After the sword bone was dug out, I slaughtered the entire protagonist group

Chapter 117 The little junior sister is so irritable and cruel, she is so scared

Chapter 117 The little junior sister is so irritable and cruel, she is so scared

Yan Jiayue was stunned.

She looked at her sister Yan Jiaxi in front of her, as if she didn't recognize her.

In my impression, Yan Jiaxi has always been very respectful to her.

Of course, what made her even more confused was, in Pei Yu's eyes, was she really as unbearable as the second sister said?

Did he really embarrass the whole family and friends for Pei Yu?

Yan Jiaxi looked at Yan Jiayue standing there, afraid that she might not be able to figure it out for a while, so she spoke.

"Think about it carefully. When he was a prince, did he always say in front of you, pretending to be casual, that it would be great if he had something? Did you go home and look for it after hearing it? If you can't find it at home, will you ask your parents or the servants in the house to help you find it?"

Yan Jiayue opened her mouth and said after a long time: "It should be... just a coincidence, right?"

Yan Jiaxi took a deep breath, "Okay, coincidence. Then let me ask you, those things you found, including the gifts you wanted to give to your cousin, whose hands are they in the end?"

This time, Yan Jiayue was silent.

She is a little uncomfortable.

Because the gifts she gave, regardless of whether they were for men or women, were all in Ling Yu's hands.

Seeing Yan Jiayue's silence, Yan Jiaxi didn't stop talking, but continued to criticize.

"You have thought of it yourself, right? All the things you gave ended up in Ling Yu's hands. The first time my cousin asked for a pain rebound mirror was because Ling Yu was injured by another of my cousin's admirers, and my cousin didn't want Ling Yu to Yu was in pain, and in order to avenge Ling Yu, he sneaked out of the palace in the middle of the night. Instead of looking for his own uncle, and regardless of the reputation of your daughter's family, he climbed over the wall to find you. He said he wanted the pain to rebound, but you, You know that the mirror is very important to our Yan family. In addition to returning pain to the perpetrator, it is also the key to the Yan family's treasure house. Dad has explicitly forbidden us to take the mirror without his permission. This has been the rule of the Yan family for many years. , you knew it very well, but you still stole it.

Yes, I used the word 'steal'.Don't think I said it harshly. I've tolerated you for many years and never complained.You broke into the forbidden area without your father's permission and were injured by the formation in the forbidden area.Your father feels sorry for you and can't bear to blame you. He doesn't hold you responsible for trespassing into forbidden areas. Not only are you dissatisfied, but you also used your injuries to make your father give the mirror to your cousin!Your father didn't agree to your request. You know that your father listens to your mother the most. You went to ask your mother again. Your mother didn't agree, so you deliberately refused to treat your body and ignored them. In order to ease your relationship, your mother specifically agreed to your aunt's request. , asked you to marry your cousin, but you still didn't appreciate it. You left home without saying a word and went to the Changsheng Sect, embarrassing your mother and father, and embarrassing your aunt.

Think about it carefully, after you were injured in the forbidden area, did your cousin take a look at you?Think about it again, I just said that you are stupid, that you make everyone difficult for him, right or wrong! "

Yan Jiayue's eyes gradually became moist, she felt wronged and wanted to cry.

She just wanted to be liked by her cousin, she didn't want to embarrass everyone.

"Clap clap-"

At this time, there was a burst of applause from outside the door.

There is also a girl who praises her voice unabashedly: "This young lady, you said it well!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Lingmeng walking in casually wearing a light yellow gorgeous treasure dress and a ponytail watch.

Yan Jiaxi said warily, "Ling Yu? What are you doing here?"

Xiao Yiyuan quickly stepped forward to greet Lingmeng, "Princess, this is my second married daughter. She just arrived at Yan's house this morning. She is blind and cannot recognize Taishan. Please forgive me, Princess."

Lingmeng waved her hand, "It doesn't matter. I'm not the kind of person who pays attention to etiquette."

If she pays attention to etiquette, can she live like this?
After Yan Jiaxi found out that she was Lingmeng, she first apologized.

Later, she looked at Lingmeng with special admiration and surprise, and even knelt down to Lingmeng to thank her for saving Yan Jiayue's life, but Lingmeng stopped her.

