire will be particularly strong.

The vitality is weak, and the fire will be particularly weak.

It is impossible for humans to extinguish or change the fire of the eternal lamp, unless the body of the lamp itself has changed.

Therefore, Yan Jiayue is indeed dead.

Not right!

His previous fate of Guan Yan Jia Yue was indeed a disaster.

But the catastrophe is not at this time, but three or four years later, why is the death catastrophe so much earlier now?
The other six elders also appeared, and after seeing the longevity lamp went out, they all fell silent.

The Sixth Elder frowned, "Did something happen? She and Nangong Linlang came to our Tieyun Peak in the morning, but because something happened to her cousin, she hurriedly took leave and left."

When Hao Pinwei heard this, he called Nangong Linlang while exploring the location of Yan Jiayue's spiritual awareness card.

It's a pity that Yan Jiayue's spiritual sense card was closed!
It is impossible to know the exact location of Yan Jiayue, but the last time she used the spiritual sense card was in the southern capital.

Nangong Linlang hurried over, and she was very surprised when she found out that Yan Jiayue had died.

"How is that possible? This morning, I asked the junior sister how to level up quickly with the third senior sister. Why did the third senior sister die? Master, are you kidding me?"

Hao Pinwei didn't speak, but just motioned Nangong Linlang to look at the longevity lamp.

After confirming that Yan Jiayue was dead, Nangong Linlang cried.

"How did this happen? After receiving a message from her Spiritual Sense Card, saying that her cousin's life was dying, she left in a hurry."

"Do you know who sent that message?"

Nangong Linlang shook her head: "I don't know."

Hao Pinwei couldn't help feeling angry.

He originally thought that after their Longevity Sect had Lingmeng this year, they would...


Lingmeng knows a lot about the future. She may know the whereabouts of Yan Jiayue and what she has experienced!
He quickly sent a secret message to Hong Fei, asking Lingmeng to go to his dormitory on the main peak.

Disciplinary Hall.

Hong Fei did not teach Lingmeng the rules of the Longevity Sect, but taught Lingmeng some basic theoretical knowledge.

"Remember this jingle, and I'm sure you can quickly memorize the heavenly stems and earthly branches: Jia, Yi, Yin and Mao in the east, wood in the south, Bing, Ding, Siwu and fire in the south, Geng, Xin, Shen and You in the west, water in the north, Ren, Gui, Hai, Zhi, Wu, Ji, Chen, Xu Chou, and earth."

Ling Meng quickly carried it silently in her heart.

The original body actually knew about this.

But learning is often about reviewing the past and learning the new!
Just when she was about to recite it to Hong Fei, Hong Fei's face changed drastically, and then he grabbed her clothes, dodged around, and came to a strange place in a daze.

But the people inside are familiar.

Her eight masters gathered together, as well as Nangong Linlang.

But their expressions were solemn, and Nangong Linlang was still crying.

There were still tears in Hao Pinwei's eyes. After seeing her, Hao Pinwei asked her tremblingly.

"Good apprentice, do you know where your third senior sister's body is? And who killed her?"

Lingmeng opened her eyes wide.

(End of this chapter)

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