Chapter 107 Gouzi, Can I Kill Pei Yu This Time?
What did Hao Pinwei say?
Yan Jiayue is dead?
Lingmeng couldn't believe this fact.

But she thought that so many elders and Nangong Linlang would not lie to her.

Lingmeng didn't speak, but complained in her heart, "How could Yan Jiayue die now? Impossible? Didn't she have to live until the finale to be killed by that idiot Pei Yu?"

After muttering, she shook her head and said.

"I do not know."

She really doesn't know!
And why did Hao Pinwei ask her about the whereabouts of Yan Jiayue's body, and who killed Yan Jiayue?
That tone, that tone, seemed to be sure that she would know everything...

and many more!

Lingmeng opened her eyes again.

No way!
She looked at Hao Pinwei suspiciously.

Could he also be able to hear his own voice?
But shouldn't the only ones who can hear her heart are the licking dogs who like the male protagonists?
Hao Pinwei...

This is a lot of age.

Who did he lick?

Ling Yu?
It seems possible...

After all, in this book, the heroine is a heartthrob. Not only people like her, but animals also like her.

Due to the seriousness of the current situation, Lingmeng planned to test whether Hao Pinwei could really hear her in the future.

Hao Pinwei didn't know what Lingmeng was thinking at this moment, and if he knew, he wouldn't have time to pay attention to it. Now that he found Yan Jiayue's body, it was most important to find out who killed Yan Jiayue.

After knowing that Yan Jiayue's final fate was to be killed by Pei Yu, he quickly looked at Nangong Linlang and said, "The cousin your third senior sister talks about is Pei Yu?"

"Yes! The third senior sister is Pei Yu's direct cousin. Moreover, on weekdays, whenever the third senior sister has any good things or cured medicines, they will all be given to him. The third senior sister works so hard every day to cure diseases and save people, accumulating top-quality spirits. The reason is to make an elixir for her cousin so that her cousin can live as long as the sky."

Nangong Linlang raised her hand and wiped her tears, "Third Senior Sister refused to admit it, but I could see clearly that Third Senior Sister admired her cousin very much. Could it be that Third Senior Sister was too worried about her cousin, and during the journey There was an accident?"

Before Lingmeng was accepted as a direct disciple by Hao Pinwei, among his six disciples, there were only two female disciples, Yan Jiayue and Nangong Linlang.

These two people belong to the same eight great families, and they are also sisters. They also live in the same mountain peak, and go to various mountain peaks to study together every day. Naturally, they should be closer to each other.

Hao Pin thought of Yan Jiayue leaving, and also to save this cousin.

After confirming that it was Pei Yu, Hao Pinwei said in a deep voice, "Go and investigate, where is King Yu now."

The Great Elder immediately stepped away and prepared to arrange for the outer disciples to investigate.

Almost as soon as the Great Elder left, Xue Peixin came in to report.

"Meet the suzerain, elders, fourth uncle, junior uncle."

Hao Pinwei asked him what's the matter.

Xue Peixin took out two letters from his sleeves and said, "The royal family of the Southern Kingdom just sent monks to deliver two letters, one to the third uncle, and one to..."

He glanced at Lingmeng and coughed lightly: "To my junior uncle."

Hao Pinwei looked at Lingmeng and said, "Bring all the letters."

Lingmeng took the letter, took out her own, and handed Yan Jiayue's to Hao Pinwei.

I saw the letter read:

Sister Ling, Pei Yu spread the plague of the Western Kingdom to Fucheng in the south of my country, and bought all the medicinal materials near Fucheng, deliberately creating panic and public anger, and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seize the throne.

Don't worry, Sister Dan Ling, I have set up a perfect plan, waiting to catch Pei Weng.

It's just that the plague in the Western Kingdom is overbearing and highly contagious.I am afraid that the people in our southern country will suffer as many casualties as in the western country. Apart from the fact that I have already begged my cousin to lead a team to the southern country for treatment, I also want to borrow the medicine shop under your Ling family to ensure that the supply of medicine is sufficient. After the plague is over, I will repay you tenfold. Medicinal materials and you.


If my cousin hasn't taken any actions to bring a team back to the southern country to treat the plague in three days, please tell her not to trust Pei Yu, and then hand this letter to the lord of the Longevity Sect, asking him to help our southern country survive this disaster.

After reading this letter, Lingmeng's heart is heavy, but at the same time she is a little fortunate.

What's heavy is that she thought that as long as Pei Yu was pulled down from the throne, she thought that the people in the southern country could be saved from death. Now it seems that she was dreaming.

She actually had illusions about Pei Yu's humanity!

Did not kill him directly!

Fortunately, she saved Pei Yue at that time.

Although Pei Yue had a bit of a love brain in the original work and died unjustly, after she was revived with the Resurrection Pill, most of her IQ was still online.

From the time she left the Southern Kingdom and came to the Changsheng Sect, Lingmeng could deeply understand that Pei Yue had a strong sense of trust in Yan Jiayue.

Unexpectedly, Pei Yue would now doubt Yan Jiayue's loyalty to her.

Is this a common problem of being an emperor?
But it's good for her to be like this, at least she won't have to be deceived again and again.

So, she focused on the content of her letter.

"Plague in the Western Kingdom?"

All the elders were startled, and Hao Pinwei said angrily.

"Ridiculous! Did you even disregard the lives of the common people for the sake of the throne?"

The second elder also felt very angry, "The new emperor is also completely following the last wish of the Supreme Emperor, so it is justified! He Pei Yu has stolen the emperor for three years, and he really thinks he is the real dragon emperor?"

Although the fifth elder didn't have a smile on his face, his eyes still didn't open.

"I think Jiayue must have been deceived by King Yu."

The Fourth Elder looked up at him, "Squint your eyes, talk quickly!"

"In the letter from the emperor to our disciples, it was clearly written not to let Jiayue believe Pei Yu. This means that the emperor has the information that Pei Yu deceived Jiayue. It is a lie that Pei Yu was seriously injured. He lied to Jiayue." Leaving the Changshengzong, not going to save the people in the southern kingdom, centrifuging with Pei Yue, and taking her control of the Yan family as true, it is a pity that her letter came a step late. It is a pity that Jiayue should have a better fairy journey, or life, but she died in Pei Yu's conspiracy."

After the Fifth Elder finished speaking, Lingmeng asked the system.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Yan Jiayue? And why has the plot changed seriously?"

[This system was bestowed by Tiandao himself, and it is the highest system in this book. It has been monitoring every corner of this book, so it is natural to know Yan Jiayue's whereabouts.She was in the capital of the southern country, and Pei Yu was killed by Ling Yu himself in a secret room under a house on the outskirts of Beijing.As for why you said that the plot has changed seriously, it's because of you, the host.Your appearance, your performance against the male protagonists, and your revenge against the Ling family all belong to the butterfly effect.You seem to have made a small change, but it has an unexpected big change to the overall plot. 】

After Lingmeng heard this, she became more determined in her previous decision to be mad at Lingya.

"Gouzi, I will kill both Pei Yu and Ling Yu this time, is that okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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