After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 116: Next time I see you, I will definitely kill you with my own hands.

Chapter 116 The next time I see you, I will kill you with my own hands
What does the villainous heroine like to do most?
Of course he likes to steal things from the heroine!

What kind of vicious female supporting role does the heroine have, but is she a normal vicious female supporting role?
Do not!
She is a vicious female supporting role!
Not only does she like to steal things from the heroine, she also likes to steal things from the hero!

So, Lingmeng handed the letter to Pei Yue with a bright smile, "I wonder if the emperor can leave the matter of stealing, oh, no, moving back the medicinal materials to me?"

Pei Yue took the letter and after seeing the content, she remembered that Lingmeng had spent one night moving out the six Lingbao pavilions of the Ling family.

She smiled, her eyes curved like crescent moons.

"Okay sister, I was worrying about who I should send to find these medicinal materials. Since my sister volunteered, I will leave it to you to take back the medicinal materials and send them to Fucheng for disaster relief."

"no problem!"

Lingmeng made an "OK" gesture unconsciously, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Sister, wait a moment!"

At this moment, Pei Yue called her to stop.

Lingmeng stopped and looked at her suspiciously.

Pei Yue called out, "Xiao Dezi, come in."

After Cong Lingmeng entered the palace, Pei Yue asked Hu Zhan to call Xiao Dezi to wait outside the palace gate.

Because she felt that Lingmeng would definitely be able to use the thing in her hand.

Lingmeng looked at Pei Yue suspiciously, wondering what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

Soon, a little eunuch walked in.

He was holding a tray in his hand, and on the tray was a picture stone.

If Pei Yu were here, he would definitely be able to see that this little Dezi was his "internal response".

Unfortunately, not only is he not here, but his life and death are still unknown.

Pei Yue stepped forward, picked up the photo stone, and handed it to Lingmeng.

"After hearing that my sister saved my cousin, I couldn't bear my cousin's love brain, so I punched her unconscious."

Lingmeng nodded and sighed inwardly.

Pei Yue is not bad!
Knowing every move in the capital so quickly, it seems that during this period, many people have taken over the forces left by Pei Yu.

There was a wry smile on Pei Yue's face.

"I think my cousin's infatuation for my brother is absolute. It's hard for her to change her affection for him after she wakes up. If I try to persuade my cousin to stop loving my brother, my cousin will only think that my purpose is impure and that I'm just trying to win beauty. My family supports me. But if it is my sister who persuades me, I believe my cousin will listen."

"That's a good relationship, I specialize in love brain!"

Lingmeng took the photo stone and took a look at the content recorded inside.

When I saw what Pei Yu said, "I feel like vomiting just looking at her" and "When this happens, if you don't like her, I will kill her myself", I couldn't hold it back and spoke angrily.

"Damn it! It's cheap for this cheap man to seal his throat with a sword! It's really shameless to take off his pants and hang him to death while taking advantage of his likes! Normal people have thick feet, but he is the thickness of his feet, and it's all transferred to his face Ah! Uncle, shameless soft boy, scumbag, early X boy, I will kill you with my own hands next time I see you! Bah!"

Pei Yue couldn't help laughing after hearing this, she likes Lingmeng swearing the most.

Although Lingmeng had scolded her before...

But it doesn’t stop her from laughing!
As for Chi Ruixing and Xiao Dezi, it was the first time for these two to see such a situation, and they were stunned.

This, is this what the princess can say?

Really tough!
After Lingmeng finished scolding, she threw the shadow stone into the mustard bag and said domineeringly.

"Don't worry, your majesty, this matter is on my shoulders. If she still likes Pei Yu's flowers, I will blow all the water out of her mind!"

"I believe that my sister's ability will definitely make my cousin stop falling in love."

Yan Jiayue, who was being missed, also slowly opened her eyes at this moment.

After seeing that the people in front of her were her parents, younger siblings, and her old friends, her eyes turned red unconsciously.

She almost never saw her family and friends again!

Yan Jiayue hugged her family and cried.

After crying, Yan Jiayue wanted to find Pei Yu.

"Mother, my cousin's life and death are uncertain now, I think..."

"No, you don't want to!"

With red eyes, Xiao Yiyuan rubbed Yan Jiayue's hair, "Good boy, promise mother, don't like Pei Yu any more, and don't go see him again, he's not worth your life for him."

Yan Jiayue was startled, how did she discover the secret in her heart?

But she can't admit it.

She was afraid that if Pei Yu knew about her liking for Pei Yu, he would be disgusted by him.

So she pretended to be angry and said.

"Mom, who told you that I like my cousin? I hate him before it's too late, how could I like him? If I liked him, I, I would have married him in the first place instead of hiding in the Changsheng Sect."

"Big sister, who do you think you can hide your little thoughts from? You can't even hide it from me, a ten-year-old child. Can you hide it from your mother who has lived most of your life?"

The speaker was Yan Rui, Yan Jiayue's younger brother. He was only one year old when Yan Jiayue went to the Changsheng Sect.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, and New Year's Eve, the Longevity Sect will have a holiday, allowing disciples to go home to reunite with their relatives, and Yan Jiayue also returns every time.

After she came back, she mostly lived in the palace, she said she was going to see the Queen Mother and Pei Yue, but she followed Pei Yu most of the time.

Yan Jiayue felt that she couldn't hold back her face, "Fifth brother, you, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. Although I haven't seen you a few times, I can feel your thoughts for my cousin. Every time I go home, I always find various excuses to enter the palace. Whenever I have something good, I want to Looking at my cousin. If you really hate my cousin, you should be like I hate eating vegetables, and you don’t even look at him! When you hear that you must eat vegetables, you feel uncomfortable and have no appetite for a day, instead of eating Hurry up to be low-key, beg for mercy, and give everything you can, just to make your cousin look at you more."

Be humble and beg for mercy...

The words of the ten-year-old boy pierced Yan Jiayue's heart like a needle.

Although it wasn't fatal, it felt like dense pain.

At this moment, Yan Jiayue's second younger sister, Yan Jiaxi also said, "Yes, elder sister, we all know what you think about your cousin. It's just because you never admit it, and you are afraid that your cousin will hate you because of your liking, so We will cooperate with you in acting. Cousin, he..."

Yan Jiaxi said with some embarrassment: "He also knows your friendship for him."

Yan Jiayue was shocked again, "How is this possible? If my cousin knew what I thought about him, he would dislike me, instead of smiling every time he saw me, and being nice to me..."

Yan Jiaxi interrupted her, "That's because you are the daughter of the Yan family, you were born with extraordinary wealth, you are his cousin, and you still admire him, so he thinks you are valuable. To give a simple example, Why didn't he ask father and mother for the pain-reflex mirror? He didn't ask me or my younger brother, but you? Have you ever thought about it?"

Yan Jiayue parted her lips, and after a while managed to say something, "Probably... I'm quite special to him."

Yan Jiaxi almost lost her breath.

She said it so straightforwardly, but my sister is still obsessed with it!

Yan Jiaxi let out a deep breath, and said bluntly, "That's because you're stupid, you're such a liar! You'll embarrass yourself, your family, your friends, anyone, but not him for him!"

(End of this chapter)

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