After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 111 Lingmeng killed Lingyu and Pei Yu, and beheaded Ran Fanghui

Chapter 111 Lingmeng killed Lingyu and Pei Yu, and beheaded Ran Fanghui

After realizing that she was exposed, Lingmeng quickly held her breath.

Although she was using a heaven-level invisibility talisman and a cultivation occult talisman, even a Mahayana monk might not be able to discover it immediately, but the other party was the mistress Marysu and an inner disciple of a sect.

The ghost knows if they have any magic weapon in their hands that can locate her?

However, she was a bit reluctant to let her go like this.

When Yuanshen was still in the Ancient Sword Sect, because Ling Yu always framed him big and small, the first person to find him every time was actually not Ye Xuan, but Ran Fanghui.

Ran Fanghui was known in the ancient sword sect as arrogant, leaning on the strong and bullying the weak.

Often relying on his identity as the inner sect's chief disciple, he asked Yuan Chen to wash the clothes of the entire inner sect's disciples.

Beating the original body and humiliating the original body were commonplace.

On the day when the original person was put on trial, it was Ran Fanghui who beat her before taking her there.

It is not a gentleman who does not take revenge for her past revenge, not to mention that she is still a vicious female supporting role!

While she was thinking, the closed door had been opened.

Ran Fanghui came out with disheveled clothes and damp hair, looking around vigilantly.

But not a single figure was found!

Because the other party was a female voice, not a male voice, after knowing that it was not Pei Yu, he came out without even wearing his clothes properly in order to kill people.

No matter how high the opponent's martial arts are, it is impossible to disappear in the blink of an eye!
Did he hear it wrong?
Or did someone use a talisman to hide himself?
If it's the latter, then the problem is a bit bigger.

Just as he was thinking, there was a gust of wind behind his ears.

A look of fear flashed in his eyes, and he summoned his natal sword. Just as he was about to slash at the opponent, he felt a pain in his back. The next moment, his whole body became stiff, as if he was being suppressed by a boulder.


This is a celestial-level amulet!

Can't move at all!
After fixing Ran Fanghui, Lingmeng didn't take revenge on him immediately, but took advantage of Ran Fanghui's silence to remind Lingyu, and quickly flashed into the room.

At this time, Ling Yu was getting dressed in a panic, Ling Meng took advantage of the convenience of the invisibility talisman, picked up the jade pillow beside the bed, and quickly smashed it at Ling Yu's forehead!


Blood flowed.


Ling Yu screamed.

Ran Fanghui anxiously wanted to save people, but he couldn't move at all. He could only stand there, helplessly shouting: "Little Junior Sister!"

While trying to sit up, Ling Yu cried out: "Brother, please help..."

Before she finished speaking, Lingmeng picked up the jade pillow again and knocked it a second time.

This time, she used ten percent of her strength.


Ling Yu's forehead exploded, and the jade pillow shattered instantly. After Ling Yu's body twitched a few times, he stopped moving.

Do you think Ling Meng will let Ling Yu go?

No, no.

Lingmeng threw Lingyu's body into the wood-type secret realm, and asked Dahong to keep a close eye on it.

She wants to see how the power of books and the heartthrob system can save Ling Yu!

Once they save her, she cuts the feathers once!
See who consumes whom!

When she hurt Ling Yu, why didn't Ling Yu's heartthrob system come out to help?
So weird.

Lingmeng is worried that the heartthrob system is fraudulent, so she decides to make a quick decision.

She walked towards Ran Fanghui with a bloodthirsty smile of revenge on the corner of her lips.

After taking out his natal sword from his hand, he looked at Ran Fanghui's right hand, determination flashing in his eyes.

This hand slapped Yuan Chen countless times, punched Yuan Shen, and also hit other female disciples that Ling Yu disliked countless times.

It should be cut!

Under Ran Fanghui's terrified eyes, he slashed at his right hand!

Don't you always look down on and humiliate women other than Lingyu just because you are a man or an inner disciple?

Look at how arrogant he is without his right hand holding the sword!
How dare you bully women again!
Aren't you always proud of being a man and being able to bring extreme happiness to Ling Yu?
See how proud he is after losing the male treasure!
Lingmeng raised her sword for the second time, and swung it down at Ran Fanghui's male treasure!

The man's pitiful screams of losing his treasure pierced the entire house.

The successive screams naturally attracted the attention of Pei Yu and the guards guarding the periphery.

Pei Yu quickly stood up from the study, and quickly walked towards the courtyard where Ling Yu was.

Although the scream was made by a man, it had nothing to do with him, and it didn't matter if he died. He just wanted to make sure that Ling Yu was safe and sound.


While running, Pei Yu called Ling Yu's name.

Seeing that the room where he and Ling Yu were staying was getting closer and closer, suddenly at the corner, a cold light flashed, and there was a sword mark on Pei Yu's neck, and the sword that hurt him also fell to the ground.

Pei Yu took two steps forward before realizing the pain in his neck. He raised his hand and wiped it, it was blood...


What he wanted to say, he couldn't say at all.

He could only watch helplessly as he fell hard to the ground.

He tried to look towards the room that was close to him but far away in the sky, and there was only one thought before he died.

How to do?
He hasn't seen whether Ling Yu is safe yet...

Not to mention that ordinary people like Pei Yu didn't react to the sudden change, even the guards around him didn't react.

After realizing that something happened to Pei Yu, the guard couldn't help muttering.


"I don't know? Please ask the doctor first! Or find the Saintess of Lingyu, they are monks, and there must be many panacea that can save the master."

A group of people hurriedly carried Pei Yu inside.

Lingmeng swaggered past them and rushed to the warehouse.

As soon as she opened the mustard seed bag, she said a mantra, and the things in the warehouse automatically entered her mustard seed bag.

She learned this trick from Hao Pinwei.

Hao Pinwei taught her this trick after knowing that she had worked hard to move the Liudalingbao Pavilion and the warehouse of the Lingjia by herself, so as to save her from moving things to spit in the future.

When she walked out of the warehouse, her invisibility charm was still valid for less than 1 minute.

Lingmeng wanted to run away directly, but when she saw the study room on the other side of the warehouse, she blinked.

Pei Yu wants to regain the throne, besides the intervention of Gu Jianzong, there should be internal support in the court, right?

As an emperor, Pei Yue wanted to save the people, and asked her what she meant when he wanted to use medicinal materials.

As the protector princess of the southern kingdom, it is reasonable for her to assist the emperor in collecting criminal evidence, right?

Outside the house.

The night was hazy.

The third elder had been guarding outside, and suddenly saw a fire suddenly lit up in the courtyard.

There were voices of "running away" and "capturing the assassin", one after another.

The third elder was worried, "Something happened?"

"I'll give her dozens of blows. If she doesn't come out yet, I'll go in and take a look."

As soon as Lingmeng came out, she heard the three elders counting: "five, four, three" and the like.

She stepped forward out of curiosity, "Third Master, what are you mumbling about here?"

Seeing that Lingmeng had come out, the third elder breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you find the body of your third senior sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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