After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 114 Ling Meng: I am so good, but no man is worthy of me

Chapter 114 Ling Meng: I am so good, but no man is worthy of me


Maybe she has read too many pornographic books and her thoughts are too dirty!
So when I listen to something, I unconsciously think wrongly.

She wants to correct herself, she wants to be a pure and good boy!
She's going to turn over a new leaf!

So, Lingmeng waved her hand and explained.

"He is not."

The third elder said, "Let me tell you, how can he, a human being, have anything to do with the criminal law sect?"

After solving the third elder's doubts, Lingmeng looked at Yan Furui and his wife again, "Take away the gossip on both of your faces!"

Xiao Yiyuan smiled: "Is the princess shy? There is no need to be shy, love between men and women is normal, and it's not that cultivators cannot fall in love with ordinary people."

Lingmeng put her left hand on her hips, raised her chin, stretched her right hand to the back of her head, lifted her ponytail, and said confidently, "Who is as outstanding, beautiful, generous, righteous, and a woman who has all the virtues in the world like me? Can a man be worthy of me? No!"

Ah this...

Xiao Yiyuan was stunned.

Is it popular nowadays to praise yourself so directly?

However, Xiao Yiyuan believed it.

There is no trace of male-female friendship between Lingmeng and Chi Ruixing.

But Fan Lingmeng has friendship with Chi Ruixing, so he can't say the witty words just now, let alone be so calm and confident.

"The princess is a fairy. How could she give up her eternal future and be trapped in the mortal world because of some petty love? My husband and I are ignorant. Please forgive me, princess."

(Yexuan: Thank you, I feel understood.)
Lingmeng waved her hand, very generously.

"It's okay, I won't take it to heart, you don't have to worry about it. As for the third senior sister, after she wakes up, she will definitely want to know why I beat her, and I ask the second and third masters to explain it for me. If she If you still can't recognize Pei Yu's true face, then wait for me to come back, and I will personally persuade her."

Yan Furui nodded, "Okay."

After leaving the door of Yan's house, Lingmeng saw Chi Ruixing standing outside the door.

After Lingmeng greeted Chi Ruixing, she got into the carriage uncompromisingly, and waved goodbye to Yan Furui and his wife.

In the carriage, only Lingmeng and Chi Ruixing were left.

Lingmeng also knew that Chi Ruixing would not come to her for no reason, and must have something to ask.

She entered the confession in an instant, "I use the emperor-level puppet you gave me to instruct him to kill Pei Yu."

The matter of emperor-level puppets should start from the day Chi Ruixing came to visit.

That day, Chi Ruixing asked her to change the direction of the world with him, and said that he was "prepared".

This "preparation" is an emperor-level puppet that Chi Ruixing bought with his family's belongings. His strength is comparable to that of a monk in the late stage of Dongxu and the early stage of Mahayana.

The cultivation level of the emperor-level puppet is too high, and Hao Pinwei's cultivation level is in the middle stage of Dongxu.

So much so that in the Changshengzong these days, none of the elders found that there was a "hang" behind her!
Having said that, Chi Ruixing bought this emperor-level puppet for the people of the world, not for her.

After Chi Ruixing was reborn, among the small tests he did, he asked this emperor-level puppet to kill Gu Qingchuan.

But the result is naturally a failure.

Even if the sword in the emperor-level puppet's hand touched Gu Qingchuan, the sword would shatter in the next instant, which was very strange.

This was also the case with the assassination of Bai Jingfeng and others.

Chi Ruixing, unable to change the direction of the plot, felt powerless.

But he had already spent so much money to buy an emperor-level puppet, and it was impossible to throw it away, so he stayed by his side until he met her.

Lingmeng still remembered that she asked Pei Yu after seeing this puppet that day.

{"You just said that you want me to abolish the cultivation of some people and change the direction of the whole story together, but what if I want to say, I use your puppet to kill mortals?"

Chi Ruixing didn't have any doubts at that time, and said directly and firmly, "You want to kill Pei Yu."