She held Yan Jiaxi's hand, "I have a business that I would like to discuss with Miss Yan Er, I wonder if Miss Yan Er is interested?"

Not to mention that Lingmeng was the benefactor of the Yan family, because Lingmeng stole the six Lingbao Pavilions of the Ling family overnight and then blew up the Ling family, Yan Jiaxi liked Lingmeng very much, "I'm interested!"

"Miss Yan Er, wait a moment, I have something to say to your sister."

Xiao Yiyuan and others left wisely.

Soon, only Lingmeng and Yan Jiayue were left in the huge room.

After seeing Lingmeng, Yan Jiayue asked a question she had always wanted to ask.

"Little Junior Sister, why did you knock me unconscious? Why didn't you allow me to go to my cousin?"

Lingmeng did not explain immediately, but just asked her: "Before you died, did you know who killed you?"

"Ling Yu."

"No, the person who really killed you was your good cousin."

Yan Jiayue pursed her lips. She still didn't want to believe and accept that Pei Yu did all this.

Lingmeng understood at just one glance that Yan Jiayue didn't believe her.

"I know you don't believe it. So, I will show you some photo stones. If you still feel that Pei Yu is special to you and you still want to love Pei Yu, then I suggest you leave the Yan family and the Changsheng Sect voluntarily. , don’t rely on any identity or background, use an ordinary identity to be with him.”

Yan Jiayue didn't expect that Lingmeng would support her and Pei Yu being together!
So she nodded happily.


The picture shows Yan Jiayue falling outside the door of the house and being attacked by Ran Fanghui. When she was dragged and locked into the dungeon, and the mustard bag was searched, following Ran Fanghui's footsteps, she saw Pei Yu and Ling The picture of Yu and Yu two crazily confronting each other in that yard.

Although the picture was only for a moment, Yan Jiayue still felt shocked, heartbroken, and disgusted.

She clenched her fists slowly, her voice choked up: "So, he's really fine. When I rushed to rescue him in a hurry, he and Ling Yu were there doing...doing that kind of thing?"

Only then did Yan Jiayue understand what Ling Yu meant when he said, "He is loving me so hard on me," before he killed her.


Lingmeng nodded and opened the second image stone.

In the picture, Pei Yu is hugging Ling Yu, speaking swearingly.

"Yu'er, you don't know, my cousin is ugly, but she wants to be beautiful. She adores me and regards my words as a decree. As long as it is what I want, she will try her best to find it. She loves me , is more important than loving herself."

Ling Yu was angry, Pei Yu quickly stood up, held Ling Yu in his arms, and persuaded her,
"Yu'er, listen to me, I don't like Yan Jiayue! I feel sick just looking at her, let alone make her my woman! Besides, I contacted her just to use her and make her and Let's deal with the Yan family and Pei Yue together. After the matter is over, if you don't like her, I will kill her with my own hands. "


Yan Jiayue felt her brain explode.

She has always refused to believe Lingmeng and Yan Jiayue, just because she didn't hear it with her own ears. Pei Yu said he hated her, so she could deceive herself and others with peace of mind.

But the picture in this recording stone made it impossible for her to deceive herself anymore.

Yan Jiayue suddenly realized that she was so stupid.

She is so stupid!
Pei Yu knew that she loved him, but he pretended not to know how to play with her, making her a pawn for him to achieve a certain event.

If it weren't for her identity and background being useful to him, he might have killed her long ago.

My sister was right to scold me.

She is stupid!

Lingmeng saw Yan Jiayue's expression of sudden realization and heartache. She walked forward, put her hand on Yan Jiayue's shoulder, and said softly.

"Tell me, do you still dare to love Pei Yu?"

Lingmeng complained in her heart: Zaizhong, after watching these two videos, you are so in love and dare to say that you like Pei Yu, I will blow all the sea water out of your mind right now!
Yan Jiayue froze in place.

Thinking of Lingmeng's merciless fist last night, her eyebrows were still aching, and she shivered again.

Woo hoo hoo, the little junior sister is so irritable and cruel, she is so scared.

Who will save her!
(End of this chapter)

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