After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 112 Ling Meng is irritable, and I will die for my love brain.

Chapter 112 Ling Meng is irritable, and I will die for my love brain.
"found it."

Knowing that she had been found, the third elder looked around, "Where is the person?"

"In my mustard bag."

"What?" The third elder was shocked, and said, "How long have you put her in?"

Lingmeng calculated the time, from when she, Saiyan Jiayue, entered the mustard bag until now, "It's been about three quarters of an hour, right?"

"It's been so long!"

The third elder was in a hurry: "Get her out quickly! Don't you know? The time in the mustard bag is forbidden for storage. But if you put a living person in it, the time will be ten times faster. If a monk goes in, it will be a hundred times more! After a long time, no matter how much life a monk has, it will not be enough to consume!"


Lingmeng also panicked and quickly took out Yan Jiayue.

I thought I would pull out a mummy, but it turned out to be a living person!

The sense of déjà vu of the fake corpse was too strong, which frightened her, and she quickly threw him away.


Yan Jiayue fell to the ground, dizzy.

Seeing Yan Jiayue's painful fall, Lingmeng felt guilty.

After a rough calculation, the three quarters of an hour multiplied by a hundred times, the time in the mustard bag has already passed three days.

She hurried forward and helped Yan Jiayue up.

"Third Senior Sister, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Yan Jiayue stood up with Lingmeng's strength, and looked at her and the third elder with confused eyes.

"Third Junior Uncle? Junior Sister?"

She struggled to stand up: "Why are you here? How can I be here? Shouldn't I be in the dungeon?"

The third elder explained, "It was Lingmeng who took the risk and saved you. You have to thank your junior sister for not only going into danger alone to find you, but also for bringing out her own heavenly rejuvenating pill."

Yan Jiayue looked at Lingmeng, very surprised.

She didn't expect that she was so indifferent to Lingmeng, but Lingmeng was actually willing to save her.She was also even more ashamed that she had resented Lingmeng and neglected her because of Pei Yu.

Yan Jiayue solemnly bowed to Lingmeng, "Thank you for saving my life, little junior sister. From now on, Jiayue will look down on little junior sister and take the safety of little junior sister as her own responsibility. If anyone bullies little junior sister, who will He is an enemy of me and the Yan family."

Lingmeng listened to her words, but what she complained in her heart was: "If the person who bullied me was that idiot Pei Yu, would you kill him with your own hands? You will definitely not be a love-minded person."

Yan Jiayue's eyes widened instantly.

Who is talking in her ear?

She looked around, but she didn't see a third woman besides her and Junior Sister!
The key point is that the little junior sister didn't speak a word just now!

Yan Jiayue had no choice but to look at Lingmeng again, trying to listen to Lingmeng's inner voice again, but to her disappointment, she didn't hear that weird voice again.

At this time, Lingmeng said, "Third Senior Sister, don't be too polite. You and I are sisters of the same school. We should help each other. After all, not long ago, you also gave me a pill when I was suffering."

Yan Jiayue looked embarrassed: "But what I gave you back then was just a small Qi-tonifying pill. How can it compare with the Tianpin Huanhun Pill you gave me?"

The third elder saw the two of them "bargaining" there, and didn't want to be discovered, so he urged: "Since Jia Yue is fine, let's go to the Yan family, report to your parents that you are safe, and then rush to Fucheng to treat the plague. .”

While speaking, the third elder had already taken out the sword, jumped on it, and put the clothes on Lingmeng's shoulders on the sword.

Lingmeng: ...

Who knows!
She was treated like a dog!
In modern times, when she interrogates an erring puppy, she picks up the skin on the back of the dog's neck!
"Uncle Third Master, I can actually jump up on my own. You don't have to carry my clothes like this, really."

Yan Jiayue chuckled and spoke to the two of them.

"Third Junior Uncle, Junior Sister, you go to Yan's house first. I haven't found my cousin yet, and I don't know how my cousin is doing now. I want to see with my own eyes that my cousin is fine before I leave."

After hearing this, Lingmeng rolled her eyes at first, and then complained in her heart: "Open your mouth, cousin, shut up, cousin. My cousin is so big! Do you know how your Yan Jiayue died? She died in Under the scheme of your favorite cousin! When you were worried that your cousin was dying, do you know what he was doing? He was having sex with Ling Yu for three hundred rounds! You were killed by Ling Yu What was he doing at that time? He was plotting to destroy your entire Yan family! You're so mad at me, I knew I wouldn't be able to save you!"

After finishing speaking, Lingmeng froze suddenly.

Although Yan Jiayue is a supporting character, she still lives to the end in the book. The power of books should find a way to resurrect Yan Jiayue. Wouldn't it be great if she let the power of books save Yan Jiayue?

Why did she use the Tianpin Resurrection Pill to save Yan Jiayue?

Wasting a Resurrection Pill!

When Lingmeng was in a daze, Yan Jiayue was also shocked.

Now she was completely sure that that weird voice came from Lingmeng's heart!
But isn't Lingmeng's inner voice only heard by her cousin?
Why can she hear it too?


What did Lingmeng just say?
The person who really killed her was her favorite cousin, Pei Yu?
This, how is this possible?
She was so kind to her cousin, and she didn't let her cousin know that she liked him, nor did she steal anything from Lingyu. Why did her cousin want to kill her?
On the other hand, Ling Yu, the skills she practiced are so terrifying, she wants to keep her cousin away from Ling Yu!
She was afraid that her cousin would become like her.


She asked her cousin again if he set up a trick to kill her.

The third elder was also speechless by Yan Jiayue's words. He was a straightforward person and did not know how to beat around the bush, so he spoke directly and gave a concise explanation of what the fifth elder said.

"Jiayue, there is nothing wrong with your cousin. He lied to you when he said he was about to die of illness. In order to seize the throne, he dropped the plague from the Western Kingdom in Fucheng. The emperor ordered you to go to Fucheng, but Pei Yu didn't want you to help the emperor. I went to save the people of Fucheng and stabilize their hearts, so I deliberately lured you out and asked the monks to kill you."

Speaking of this, the third elder suddenly remembered something.

"Lingmeng, can you find out which sect's monk is joining forces with Pei Yu?"

Lingmeng sneered: "Who else could it be? Of course it's the Ancient Sword Sect. However, Pei Yu is not without any problems now."

The third elder raised her eyebrows, while Yan Jiayue asked her nervously: "Little junior sister, what's wrong with my cousin?"

Lingmeng smiled, very brightly.

"It's nothing, but it's just being blocked by my sword."


Yan Jiayue was shocked, and looked at Lingmeng with more pain.

"Little junior sister, you, you, I know something is wrong with my cousin, but you can't kill him, he is so excellent, so smart, so loving for the common people, so kind..."

Lingmeng listened and clenched her hands unconsciously.

Oh shit!

I can't take it anymore!

How can that man, who collects boys and girls in order to get Ling Yu's love, and harms the people with plague in order to support Ling Yu, still be good, love the people, and be kind?

Before Yan Jiayue could finish the rest of her words, Lingmeng raised her hand, punched her in the eyebrow angrily, and said through gritted teeth.

"Damn my love brain!"

(End of this chapter)

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