After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 115: I thought it was the red luan star moving, but I didn’t expect it to be a disaster

Chapter 115: I thought it was the red luan star moving, but I didn’t expect it to be a disaster
What did Chi Ruixing lie to her?

"Will there be retribution if a puppet kills a mortal?"

[Congratulations to the host for guessing correctly!But this time there is no reward~]

Lingmeng rolled her eyes at it: "I'll always be rewarded for killing Pei Yu once, right?"

Gouzi said proudly, 【Yes, and the rewards are generous~】

Lingmeng is not focusing on rewarding now, but asking: "After the emperor-level puppet kills the mortal, what will happen to his master?"

[Only for self-protection, ten years of life will be deducted. If you kill a person and die suddenly, if you kill a monk and die suddenly, you will also have a bad fate and a lonely life in the next life. 】

Lingmeng froze, muttering in her heart.


[It is wrong for a mortal to buy a puppet...]

Gouzi explained the cause and effect.

The summary is that the puppet was originally a monk, and he didn't want to see his former fellow disciples, because he failed to improve his realm within the limited time, or died unexpectedly and disappeared from the world.

In order to give himself a thought, he deliberately used various materials for the other party's body, as well as his own cultivation, to go against the will of heaven and force the other party to "live" in the world.

Although they are lifeless, under the control of their master, they can understand commands, fight, and even speak after passing the Xuan level (compared to the Nascent Soul stage)!
With the success of the first person, the second and third started to go against the sky.

Some monks even have the idea of ​​bringing their relatives back to life in the mortal world, thereby making a lot of money.

Soon, this wind of "resurrection" swept the Six Realms.

There are many puppets in the entire six realms, the cholera six realms, and the mortal world also rely on the number of puppets, trying to attack the demon world and other races, plundering wealth, longevity, beauties and handsome men and so on.

During that period, the Six Realms suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, a fireball fell from the sky and burned for many days. In addition to burning the spiritual energy to a thin level, it also burned a large number of puppets to death.

Some of the monks and immortals who made the puppets also died suddenly.

In order to restrain mortals from purchasing puppets, unnecessary ambitions arise.

The criminal law sect leads the upper realm to issue a decree to the human world, telling mortals that if they buy a puppet, their life span will be deducted in the least case, and in the worst case, they will die suddenly and bring disaster to the next life.

Gouzi persuaded, [Think about it, mortals will have retribution for instigating puppets, let alone monks buying puppets to kill mortals? 】

"Oh, what are the consequences for monks?"

[The light ranges from a head being imprisoned in the criminal law for 50 years, and the severe one is subjected to [-] immortal whips. The immortal whips are held by immortals. The whip wielded by the power of the immortals will be wiped out if your small body of Jindanqi can't hold it. 】

Lingmeng pursed her lips, wondering.

"Since there is retribution for monks who kill mortals, and there is retribution for mortals who harm mortals and monks, then why is Lingyu fine? She has killed more than [-] mortals, right? The criminal method and the law of heaven are not pursuing this? Does the heartthrob system even have the law of heaven and the law? Can the gods of the criminal law sect bewitched?"

[Host, don’t talk nonsense!Tiandao will not be fascinated by Ling Yu!The reason why this book ruins the Three Views so much is because of the power of the original author and the heartthrob system.The criminal law gate arrests monks, and only acts by punishing a certain monk with divine punishment.Before Ling Yu, she just absorbed the luck of mortals, and did not directly kill mortals.But they all died in the hands of Feng Wuxiu.Those crimes were all accumulated on Feng Wuxiu's body, so the Criminal Famen didn't do anything to Ling Yu.As for the children she smoked on the day of Patriarch Ling's birthday party, it was the work of the heartthrob system.But don’t worry, Ling Yu actually has his retribution. 】

Lingmeng sneered, "Oh, what is her retribution? Why didn't I see it?"

【Her retribution is you! 】

Lingmeng: "..."

Well, she is quite satisfied with this answer.

Lingmeng thought of the area where her forehead was smashed, and nodded, "You are right, her retribution will be me."

Withdrawing her thoughts, Lingmeng looked at Chi Ruixing. He was not very old, and he looked about 24-[-]. Although his appearance was not as good as those of the male protagonists, he was also good-looking. Otherwise, Lingyu would never have tried to accept him. to the "harem".

At the age of 24 in modern times, I have just entered society not long ago. I am even still studying, or taking the entrance examination, or working hard at the bottom.

But in this world, he already has to bear the burden of a country and a bright future for the people of the world.

Knowing that using the puppet will kill him, and even make his next life unlucky, he still resolutely sticks to his decision.

I admire you!
Lingmeng looked at Chi Ruixing's gaze without hiding it.

Instead, she looked at him very frankly and calmly.

Even if Chi Ruixing was blind, he could feel Lingmeng's gaze.

Being stared at so directly by a woman, Chi Ruixing quickly blushed, and the roots of his ears were also red.

After all, he had never been alone in the same space with any woman in so many years, so he was somewhat nervous.

"My lord, the princess looks at the lower official like this, yes, why?"

He raised his slender fingers and touched the sides of his cheeks, "Yes, but is there any dirt on the lower official's face?"

Or does Lingmeng have a crush on him?
Want to fuck him?
Lingmeng didn't know what Chi Ruixing was thinking. She looked back at him calmly and said, "No, I'm just watching your hall turn black. I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster."

Chi Ruixing: ...

Family members, who knows!
The pink bubbles he had just raised dissipated in an instant.

I thought it was the red luan star moving, but I didn't expect it to be a disaster!

It's also his fault. After all, it's because he's getting older and single for a long time, and he's starting to think wildly.

When Chi Ruixing was muttering, Lingmeng took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to him.

"This is a heavenly rejuvenation pill, given to you."

She killed Pei Yu once with an emperor-level puppet, and also harmed Chi Ruixing. This elixir should be regarded as her small compensation for him.

"What? Tianpin Resurrection Pill!"

After Chi Ruixing found out what was in the porcelain bottle, he stood up in shock.

But this was inside a carriage, so Chi Ruixing knelt down proudly. He felt uncomfortable for a while. After his head stopped hurting so much, Chi Ruixing refused.

"No, this elixir is too valuable, I can't take it."

This is the medicine that can bring people back to life!

And it’s still at the Tianpin level!
It can be used in all six realms!
Lingmeng grabbed his hand and stuffed the porcelain bottle into his hand without any explanation, with a firm attitude.

"You can accept it if I ask you to accept it. If you don't accept it, the agreement between you and me will be invalidated. It will be so serious that we will no longer be friends."

Chi Ruixing looked at the porcelain bottle in his hand, and then at Lingmeng who had a firm attitude. Knowing that she was serious, he didn't say anything more.

Holding the porcelain bottle tightly, he cupped his hand and thanked her: "Thank you for your kindness, princess!"

Lingmeng raised her eyebrows, "How do you say thank you, ally?"


Chi Ruixing smiled.

"Yes, the princess is right, we are allies."

The last place the carriage went was not the capital and the palace of the Princess Huguo, but the palace.

Lingmeng dumped all the books, letters, various decorations, etc. collected from Pei Yu's study in front of Pei Yue.

After the three of them sorted it out overnight, they finally found a lot of evidence that Pei Yu and the ministers of the DPRK and China attempted to rebel.

Among them are Pei Yu's subordinates in Fucheng, who replied to the letter from Fucheng and the surrounding four cities where the medicinal materials are stored.

After seeing this letter, Lingmeng's eyes suddenly brightened.

Come to live!
(End of this chapter)

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