"Yes. Among the current nine male protagonists, he is the best to kill. But if a monk kills a mortal, he will be held accountable by the criminal law. So I would like to ask, does the emperor-level puppet have this restriction?"

Chi Ruixing smiled, "Kill randomly. The master of the emperor-level puppet is me. Mortals kill mortals, and the criminal law is out of control. Even if they find that Pei Yu died strangely, since I am a mortal, they will at most just kill the emperor-level puppet." It's just ruined."}
Lingmeng relied on Chi Ruixing's words to instruct the emperor-level puppet to seal Pei Yu's throat with a sword.

But the truth cannot be told to others.

First, she was worried that others would follow the clues of the emperor-level puppet and find out the agreement between her and Chi Ruixing. She was also worried that others would discover that Chi Ruixing was reborn and that she was the secret of time travel.

Secondly, this emperor-level puppet is another of her life-saving cards.

Third, something happened to Pei Yu. She was the only one who went to the house at that time. Whether she admitted it or not, the three elders would think it was her.

If she said she wasn't the one who killed him, the third elder would definitely be curious, so out of curiosity he would go and investigate, who knows if her trump cards would be found out.

The fourth was that she really couldn't bear Yan Jiayue's dog-licking behavior when she wanted to find Pei Yu as soon as she woke up, so she deliberately said something like sealing her throat with a sword to stimulate Yan Jiayue.

I wanted Yan Jiayue to stop seeing Pei Yu, but who would have thought that she would actually praise Pei Yu for being kind?
She couldn't stand this kind of boasting that ignored the facts, so she simply punched Yan Jiayue unconscious, trying to be quiet.

The only thing that surprised her was that the third elder, who looked so orderly and stern, would kindly take over for her after knowing that Pei Yu was "killed" by her!

Move her to tears!
If he hadn't said in the end that he would take half of the heavenly talisman, she might have worshiped the third elder as her adoptive father, cared for him well, and given him some heavenly talisman...

Unlike Lingmeng's rich inner activities, Chi Ruixing had an expression of "seeing death as home" flashed across his face, but it disappeared soon.

With a faint smile on his lips, he spoke calmly.

"Kill it, kill it, as long as he is dead."

One of the murderers of cholera who could kill Pei Yu, Chi Ruixing, as the Chief Assistant of the Southern Kingdom, even if he died, he would die well. He was worthy of the Southern Kingdom, the people, and the world.

Thinking of what the system said earlier, Lingmeng shook her head.

"Although it is true that the emperor-level puppet cut Pei Yu's throat with a sword, it is not certain whether Pei Yu will die."

Chi Ruixing looked at Lingmeng in surprise, "What's the meaning? Can't you kill them too?"

Lingmeng didn't say that this was a book world and that the power of books would forcefully save Pei Yu and survive until the end. She just told Chi Ruixing in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

"Behind Lingyu is an extremely powerful old fairy. This old fairy will try his best to save the men related to Lingyu, but no matter how powerful the fairy is, his mana is limited. He will kill us if he saves us. Just kill, one day, we will use up all the mana of that old fairy. At that time, we can not only kill Pei Yu and others, but also kill the old fairy who harmed the world, and return the world to everyone. Peaceful."

When Chi Ruixing thought of the weird incident where he let the emperor-level puppet assassinate Gu Qingchuan and others, he suddenly realized.

Even if the emperor-level puppets can't deal with the monks of the Jindan period, it turns out that it is because of the old gods protecting them!

"At least your instigation can make the emperor-level puppet scratch Pei Yu's neck. Compared with my previous assassination, it has improved a lot."

Seeing that Chi Ruixing didn't blame him, and didn't worry about the consequences of the emperor-level puppet killing mortals, she felt relieved.

Perhaps emperor-level puppets really don't have to bear responsibility for killing mortals.

if it is like this……

Then can she also buy a puppet herself, and go to Lingya, Shen Qinglian and the others?

[Host, you are thinking shit.Chi Ruixing is lying to you! 】

"Lied to me?"

Ling Meng was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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